View Full Version : New Monitor

Death Engineer
07-25-2006, 04:39 PM
My KDS 17" CRT is finally beginning to go wacky on me. It loses the vertical sync periodically requiring me to pop it upside it's "head" until it comes back. As a result, I did a search for a new monitor. This time around I was going for a larger LCD (I have a Dell 2001FP 20" at work). A brief search turned up a Samsung 204B. this is a 20" LCD with DVI, 500:1 contrast ratio, and a bunch of good reviews. At $359 - $60 mail-in rebate, this is darn good deal. Here's the link:

http://www.buy.com/prod/Samsung_SyncMaster_204B_Black_LCD_Monitor_20_1_LCD _Active_Matrix_TFT_0/q/loc/215/202293374.html

07-25-2006, 07:00 PM
It's a good deal.

I just got me the 30" Ultrasharp Dell widescreen and it's excellent and very happy with it btw.

I play DAOC with it and the toons are about 2 to 3 " tall hehehe it's cool and awesome screen by dell.

07-25-2006, 09:14 PM
Looks like a good deal and I have heard good things about Samsung LCD computer monitors.

Death Engineer
07-27-2006, 05:11 AM
Wouldn't you know it....they dropped the monitor another $15 at newegg today. /sigh

Death Engineer
07-28-2006, 04:14 PM
The monitor showed up last night and thank goodnes....no dead pixels. It took a reboot to get the DVI port on the video card to talk to it, but after that it's been all smooth sailing. I need to take a before and after shot of my desk as the new monitor has as much screen area as the old CRT had on the entire front bezel. And lots more deskspace now. :)