View Full Version : Plethora of HL2:ep2 Videos

08-25-2006, 07:13 PM
There are a bunch of videos regarding ep 2, Portal and TF2.

I haven't looked @ them much yet b/c of work, but they're in-game, and were looking good from what I saw.


08-25-2006, 08:16 PM
very nice videos, i like especialy part 3. and this portal video is part of half life or another game?

08-25-2006, 09:11 PM
The portal game, which will be released with hL:ep2, is supposed to take place "within the Half-Life Universe". Where it lies in conjunction with HL & HL2 - as far as location, time - is as yet unknown. They've confirmed that it is part of the HL universe, though, so you can expect to maybe see 2 stories intertwine sometime down the road, perhaps?

THey have said that this portal game is mostly for the purposes of introducing people to how to use the portal gun. They said that they concluded that many folks weren't grasping it and figuring out the puzzles, so this is kinda supposed to be more of a "teach me" than a plot driven story. However, the basic elements that are set up in "Portal" are supposed to expand to a full blown game sometime in the latter part of next year, I believe.

Hope that helps.

08-26-2006, 01:57 PM
yes it helped, so its something like another lost coast. maybe they are going to add this portal weapon to episode 3(if it will ever exist) or half life 3(if it will ever exist too)

08-26-2006, 09:18 PM
yes it helped, so its something like another lost coast. maybe they are going to add this portal weapon to episode 3(if it will ever exist) or half life 3(if it will ever exist too)

No, lost coast was strictly a demo - no plot at all. This game will have a plot, and will be more like 2 or 4 hours long, whereas lost coast was nothing but enjoying the view and was beatable in like 20 - 30 minutes, if not quicker.

As for the portal weapon, I believe it actually makes an appearance in Episode 3...that's part of why they include the "tutorial" portal game. It just doesn't see as much time as it will in the future, I believe.

As for episode 3 existing, that's already been acknowledged. there was a team working on Ep 2 long before ep 1 was finished...I imagine there is already a team at work on Ep 3 right now. As for half-life 3, I'm not sure what to say. I've heard things saying that HL3 will follow after Ep 3, I've also heard that Ep 1-3 ARE HL3, essentially, so I'm not really sure. Only the end of ep 3 will tell, I suppose.

08-26-2006, 10:14 PM
An article with some good information:

Unfortunately, it also reveals that Ep 2 has been delayed to Q1 of next year, probably February.

08-27-2006, 03:25 PM
this guy is clever, forrest seems much better than city 17 to me :wootrock: