View Full Version : Ever wonder

08-26-2006, 06:54 AM
Many of you have heard me shout about taxes and about the Government. You have heard me shout anger and disgust but have any of you actually listened to what I have said rather just dismissing me as a nut?

Although I hate these sort of MM videos, I watched this one with a grain of salt but after done I agreed as it is about everything I have always said. It seems if you argue this you are sort of lunatic but as Americans just blame one President for everthing which pisses me off because it is much bigger than that, they continue to ingore all of the BS that has been going on for decades. What I am curious is do you personally think that there is nothing We as Americans can do to make things right at this point? Do you honestly feel that we have the best Government in the world? What do you suggest that can be done to make serious changes to out Country to make it actually better? Now please if you decide to participate in this thread do not just look at our current wars going on because that will just piss me off and start a fight. I am asking you to look at the big picture.

Also here is a link

08-26-2006, 12:12 PM
Good video Bigg. Anyone who read George Orwells book "1984" can see it all coming true. When paper money is turned to digital money we are all screwed. Your health insurance company will know that you had that Big Mac and fries last night and will cancel your policy or at least raise your premiums. The IRS will be calling you and asking why you didn't send in your taxes on that yard sale you had last weekend. Bill gates will deduct from your bank account the cost of a winxp corp cd when you sign on with a pirated cd key, and the list goes on.
Don't even get me started on that RFID chip. I guarantee that the Southern Baptist Convention will join up with the Major Jewish organizations to fight that one.
However, with the normal reaction of the average American to bend over and accept whatever the government says we need to do. I fear it will all be true someday.

Caged Anger
08-26-2006, 01:54 PM
Biggs, never assumed you were a nut buddy ;) you are simply outspoken and that is a trait I wish many more had. (Perhaps things would be going a bit differently in the world...)

08-26-2006, 02:56 PM
that's why I vote Green Party, gets us back to grass roots. Those of you who only choose from the Republicans and Democrats are supporting their movements. They're both working together, it's obvious with the slip ups of McCain & Lieberman.

Ever wonder why the only new blood in major politics is rich?

Mad Fox
08-26-2006, 08:26 PM
very interesting

08-26-2006, 10:26 PM
The picture is much much bigger than you think Danny. There is much proof, but it's very scattered. You must gather it piece by piece and once you have aenough pieces to get the general outline of the big pictuer, then you will realize how evil mankind can really be and who he really is taking orders from. Deception is key to keeping people ignorant and in submission.

2012 will be 1984 on steroids: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6739227220487922409&q=they+want+your+soul