View Full Version : Gas prices

Mad Fox
08-30-2006, 03:17 PM

Its a gimmick to get people to accept a higher price. considering that gas ws 2.25 about a year ago.

08-30-2006, 04:05 PM
Ha! Must have been nice out there in Mass! The moment Katrina hit the gas over here shot to 3.50 for a couple days, then down to 3 for a week. Then when Rita hit it did it again. Since then, I've only seen gas below 2.50 very fleetingly. Hovered around 2.50 almost constantly for the year, then skyrocketed to 3 about 1/2 through May.

This time last year gas was uber expensive.

08-30-2006, 04:32 PM

Its a gimmick to get people to accept a higher price. considering that gas ws 2.25 about a year ago.
So according to your theory the price of gas will continue to go up regardless of what analyst predict? The price of gas fluctuates and will continue to do so until we run out of crude oil in which case it would be impossible to get gasoline anywhere.

08-30-2006, 04:44 PM
So according to your theory the price of gas will continue to go up regardless of what analyst predict? The price of gas fluctuates and will continue to do so until we run out of crude oil in which case it would be impossible to get gasoline anywhere.

It fluctuates in an upward direction, just like anything else.

1 cent down, 2 cents up, over and over. Over time, it continually increases. The pace has just been feverishly quicker this time as they've found creative ways to justify it. I have no doubt that Fox is right...this little recess will follow with a huge spike. They did this earlier this year already (at least around here)

It was 2.50 for months, went down for about 2 weeks to 2.30, then shot up to 2.79 over night...literally. I'm fully expecting it to hit 2.50 then jump to above $3 rather quickly. I fully never expect to see less than $2 again, and I really think it's only another year - tops - before $3 is forever gone, too.

Mad Fox
08-30-2006, 06:17 PM
I'm saying that approximately a year ago (give or take a week) no one would have stood for 2.25 to 2.50. Now that its going back down everyone thinks its a deal and it sin't.

08-30-2006, 06:48 PM
I'm saying that approximately a year ago (give or take a week) no one would have stood for 2.25 to 2.50. Now that its going back down everyone thinks its a deal and it sin't.

I'm saying that you're crazy. What do you mean "no one would have stood for it"? Of course we would have. Not only would we have - we did. We have no choice. What else are you gonna do when you gotta get to the other side of the city? Taxis cost more than the gas you use, for sure.

Goodness, I didn't even blink or bother to get upset when gas was up to $3.18 last month. Welcome to the future.

08-31-2006, 12:03 AM
Just watch them jump after the mid term elections, after Nov 3rd they will start to climb. It amazing how so many things get a quick fix when election time comes around every 2 years. No one wants to get voted out so the tell there buds to back off until after the elections and then back to the same old, same old.

08-31-2006, 12:46 AM
So according to your theory the price of gas will continue to go up regardless of what analyst predict? The price of gas fluctuates and will continue to do so until we run out of crude oil in which case it would be impossible to get gasoline anywhere.

when the Arabs run out...

Canada will be OK cause we got plenty :D


Mad Fox
08-31-2006, 02:40 AM
I'm saying that you're crazy. What do you mean "no one would have stood for it"? Of course we would have. Not only would we have - we did. We have no choice. What else are you gonna do when you gotta get to the other side of the city? Taxis cost more than the gas you use, for sure.

Goodness, I didn't even blink or bother to get upset when gas was up to $3.18 last month. Welcome to the future.
Yes I am crazy but that is besides the point. I'm saying that the gas companies are still way ahead of where they were a year ago. There is no bargain.

And there are plenty of options to avoid extra gas consumption. walk, carpool, public transporation, collectiing errons and doing all in one trip. Once ppl start doing that gas consumption will decrease and a message will be sent. what it comes down to is people are too lazy to plan and think.

08-31-2006, 03:13 AM
Yes I am crazy but that is besides the point. I'm saying that the gas companies are still way ahead of where they were a year ago. There is no bargain.

And there are plenty of options to avoid extra gas consumption. walk, carpool, public transporation, collectiing errons and doing all in one trip. Once ppl start doing that gas consumption will decrease and a message will be sent. what it comes down to is people are too lazy to plan and think.
It's not lazyness, it's our culture. Almost every American family owns at least one or two cars. Car travel is considered an essential part of the daily routine to an average working-class American. You can't simply change that by asking people to start walking to work or taking the bus or a train (there are disadvantages to mass public transportation as well).

Besides traffic problems. car accidents, and the high gasoline prices, traveling by automobile is by far the most convinient and most effective way of getting around.

Those who live in suburban areas are even more dependant on cars since most of the time they need to communte daily to work in the city.

The solution to this problem of rising gas prices is in the hands of today's engineers. Only they can design and implement technologies which will make the automobile use up less gas and still operate efficently or use a renewable fuel such as Hydrogen cells or biofuels.

08-31-2006, 01:09 PM
Yes I am crazy but that is besides the point. I'm saying that the gas companies are still way ahead of where they were a year ago. There is no bargain.

And there are plenty of options to avoid extra gas consumption. walk, carpool, public transporation, collectiing errons and doing all in one trip. Once ppl start doing that gas consumption will decrease and a message will be sent. what it comes down to is people are too lazy to plan and think.

See, the problem is that I'm not gonna do any of that. My fiancee goes to work before me, typically. if I have to choose between the extra $5 a day to drive seperately, or get up @ 6 instead of 7:30...I'll pay the money, thank you. I'm not going to set my schedule and lifestyle around the price of gas. I guess you can call it lazy, but frankly to me, it's just a matter of what's more valuable to me, and to me, the extra 1.5 hours of sleep is.

Besides, if we decrease our gas consumption, you know what'll happen? They'll find a way to raise prices so that the usage of gas might be lower, but profits remain the same.

08-31-2006, 10:16 PM
My car got 41 miles to the gallon, :D but I think alternative fules are a must for global warming as well as for consumption.

Keep in mind, gas price are dropping, but home heating oil is not.. go figure:rolleyes: