View Full Version : A question about Wi-Fi

Caged Anger
08-05-2006, 10:47 PM
didn't know if this was hardware or not, but i figure it is more OT.

Is it illegal or legal when wandering with a laptop, to use a Wi-Fi signal that has not been secured? I've heard of wardriving and I know a secured connection (WEP, WPA, ect) is definately off limits. But if someone has conveniently left their signal open, is it wrong to use it to check email and such?

Curious as I am going on a road trip on Monday through Thursday and as I will be having a laptop with me to stave off boredom (its a 6 to 7 hr drive).
Either way, hope you guys will know.

08-06-2006, 12:21 AM
Unless you are parked in a stranger's driveway downloading pron, I don't see how anyone could know you were doing it. It sounds like one of those gray areas that haven't really been dealt with yet. There are so many hot zones everywhere now. I suppose if you were parked on a residential street with your laptop and got caught it could be considered theft of service though.

Are you driving, or are you going to be a passenger? Are you planning on stopping if you find a signal or are you going to try to do it while moving? The only people who would have an unsecured connection would be public wifi services or residential users. Residential users have a very limited signal range, so you wouldn't be able to use thier signal anyway unless you can type very fast as you drive by. :P

Caged Anger
08-06-2006, 12:27 AM
rofl, like if we stuck in traffic and hiot a signal or something of that nature. I realize most routers are shortrange so its no wonder that while riding along would be pointless. and yes, i will be the backseat passenger :)

08-06-2006, 01:27 AM
If it was your connection and someone was sitting outside your residence leeching off you without your permission, would you like it?

I think you have your answer

08-06-2006, 03:05 AM
I can't confirm this, but I believe that people have at least been arrested for doing this. I think this is one of those grey areas where yeah, it's probably illegal and can be found illegal via some law, but on the other hand, your average mom & pa that get put on jury duty aren't even gonna understand, so it makes it hard for them to come to a judgement. Kinda like up here, our security prof @ college told us that the County Prosecutor straight up said that the only internet crimes they prosecute for are kiddy porn and the like, b/c otherwise the case will certainly be a waste of time b/c people can't follow the rules of how SSL works, etc.

I think SHOs response is a good answer as well. I once walked along with guys in Detroit that were literally just watching for an unprotected corporate LAN, and I can say that I felt more than a bit evil for doing so.

Caged Anger
08-06-2006, 03:07 AM
my network is wide open Sho...and no, I wouldn't mind unless it caused a problem

08-06-2006, 03:30 AM
don't sweat it.

08-06-2006, 04:01 AM
My neighbor has his connection unsecured I used it for my PDA before I got a wireless router myself. I think that if you aren't going to be using insane amounts of bandwidth and will just be checking GM or your email it's not a big deal.

08-06-2006, 08:40 AM
the question is, can someone identify you when you do it?

08-06-2006, 01:51 PM
somebody was just convicted for 'theft of service' by using a neighbors wifi.

additionally if you have a neighbor you don't like, just tap their wifi and go and browse a bunch of child pron sites or send death threats to Bush.

-> ok, not to make light of the subject but there are A LOT of potential risks in leaving a WIFI network unsecured.

08-06-2006, 01:55 PM
the question is, can someone identify you when you do it?
potentially. when you connect to another network any file sharing you have available may become visible to them also, exploits and all. additionally your mac address will probably be captured by the router/network. that can be used to positively identify your computer later.

Caged Anger
08-06-2006, 06:46 PM
heh, some funny posts in here, and will definately remember the unhappy neighbor fix :P

Just got word back from the hotel though, that they provide free wifi access in their rooms, so no sweat :)