View Full Version : You know anybody who needs an "anti-stupid" pill?

08-07-2006, 10:29 PM
Mon Aug 7, 8:30 AM

BERLIN (Reuters) - A German scientist has been testing an "anti-stupidity" pill with encouraging results on mice and fruit flies, Bild newspaper reported Saturday.

It said Hans-Hilger Ropers, director at Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, has tested a pill thwarting hyperactivity in certain brain nerve cells, helping stabilize short-term memory and improve attentiveness.

"With mice and fruit flies we were able to eliminate the loss of short-term memory," Ropers, 62, is quoted saying in the German newspaper, which has dubbed it the "world's first anti-stupidity pill."

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LOL, your super stupid if you buy this.

08-11-2006, 01:47 AM
idk he should let George Bush try it out, it could really help out economy

08-11-2006, 02:24 AM
at his recommended dosage they would have to make sure he couldn't OD & die on them.

On the other hand that would be problem solved also....

08-11-2006, 04:48 AM
I am curious to know why any of you think George Bush is stupid? Please give your honest opinion and state facts why one might think that.


08-11-2006, 07:21 AM

or if you just want some funny bush stupidism clips,

if you took jethro and put him in a suit, that's who is running the government right now.
any time he talks is a disaster, far too many embarassing videos, like him stuffing his
face while blair was talking to him, or the german chancellor motioning for him
to get the * off her...

the entire administration is nothing but lies, all of his cabinet will deny everything when
asked and say they never said that. next thing they play is like 4 or 5 videos where
they said exactly what they are now denying. The bad thing is that they are all morons.
These apples didn't fall far from the tree.

08-11-2006, 10:33 AM
I stay the hell out of these discussions. Nothing good comes of them. Some people hate Bush, some people don't. It will always be that way with anyone in a public position of authority. "...and never the twain shall meet."

HOWEVER - I did just have to make the comment that I'm not at all sure what that Google search is supposed to prove. Just because people make websites saying they don't like someone, doesn't make it true.
As a reference, you can also change that search to show anyone else and get similiar results. Subbing in your own name, Jim, returns 720 results. That doesn't make it true though.

08-11-2006, 01:43 PM
Ok I will just say a few things.

First the videos are taken quotes and making him look stupid. The fact is he is not a great speaker but that does not make him stupid. I often have to presentations and so do many people around me and I see mistakes being made from some really smart people.

I think it's the people putting these videos together that is responsible for undermining the President and the current administration. Usually it's a Democrat way of trying to get back in office which has done nothing but divided our country. Just like yesterday there was a Democrat that had to make a comment that we are not doing enough considering the situation in the UK and the airplanes. I find it totaly ironic that these people have a nerve to comment considering it was their administration (democrat) that is responsible for not doing anything toward terrorism and allowing things to get this bad.

Lie, Lies, Lies..... That is another resonce which is not accurate. The funny thing is the President does not make the descision or I should say final one to go to war. This kinda irks me because it shows the true ignorance of the people in this country. I do blame our media and the Democrats agenda though for it. Now, moany democrats saw the same info as Bush and voted yay but after all said and done they put every move against Bush. I guess it is easy enough to watch cbs and put blame on someone without asking yourself some very easy questions. Some such as "is there a problem with these Islamic scumbags?" , "How many times have we been attacked before 9/11?", Who has been responsible for all these terror groups?" etc etc.

The fact that nothing has been done while our Military bases, embacies, ships, wtc the first time, un sanctions ignored for years during the Clinton administration does not bother Americans is nuts. This is the true reason we have such a big problem today far worst than anything else in history. I guess that Americans get to ignore or should I say pick the problems they see fit without looki9ng further or passing bkame to whom that really deserves it. Again I blame Media and Democrat agendas that know the common American ways.

Americans can bitch about gas prices but have no problem buying a latte at starbucks for 4-5 bucks, a 20 oz soda for 1-1.50. Living in NY here which is a Democratic state I will say that their policy is just tax to death with nothing to show for it. Property tax is avg 7000-9000 a year. Add that to your monthly mortgage payment. Tolls here are 4.50 each way over bridges and tunnels. Sales tax is 8.65%, parking in the city cost 35-55 dollars (ask lash and goober whatthey thought when they came up). All of this and you get nothing back. No good schools, bad education, increased welfare, increased illegals, increased gangs. Where does that money go when other states don't pay 30% of what the avg New Yorker pays. This is a Democrat state that does nothing but tax tax tax while the poor get poorer, the rich get richer and the working person fits the bill. This where blame starts getting pushed and people ignore the facts.

