View Full Version : RIAA Wants to Depose Dead Defendant's Children; But Will Allow 60 Days to "Grieve"

08-14-2006, 04:05 PM
some things you just can't make up....


RIAA Wants to Depose Dead Defendant's Children; But Will Allow them 60 Days to "Grieve"
Just when we think we've heard it all....

In Michigan, in Warner Bros. v. Scantlebury, after learning that the defendant had passed away, the RIAA made a motion to stay the case for 60 days in order to allow the family time to "grieve", after which time they want to start taking depositions of the late Mr. Scantlebury's children:

Motion for 60-Day Stay and Extension of "Deadlines"

Thanks to John Hermann, the great Michigan lawyer who's been fighting the RIAA there, for bringing this to my attention. John's contact info: 2684 West Eleven Mile Road Berkley, MI 48072 248-591-9291 Email: JTHermanos@Earthlink.net

By the way the lawyer who signed the motion is the same lawyer who was representing the RIAA in Motown v. Nelson, in which a 15-year old girl testified that Mr. Krichbaum tried to put words in her mouth at her first deposition.

Here is a profile of the late Larry Scantlebury. Thanks to "alter_fritz", a reader of this blog, for bringing it to my attention.

A couple of interesting documents in the Scantlebury case, also brought to my attention by "alter_fritz":
1. Mr. Scantlebury had accused the plaintiffs of "telephoning him at his home, masquerading as 'settlement counselors', adopting as actual aspects of the law never litigated or resolved by an Appellate Court and expressing those non resolved factors as established guidelines"; and
2. Mr. Krichbaum's partner withdrew from the case, back in May.
(I haven't yet verified the foregoing documents, but they appear genuine.).

08-14-2006, 07:37 PM
why RIAA isnt shuted down yet?