View Full Version : Eavesdropping ruled Unconstitutional

Mad Fox
08-17-2006, 05:38 PM

Thoughts? Questions? Concerns?

08-17-2006, 08:03 PM
It is what it is and I think any American should have their rights. Again, I repeat, Americans should have their rights. Any non citizen should not have any rights and the Gov should be able to do what they want because the constitution does not apply to them.

08-17-2006, 09:44 PM
correct. and since overseas calls may likely involve at least one person who is not a national, the government should have complete rights to wiretap as they see fit. :thumbs:

(and if that doesn't work, bush can always rewrite some bill before he signs it to give his government the power...)

08-18-2006, 02:52 AM
Wrong. The government is not above the law, the Constitution should not just apply to the people. I think if anyone in the government breaks the law, they should be stopped. Do I believe they need to be given powers to protect the American people? Yes, but again in a legal way.

Mad Fox
08-18-2006, 03:21 PM
Wrong. The government is not above the law, the Constitution should not just apply to the people. I think if anyone in the government breaks the law, they should be stopped. Do I believe they need to be given powers to protect the American people? Yes, but again in a legal way.

I couldn't agree more. The Constitution is in place to protect the rights of all.

08-18-2006, 06:49 PM
i just didnt get one thing. how can this help to prevent terrorism? i believe terrorist groups with reall influence that can cause something serious are clever enough to use some kind of crypting mechanism. or make conversation looking like something not more dangerous than telling brother what to buy for party next week, right?

08-18-2006, 07:48 PM
You won't have to worry about the Constitution, when the terrorists break are economy and we fold like a cheap chair. Theses fanatic Islamic terrorists want one thing, everyone to convert to there Islamic religion or be killed, Nothing else make your choice now. Do all we can to fight them, or don't go crying when they set a nuke off and kill millions of Americans. (it's going to happen if we keep this, oh we are losing so many rights crap and start looking for ways to fight them) rant over

08-18-2006, 10:00 PM
They're not gonna nuke us if we keep the Constitution in place and preserve our rights as American citizens. The terrorists are fighting us because of our way of life. They hate freedom, they hate democracy and they hate everything we stand for. And when we lose our rights as American citizens, when we abolish the Constitution for the sake of security is when the terrorists win.

08-18-2006, 10:59 PM
They're not gonna nuke us if we keep the Constitution in place and preserve our rights as American citizens. The terrorists are fighting us because of our way of life. They hate freedom, they hate democracy and they hate everything we stand for. And when we lose our rights as American citizens, when we abolish the Constitution for the sake of security is when the terrorists win.

LOL, believe what you want, that's why they will nuke us they want us dead, they can give a freak less about are Constitution. Again they want one thing convert to Islam or be killed. They are targeting USA, UK because we are the most powerful if we fall so will everyone else. I am not saying get rid of the Constitution, but is was made long before these sickos were around. I am sure if are for-fathers where around now they would make it much easier for us to track and prosecute these a**holes. (and kill)

08-19-2006, 02:12 AM
And you my friend believe what you want. That's why I say thank God for the Constitution and for this nation that our founding fathers created. And let the terrorists eat s**t.

08-19-2006, 03:45 AM
My only real concern right now as far as terrorism goes is Iran. And basically, at this point, I am willing to concede that basically anything and everything is going ot have to be done to keep an eye on them.

The President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has flat out come out and said his goal as a muslim is to see the return of the Twelfth Imam. Further, he believes that this will happen in his lifetime and that he feels his job is to actively bring that about.

Which is all just peachy until you find out what he has to do to get this to happen:

Kill 2/3 of the worlds population. Yes, two thirds.

Nice, huh?

A couple lovely quotes from this man who is trying like hell to get Nuclear capable:

"The most important task of our Revolution is to prepare the way for the return of the Twelfth Imam."

"Is there an art that is more beautiful, more divine, more eternal than the art of the martyr's death?"

Caged Anger
08-19-2006, 05:01 PM
this topic really bothered me at first, but i can see how the wiretapping could prove useful.

What bothers me to no end however, is this administrations blatant disregard for its own policies and regulations. What is worse, it is trampling upon the very foundation of the USA by not adhering to the Bill of Rights. It may make us less "secure" by upholding these rights, but they are what made this country the best place on earth. Nowhere else can other people openly discuss their government. Nowhere else is there so much opportunity for the little guy to advance himself.

That is why I feel that the wiretappings are wrong. They could be useful, and should still be used. But they should get a warrant first like they were supposed to. Clearly if they have enough proof that eavesdropping is necessary, it should be easy to get one. :)

08-19-2006, 08:57 PM
Exactly. If the law says the President must seek a court order first, then that's what he should do. And if the law says that, and the President does not, then he is violating the law. How hard can it be for Bush to get the courts to grant him a warrant?