View Full Version : GameMecca Fantasy Football League

08-02-2006, 10:57 PM
Sal has turned over the league/s to me this season. This year we have two leagues, a Veteran 'pay to play' league for members that have played with us before, that still visit & post on GM regularly and have kept up with their team in the past and a league for first time players or casual players that are still learning what to do.

- This can be fun to play and it is totally free!
- Just like in years past, it is at Yahoo.
- It is open to the first 10 people/team that post that they are interested.
- If you are wondering what to do, read this:
- If you have questions, feel free to post them here or PM them to me.

Post if you are interested and I will PM you the info. Also please mention if you have played fantasy football before just in case we have an opening this year.

Remember, next season some people might not play in our veteran league for whatever reason so we will be needing someone to take their place and this league is where we will recruit teams from so if you have kept up with your team, you might get asked first.

IMPORTANT: I hate to even mention this part but in the past we have had members sign up and around the 2nd or 3rd week they would stop playing which sort of messed up the season for the rest of us so we now we have a Veteran league and Rookie league. On behalf of the other players i'd like to ask you to please keep up with your team weekly and field a full team each week because it is a lot more fun for the other players in the league if you do so. That would involve going to Yahoo maybe on Monday & Tuesday to see if you have a trade offer or if you need to fill a roster position for a bye week, check the announcements or whatever. Then again later in the week like on Thursday check in again to see about trades and also to set your starting lineup. I used to check there at least 2-3 times a day. Trades take about 3-4 days to complete so if you do not start early in the week then you might not get that trade done before Sunday's game or another person. If it cost another team, people tend to remember that stuff, that could cost YOU down the line. Also, I might could expand it to 12 teams if we get enough interest.

08-03-2006, 05:33 AM
sign me up Biotch!

Remember who hooked you up with trades last year :D

08-03-2006, 01:27 PM
do you think thats possible i can play? i have never played it before, and i dont know what is it about, but if you say its fun and free :rolleyes: (dont count me in now, i want some info before)

08-03-2006, 01:33 PM
I used to check there at least 2-3 times a day. Trades take about 3-4 days to complete so if you do not start early in the week then you might not get that trade done before Sunday's game or another person. If it cost another team, people tend to remember that stuff, that could cost YOU down the line.

Another excellent way to avoid missing trades until it's too late is to have Yahoo send an e-mail to you when something happens. You can set it up so that you only receive e-mail for Notes from the commish and for when something involving your team happens (a proposed trade, a trade that went through, etc)

Also, I might could expand it to 12 teams if we get enough interest.

I don't know if this was a typo or not, but add sho's southern drawl to that sentence and it just sounds hilarious. I might could...lol

08-03-2006, 07:26 PM
Mass anyone could do it bud. For each week they (Yahoo's expert's) show a prediction of what that player should do against the team they are playing against, but that is just one factor that players use. There are plenty of websites around that show their so called experts and analysis of what should happen. You can spend 10-15 minutes a week on it or a couple of hours a week, it's up to you.

Last season I spent way too much time and many times suffered 'paralysis from over-analysis' and I was only in 1 league, this year i'm in the 2 leagues here plus 1 more at another site I go to, on top of that i'm working more now so I can't affort to spend that much time on it as I did in past years.

Here is Yahoo's fantasy stats page (blank atm) http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/gen/fantasymatchups

A few more sites

Those are not my best sites, I have to keep a few aces up my sleeve. ;) Also, there are also forums dedicated to fantasy football that you can post asking for help and the members on there will offer their opinions. Google "fantasy football" and you will find FF info sites out the wazoo.

The season is like 16 or 17 weeks long so if you think you can hang in there that long and would like to give it a try, jump in and go for it bud. This league is for learning what to do.

08-03-2006, 07:35 PM
Excellent guide for FFL'ers. Some of this pertains to the type of league we have and some of it doesn't, but you can still get the gist of what he is saying.

Advice to Newbies!
So You Want To Join a Fantasy Football League… Can You Spell Commitment?

For those “newbies” out there thinking about joining a fantasy football league, there is more to it than meets the eye. Are you working during the day, going to school at night (don’t forget cramming for the tests and PAPERS!), and trying to spend “quality” time with your family? You might want to think through some of these questions before you commit to your new “Cafe family”.

OK, I’m no expert; it’s just my first season with the Cafe. However, having watched the threads and participating firsthand in nine different leagues, I’ve witnessed the impacts of those suddenly MIA (missing in action for you non-military types!) team owners that we all thought were going to be dedicated members and frequent visitors to the Cafe and our leagues. As a co-commissioner, I can state that this is one scenario that really gets other league members (especially commissioners) hot under the collar. We hate to pause the draft to look for a new member because someone couldn’t even commit long enough to field a team! Fellow commissioners, did I hear you say Amen and Hallelujah?

So, here are a few pointers before you jump into the fire:

(1) Start out slow. Don’t sign up for every league with an opening. Plan on spending at least ½ hour a day per league, especially during the draft. This will allow you time to look at the players taken thread, and do a little planning before your next pick. Be prepared to get hit with some trade offers, or make some on your own. Finally, read the draft discussions… sometimes there is some really good insight/news into players/teams that you hadn’t heard or thought of yet. If you have to leave town or simply can’t make picks for a while, send your player/team wish list to the “commish” or a friend, they will usually make your picks for you during short absences to keep the draft moving.

(2) Understand the complexity of the league format you are getting into so that you can hit the ground running and be competitive. What is your team roster requirement? How many bench players can you have? Is there a salary cap? Are there contract lengths? Is the league an IDP, D/ST, PPR format? Is it a live or slow draft, or an auction?

(3) Use every resource you can find to learn more about fantasy football. The Cafe offers mock drafts, some of which are published at the Cafe as a “guide” for others to use. There are plenty of fantasy football magazines on just about any grocery store rack, newspaper stands etc… use them! While there are a lot of similarities, you will find that there are many varying opinions on which RB to pick in the first round first, how many WRs you should have in a PPR format, etc. By doing a little research, you will be better equipped to form your own opinion and make informed decisions on what your team is going to look like.

(4) Ask questions… there are plenty of folks on the Cafe willing to offer advice. Just look through the Cafe threads first and if you don’t see your question already posted (chances are it is), then make a thread and sit back and wait for the answer(s). You can also use the private message (PM) or email option… chances are you’ll find someone more than ready to lend a helping hand. Remember, the only dumb question is the one that is not asked.

(5) Finally, have fun but stay involved, and remain committed to your team and league.

Keeping these five pointers in mind won’t necessarily make you the league champion, but it will help set the stage for a mutually rewarding experience for you and your fellow league members.

08-09-2006, 12:32 AM
I've never played but would like to, would you be so kind to PM me with info plz

08-09-2006, 12:48 AM
PM sent and thx. Once you are registered, please post you team's name here.

08-09-2006, 02:05 PM
Interboro Bucs (thats my soccer team, not very original, but you can deal with it)

08-10-2006, 02:11 AM
Great glad you joined.

08-13-2006, 12:25 AM
Veteran league players since we are full now, are there any objections to moving up the draft date from August 30th to August 16th?

08-13-2006, 01:48 AM
Fine with me, my Draft board is set and ready to go.

08-13-2006, 04:07 AM
Good point Term, we will leave it set for the 30th.

08-16-2006, 01:00 AM
Those of you in the Vet league, please check the site out for the Winner Take All Prize info. I'd like to get that out of the way before the draft on the 30th.

08-18-2006, 10:22 PM
This is the list of who all has paid into the Winner Take All pool so far, just drop me a PM when you send yours:
Sportin' Wood PAID
Long Island Surf PAID
Hoosier Smoke PAID
whitetrash one
The Cockroaches PAID
Bucs to the Bowl PAID
The SALvation Army
Term's Tight Ends PAID
IrisPlayers PAID
Sho's Vikes PAID

Everyone said they were interested in this, the deadline (Aug 30th) is approaching soon so take a few minutes and send it in. Thx.

08-18-2006, 11:33 PM
Um.. don't think they will verify you with this face...... http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/image.php?u=35&dateline=1149111378

(lol) I know I'm a dawg.

08-21-2006, 08:09 PM
Thanks Term I got yours, drop a note in Greg's ear when you speak to him. Hoosier paid her's so we just need the other four and we are set. ;)

08-29-2006, 02:32 AM
Just a reminder, today is the 28th, the draft is on the 30th so you have two days to get you draft rankings in.

Also we now have 8 out of 10 teams in the WTA prize pool, if you are going to get in on it SAL, you need to Paypal me your money. The deadline is also the 30th.

08-29-2006, 04:25 AM

08-29-2006, 04:37 AM
Great, it will be just the 9 of us in the pool. I'm sooooo ready to get the season started.

Lord pleeeeeease let me get some good players, them bums I had lastyear sucked! /amen

08-29-2006, 04:38 AM
Also, i'm going to disband the Rookie league, there just isn't enough teams entered to do it.

08-30-2006, 09:27 PM
I've set it to "Ready" and as you can see below Yahoo will begin the autodraft with 1-48 hours from now. The draft order is set to random, good luck everyone!

Autopick Draft: Autopick drafts do not run at a scheduled time and cannot be viewed in-progress by league members. In a Custom League, autopick drafts are generally processed from 1 to 48 hours after the commissioner sets the draft status to "Ready."


08-31-2006, 12:08 AM
Please give some good ones to, mr Yahoo

08-31-2006, 03:41 AM
Your auto draft will be completed between now and 11:59 PM PT on Sunday, Sep 3.

Pffft that is the message they have up now, that is way more than 48 hours. :rolleyes:

08-31-2006, 08:53 PM
I should rename my team to the question marks!

QB - Daunte Culpepper - New team and can he recover from his knee injury and be like the Daunte of old?
QB - Brent Farve - Washed up or does he have another year in him?
WR - Randy Moss - Which Randy will show up, the Superfreak of old or the troublemaker or the high paid decoy of lastyear?
WR - Santana Moss - In preseason they were off from what i've read, will the Skins have a passing game?
WR - Robert Williams - Detroit, nuff said!
WR - Keyshawn Johnson - New team, washed up or does he still have some left?
RB - Clinton Portis - Can he come back for his shoulder injury?
RB - Edgerrin James - New team, can he put up numbers with Arizona like he had in Indy?

09-01-2006, 02:53 AM
I'm loving my team:

QB: P. Manning & B. Rothlisberger
RB: R. Bush & W. Parker
WR: Chad Johnson, T. Housyomamma
TE: A. Gates
DEF: Tampa Bay