View Full Version : Bush goes for Chancellor Merkel's breasts at G8 summit

07-20-2006, 02:17 AM
She is like "get your * hands off me!"
Ok, it was her shoulders and she didn't actually say that, but still....
well, i guess it really should not surprising or unexpected.

video here-


Rosie, what do you guys think of this?
I haven't seen much of this here, except on comedy channel, where i go to get my news....

Black Rose
07-20-2006, 07:18 AM
:rofl: Jim, I havenīt seen this before :rofl:

We know that Bush had a lot fun together with our first lady as he visited her homeland here in germany last week. We could read in the newspapers that Bush kissed her on both cheeks and said that she has a "golden heart" :rolleyes: :) Guess they had a nice time and it looked like Bushīs wife enjoyed the "germany visit" also very much.

Well, about the G8, dunno what to say. Guess Bush forgot the official character of that meeting as he touched her shoulders.. :rolleyes:
I think itīs a new lil story for the comedy shows ;) Maybe itīs his sort of humor, but I think you will not see a german or another politician who would do the same at an official meeting :P ;)
Itīs just Bush..:rolleyes: ;)
Some pics from the visit and the last one is from the G8 meeting.... dunno what she is talking about.... :P

07-20-2006, 11:13 AM
New Love!?:D

07-20-2006, 01:58 PM
I think the media blows everything out to make this look bad. I thought it was great for relations with Germany. I honestly hate the media for this and it should be seen as this is all they do. Instead of saying that both had a good time they need to knock him some how. Typical as they take everything out of context and someone posts it on the web that reflects a false image. It should be seen that Bush enjoyed his visit and things went great but never, not ever will you see anything positive. For all we know they could been prepared for a threesome that night and he was excited:o .

I just looked at the video again and that looked like an orgasm fi you asked me :-)