View Full Version : Amazing

08-17-2006, 01:22 AM
I watched a cnn special a month ago about these parents who which their daughter was murdered. I am sure many are aware of the story. The detetctive accused the mother of being guilty and these two parents were amazingly forgiving and patient. They also accuse the detective for screwing up not just because the guy wrote a book claiming that the mom was guilty but because the detective already had his mind set. Well now someone has been arrested and the poor mother who has passed away recently battling cancer finished her life with the accusations of murdering her daughter. It's a damn shame if you ask me and I hope the Mom and daughter are in heaven if there is one.

Here is a link

Mad Fox
08-17-2006, 01:44 AM
Big..... I was wondering who you were talking about now if you had said JonBenet!

I know they arrested this guy. But before it did seem like the parents were the only ones with the time and place. Until he is convicted.. we just don't know.

08-17-2006, 02:52 AM
very unfortunate, all that that family had to go through, in many ways.
From what I remember the family was very secretive in the beginning.
The detective in the case was an advocate for the deceased, but he made
the wrong choice.