View Full Version : Britney Spears

08-17-2006, 12:28 AM
First of all lemme say that I wasn't a fan. She's hot, she can sing, and I do like some of her songs, but I've just not been a real big fan of hers. Until I saw the YouTube video. LOL! I am now a big fan, hehe. Turns out she's also kinda dumb, but I guess we knew that. But she's also real. I dunno how that tape got released, perhaps it was deliberate. It showed her as a real person though, and I got a kick out of it. Watching her kick back and burb and act stupid and relaxed totally endeared me towards her. My kinda girl. :D

I'm not going to provide a link to the YouTube version because for some reason the full version was "deamed innapropriate" and you have to register to see it. Screw that, it's easy to find anyway. I can link the CNN commentary about it though. My question is - who the hell is the fat bald loser gay guy trashing her? Gimme a break. Why do I have the feeling that he had to get out of drag and dress normally for the CNN interview? Anyways, the CNN link...


Aww well dang, you can't link directly to the CNN video either. Sigh. But it's currently on the front page and easy to find.

08-17-2006, 12:48 AM
Are you talking about this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbY2g60BsLI I haven't seen any full register only version but......

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NCbO6ohupk&mode=related&search= :P

08-17-2006, 01:26 AM
I find it funny that anyone can judge a person from any video clip. I mean I watched that video and saw a couple that was obviously high or drunk and acting out of it. Not a big deal in my book and I would hate to be judged one of those times I may have been a bit out of it myself. Been there done that and perfectly understand so will not judge.

Oh and I still think Britney is hot but honestly could care less.

08-17-2006, 01:37 AM
I saw this last week, to me it was just 2 ppl shooting the breeze, having some fun. Girls that burb are sexy to Nastydawgs.

08-17-2006, 02:55 AM
i too could care less about brittney. now get naked beeotch!!!


thats life, most people are goofs in one way or another.

08-17-2006, 04:46 AM
Are you talking about this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbY2g60BsLI I haven't seen any full register only version

Naw, there's like a 5 minute version of that. For some reason they made the longer version register-only. It's mostly just more of the same though.

The point was it's refreshing to see Brit just act like a normal hick chick, lol. No makeup, no posing, just gettin drunk and eatin pizza and talking stupid and having fun.

I'd still like to know how that tape went public though. I haven't heard anything about it being stolen - it just appeared. It kinda makes me think it was a publicity stunt sans porno (for once).