It's too bad that people don't look at their country and look to make it better. Passing blame is not the answer. Taking a look at who is in control in your state is and getting on their case. Lets look at the congress in this country. Why is it nobody pays attention to these people who are the ones that pass everything including Iraq. Why not look who is in office there such as the monkey Cynthia Mckinney, Kennedy who has an addiction etc. Look at these people and pass blame on their character. Judge on their ability to take a month off while our nation is at war. Pass judgement on the immediate Government that does not take responsibility such as New Orleans Gov and mayor who did nothing when they were warned of the Hurricane coming their way.

People want to call the President stupid which is fine but the reality is it is those people who fail to see the full picture. Regardless, I ask how anyone who thinks they are smarter, how come they do not run for President or office to make chnages that such an intelligent person would? I bet I know the answer has to do with that they are all corrupt which I most likely agree but how does that stupidity get blames on Bush?

Ask yourself what other may think of you if you were President or ask yourself how smart you are in daily life. When back down to earth, look and see what you do to make things better. I always laugh at the commentary of out media and the disgraceful Democrats that bash everything and never mention an alternative solution. Yeah, yeah, Bush is stupid but what would you do different? I don't think ignoring a situation will make things better.

As our Nation is at the brink of WWIII, I think the later this Country get back to reality the worst it will be. The average American can not imagine in todays time that we can fail and that we can lose. Unlike the common American I do believe we can and my blame will not be on the President but on the common American.

I think the common American needs to take the stupid pill.

Caged Anger
08-11-2006, 03:54 PM
perhaps we shouldn't get going on another politics rampage...we've already had a fair share of Bush discussions....

Just read about that pill Dawg.....perhaps it would do the world if given to someone like....Paris Hilton? :P j/k

08-11-2006, 07:14 PM
Thats one of my points I am trying to make. Who cares about people like Paris Hilton? If her parents were broke she would not be known. And what she does to be known is nothing to be happy about. Unless she is bent over I could care less. Really I pay no attention to these sort of people and find them tastless. Paris is a hooker in my eyes.


08-11-2006, 08:00 PM
Bigg, you are generally right, i dont know much about Bush so i cant say about him, but here in czech rep is situation quite similar. few weeks ago one high politician even gave punch in face to another pol., lol

08-11-2006, 10:51 PM
Thats one of my points I am trying to make. Who cares about people like Paris Hilton? If her parents were broke she would not be known. And what she does to be known is nothing to be happy about. Unless she is bent over I could care less. Really I pay no attention to these sort of people and find them tastless. Paris is a hooker in my eyes.

the fact that you are talking about her means that you do care about her. The opposite of love is not hate, it is apathy. hate is just a part of the love cycle :thumbs:

08-11-2006, 11:57 PM
Bigg, you are generally right, i dont know much about Bush so i cant say about him, but here in czech rep is situation quite similar. few weeks ago one high politician even gave punch in face to another pol., lol

I thought that happened a few months ago. It was regarding the guy called his wife something right?

08-11-2006, 11:59 PM
the fact that you are talking about her means that you do care about her. The opposite of love is not hate, it is apathy. hate is just a part of the love cycle :thumbs:

I do not love or hate her and the reason I was talking about her was in response to another post. All in all I was pretty much referring to every star and referring to how people actually pay attention to them as if they were gods. My point is the are just human and most likely more screwed up than anyone else.

08-12-2006, 01:17 AM
why are out troops in Iraq???

08-12-2006, 01:26 AM
Getting way off topic here, start a new thread if you want.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
08-12-2006, 04:45 AM
those fruit flies....man, some of them are so smart.....I use a few to do my taxes.......puleeeease. :)

08-12-2006, 08:52 AM
I thought that happened a few months ago. It was regarding the guy called his wife something right?
lol yeah, how do you know? :)

i found begining of this incident, there is continue but i cant find it