View Full Version : Best video card w/TV out?

07-02-2006, 04:00 AM
Hey guys, what is the best video card that also has TV out. There will be no gaming on this card and is going to be used in a business to display a Flash presentation and others to a TV. I'm not looking to connect these with a digital connection like VGA or DVI, I need something with coaxial, RCA, or s-video.

07-02-2006, 04:25 AM
Actually, I just realized the TV out on the video card has to be coaxial. Why? We are running the signal to a modulator which will broadcast the signal on a specific channel of the TV. So I either need a video card that has a coaxial TV out or some sort of converter to get s-Video to coaxial.

07-02-2006, 04:14 PM
Salv, this is pretty basic as I have setup hundres for Time Warner in NJ which runs video out from a vga card onto a dolulator that broadcasts to a specific channel. I use to like ATI for this but because of their crappy driver support I will say look for nvidia for the ease of use. Any card will work that has v out. The problem you are going to have but very easy to solve is usually these cards have a svideo out or another converter that pushes out s or composite. What you will need is to get another converter from the cable going into your modulater which is 5 bucks a radio shack. It will probably be a composite to coax or bnc whatever. This works easily and signal should be fine.

Keep in mind that your modulator is only pushing ntsc signal so you probably want to keep your desktop to 800x600 or 640x480. Ntsc has native res 720x480 but can run in 800x600. It can run higher but quality is just not good enough.

If you do not mind can you explain exactly what your project is all about? I am curious to know what you are doing running software out to a modulator for a channel. I may have another solution for you that offer a much better solution for a television channel. I am quite familiar with this and have mucho experience with many stations in America.

Death Engineer
07-02-2006, 11:34 PM
I would suggest checking out the ATI All-in-wonder cards.

07-03-2006, 03:02 AM
Thanks for the suggestions guys. To give you a little more detail, we have a client which is a local restaurant chain who has about 40 plasma TVs throughout this location. We are designing a program which will allow him to display things like Flash, RSS news feeds, sports scores, and all sorts of other things to a web page. This web page will be full screened and broadcasted to a converter which will display the PC output on a certain channel throughout the restaurant.

The TVs are nice Samsung LCDs ranging from 32" - 50" screens, but all have the same 1080i resolution. Do you still suggest we only display the output in such a low resolution? The plan now is to design for that 1080i resolution.

The end result is that when a TV is turned to a specific channel, it will be broadcasting our looping output, wheter it is a RSS feed or Flash. We are also designing a very basic custom .NET web browser so that we can loop through web pages every X amount of seconds/minutes to loop through the content.

I should also mention that we are only responsible for building the software. All of the hardware and wiring is handled by a third party and is already pretty much done. It has already been requested that we provide the PC output in coaxial so there isn't much we can do. It looks like a simple converter will work fine though.

07-03-2006, 03:25 AM
Salv, no need to design anything. There is software already out there that is most likely more powerful than you guys are going to create and it is very fairly priced. If you want to get in touch with me I can help you. My company can put a propasal together for you that will save your company time and money and it will be years ahead of anything you guys can put together. Trust me I have done so many designs with this and rollouts that I know you would be impressed.

Now that you gave a purpose I must say you are nuts for looking to transmit all of this through a modulator and displaying it through an NTSC signal. The quality will be poor and the resolution will be crappy. You should have my number call me and let me help you atleast. Think about this for a second. You will be taking a a ntsc signal which has a 4:3 ration and pushing it to plasma displays which has a 16:9 ratio. Want to make your video full screen>? You will need to stretch it which will make things fatter or just plainly stretched. It really sounds like a crippling design and it should be done better. I have mor experience then most with my own designs. I have done this sort of thing many times and have designed for the World Financial in Manhattan and many colleges in the USA along with many television stations. Trust me when I tell you no need to design anything becaus ethe work is done already and you just need to look at different solutions.

Now if you still want to just use a video out of a video card any card with video out is fine but if you are using a card for graphics/mpeg you will need something like a 6600 or ati 1300 and up. Why? Because even when you are using video card with video out the computer will be using the monitor also so the card needs to be able to work in clone mode and be able to display both scripts with the ability to run on both screens. Another solution is to get yourself a corio scan converter and use that.

Umm just get in touch with me:thumbs: This is something I have tons of experience with. If you want honest suggestions or design let me know.

07-03-2006, 01:27 PM
Hey Bigg, PM me your number. I don't think I have it.

07-06-2006, 11:31 AM

Good place to get parts for what your doing.