View Full Version : F.E.A.R. Combat

C4 Guy
08-18-2006, 02:04 PM
Well, the game has been released. Anyone who registers at www.joinfear.com will recieve a key and can download the game.

Due to the minimum requirements (GF4/Radeon 9600) some won't be able to play it yet, but those who can: Download the stuff and give it a try. Would be nice if those would also leave a note here. ;)

I downloaded it and I think I'm going to play some games soon. :thumbs:

Lady Doom
08-18-2006, 05:49 PM
maybe me too,but dunno my graphic is ok:hmmm:

08-18-2006, 11:16 PM
downloaded... Will try it out tomorrow, when i have more time.

08-19-2006, 07:58 AM
i will try it at beggining of october, new comp along with my brother will come from usa :wootrock:

Finnish Guy
08-20-2006, 10:29 AM
Try figona server:thumbs: :P

Die Hard
08-20-2006, 04:48 PM
Well I now have it too and it seems to run fine on my machine.

My first screenie :o

08-21-2006, 03:56 PM
so who all from villains plays this game? my first screenie, really great game.

Die Hard
08-21-2006, 07:36 PM
wow great game massa :eek:

Did your brother come back already is is it playing on your old PC?

Lady Doom
08-21-2006, 07:47 PM
GG guys:wootrock:

08-21-2006, 08:19 PM
wow great game massa :eek:

Did your brother come back already is is it playing on your old PC?
im playing on my ole PC. im a bit surprised the game runs so well. just played CTF and woot, its very different than classic DM. i got bored after several games with DM, but CTF rocks. teamplay and stuff. i wish we have enough members to make only-villains CTF or teamDM match. would be great :wootrock:

08-21-2006, 08:20 PM
we need about 16 members for CTF, with less players its not that funney

08-21-2006, 08:24 PM
or maybe match with DS would be fun too :rolleyes:

C4 Guy
08-21-2006, 08:27 PM
Well, I've played another few games these days, so here's my opinion.

Let's start with the "pro's":

- a bunch of nice gamemodes like "Capture the Flag", TeamDeathmatch and so on. More possibilities than in Sam.

- you can choose a weapon you have from the start

- you can carry around healthpacks and use them when necessary

- good scoring system (5 pts. for a kill, -1 pt. for a death)

- the damage you cause depends on where you hit

- many servers and players

- no power-ups

Now to the "con's":

- the movement is awfully slow, it feels like you're walking all the time. Hardly a chance to get away from enemy fire.

- you die very fast. A few shots from any gun and you're done. Armor doesn't help much at all and if you survive one fight where you got hit, you can almost be sure to die in the next when there are more ppl on the server. The ping delay makes it even worse, because sometimes you are almost already dead when you hear the weapon sound.

- only few other weapons and mostly only 1 or 2 ammo-boxes around on most maps. You can fill up any weapon at those boxes, though. Most of the time you'll have the standard weapon and nothing more.

- respawn-points aren't picked wisely. Happened a few times that I respawned in front of the enemy and vice versa.

- there are 3 weapons that usually instantly kill you, 2 of them are without delay and have a long range (like a sniper). All in all, the assortment of weapons is quite boring. Some are nice, but nothing really special.

- most maps are somehow boring. Not only the architecture but also the graphics, even on highest settings.

- most weapons shoot quite scattered, especially when you're moving. It's more realistic, I know, but this is a game and I hate it when the damn weapon won't shoot at least approximately where I point at.

- lots of campers around :mad:

- sometimes way too less health around compared to the time it takes you to get there

Conclusion: The game has it's moments but most of the time it's just annoying. Sometimes you hardly move a few steps before you're dead again, mostly because you have not a glimpse of a chance to get away from enemy fire. You move around like you're promenading. :down:

I wouldn't continue playing it and also wouldn't see it as an descendant for Sam. The difference between those games is huge, nothing I liked of Sam (movement, weapons, graphics, feel 'n fun) can be found in F.E.A.R.

Well, here are the last screenies I took:

08-21-2006, 09:12 PM
well it still sounds pretty fun, Maybe we could hook up with DS, and play some CTF with them.... or then again, maybe amongst ourselves if there are many that will play...

My download froze, so im restarting.... fingers crosssed,

08-21-2006, 09:47 PM
C4, you need to win a few, and maybe the attitude will change... :)
I am surprised with so many servers you couldn't find one with <140 ping.
I think the game has some lag compensation, a feature I somewhat don't
like, since I often will turn a corner, then die...

for health, you kill people and grab the pickups, there are usually plenty all over the place, same thing for weapon ammo. I have NEVER run out of ammo (except for the specialty guns).

deathcount is very high in this game, that will be a given. campers are annoying, but you can often spawn and frag them before dying. tons of spawn points all over the maps.

for game play, you can either move, be accurate, but not both. i use nailgun, with a slower rate of fire, but much more accurate.

As for being a replacement for sam, no, but think about it when you scan the 8 servers and nobody is playing... :)

C4 Guy
08-21-2006, 10:10 PM
C4, you need to win a few, and maybe the attitude will change... :)

I've already one some, but winning doesn't make it more fun. ;)

I am surprised with so many servers you couldn't find one with <140 ping.
I think the game has some lag compensation, a feature I somewhat don't
like, since I often will turn a corner, then die...

Guess I'm in the wrong corner of the world. :D

deathcount is very high in this game, that will be a given.

One of the main reasons I dislike it. This and the awfully slow movement. It sux, almost as sore as Halo MP.

As for being a replacement for sam, no, but think about it when you scan the 8 servers and nobody is playing... :)

In that case I play any other game I like, mostly Singleplayer. Half Life 2, Oblivion, Halo, No One Lives Forever 2, etc.

The best MP game next to Sam I've seen so far is Half Life 2 Deathmatch. I'd really like to play this online, but I haven't bought it yet... :(

08-22-2006, 01:56 PM
- respawn-points aren't picked wisely. Happened a few times that I respawned in front of the enemy and vice versa.
i was thinking many times about how genial is this thing, becouse i respawned maybe for 200 times ever, and never happened to me be respawn-killed. i have also never seen someone respawning, so thats. its better done than in sam. maybe you though you went around nearest corner and got killed, but thats difficult to handle for developers with 20 players on map.

there are some more thing you dislike and i like, but thats normal.
for everyone, you shouldnt think about FEAR like sam with better graphics and another weapons, its just different game. try it and you`ll see, some of you wont like it and some of you will love it. personaly, i love it.

08-22-2006, 01:57 PM
and match with DS sounds like great idea :wootrock: