View Full Version : Teen Wins Court Case

Caged Anger
08-16-2006, 09:24 PM
the kid that was being ordered to get treatment for his cancer is given the freedom to chose his own way about it :) :thumbs:


08-16-2006, 10:50 PM
I saw this on the news, good for him and his family, even if i think hes doing the wrong thing.

08-17-2006, 12:28 AM
I wouldn't be suprised if we see him again in the newspapers with much worse news...

08-17-2006, 04:06 AM
I wouldn't be suprised if we see him again in the newspapers with much worse news...

08-17-2006, 05:20 AM
It's all about the freedom to decide your own fate. No one should be able to take that away from you. He's 16, in most states he's allowed to drive. That means he can drive a 4000 lb Suburban at 65 MPH on interstate highways. He already has been given the right to make life or death decisions. Why can't he make decisions about his own life? He already went through a round of chemotherapy, and it pretty much destroyed him. He doesn't want to go through it again, and his parents supported his right to make that decision.

The ****ing government needs to learn to stay the hell out of these sorts of situations. It's a personal/family decision - not a public/government one. It's no one's business but his and his parent's. This should have never even made it into the news. I'm sick and tired of society sticking their damn noses into places they don't belong in.