View Full Version : How does TV channels make money

Seriously Deadly
07-21-2006, 05:26 AM
This has been a question ive had for a long time, plus i thought it might be a good discusion.
How do TV Channel make money? I can under stand how the cable companys, like comcast make money, but how does the stations?

Would, say comcast have to pay ESPN to have espn on thier chanel list or what?

07-21-2006, 05:52 AM
This has been a question ive had for a long time, plus i thought it might be a good discusion.
How do TV Channel make money? I can under stand how the cable companys, like comcast make money, but how does the stations?

Would, say comcast have to pay ESPN to have espn on thier chanel list or what?
commercials, plus they charge cable companies to host their channel

07-21-2006, 08:41 AM
commercials, plus they charge cable companies to host their channel
Yep, thats the point: Commercials
Some channels shows only News, they get money from the State, cuz these channels inform spectators and folk

07-21-2006, 09:49 PM
commercials, plus they charge cable companies to host their channel Yup, higher # of viewers= higher costs for commercials.

07-22-2006, 07:38 AM
The next time you watch a show say 30 minute one, count how much time you watch in the actual show and you will get your answer.

I try not to watch television because I hate commercials and same goes for the radio these days. The ratio is pretty bad so I usually listen to a self made cd. Nothing like paying for cable and watching tv night to see 25% of the channels being infomercials. I mean the Girls gone wild aint bad but still it annoys me that they charge you to watch F'ing commercials. I find it completely justifiable to......I will just stop there.