View Full Version : U.S. troops charged in Iraqi killing face hearings

Mad Fox
08-30-2006, 03:18 PM
I feel sorry for these young men. Higher ups should be looked into.


08-30-2006, 09:00 PM
i agree with you

08-31-2006, 01:56 AM
I have to say, that these men shouldn't be held responsible for what happens in a war zone. They should simply be discharged and sent home if they lose it. Although these guys volunteered for duty, they were trained to fight a conventional war, and then be rotated out within a reasonable amount of time. There is no training for what our troops are facing in Iraq. There is no training for fighting Islamic extremist madmen. That's got to f*** you up in a big way, and bringing them back here and trying them like they committed a random murder on a street in their US home town under normal circumstances is just wrong.

Either pull our troops out, or except the fact that sometimes some nasty things are gonna happen. Rules of engagement don't apply in Iraq. It's that simple.

Mad Fox
08-31-2006, 02:43 AM
i think what happened was wrong and they do need punishment. But the punishment should reach furthet.

08-31-2006, 03:07 AM
Well I guess I'm becoming more BIGG-like in my thoughts about the situation, although I'm not ready to start throwing around nukes. I think we need to get our troops out of there and start hitting the "hot zones" with daisy-cutters or a few MOAB (Mother of all Bombs). Completely and immediately cleanse the area. And for Gods sake get the freakin media out of there. I'm still baffled by the fact that I read on CNN that our troops are going to invade certain areas before we actually invade. WTF? Yeah, let's give them fair warning so they can move out before we can get there. Good strategy.

I say stop trying to play politics and peacemakers and show these people that we can do one helluva lot more damage than the insurgents can. If you allow the insurgents into you're town, then you will die with them. Simple. To the point. Effective.

This has absolutely become another Vietnam. We cannot win. There is in fact nothing to win now because they are killing themselves. The Iraqi goverment and army is a joke, they won't even fight their own militias.

It's time to get our troops off the ground and go back to overwhelming force, or it's time to just get out altogether and let them sort things out themselves.

EDIT: And getting back to the original point, if we don't do this then you can expect more and more of our soldiers to crack under the strain of walking through the streets and knowing that any man, woman, or child they encounter could be a suicide bomber or open fire with an AK-47.

08-31-2006, 12:29 PM
Just remember when you vote, your canidates stance on the war. That's what scewed Lieberman, he was pro war :down:

Mad Fox
08-31-2006, 12:51 PM
Just remember when you vote, your canidates stance on the war. That's what scewed Lieberman, he was pro war :down:

Looking like the cowardly lion screwd liebermen lol

Mad Fox
08-31-2006, 12:52 PM
Any way I'm from Massachusetts no one here is pro war. No worries.

08-31-2006, 10:16 PM
Any way I'm from Massachusetts no one here is pro war. No worries. until you get your ass drafted :eek:

09-01-2006, 01:04 AM
until you get your ass drafted :eek:

Right now that's my biggest fear. Not for me of course, but for my kids. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I will not allow my children to be sent into the hellhole that is the middle east. I would use every means, peaceful and otherwise, to stop it from happening.

Imagine this. You enlist in the US army, or perhaps in the reserves, thinking that it is a noble and patriotic thing to do. And in fact I think it is. You train, you get free education, and if necessary you may have to fight to protect our country. Fine, it's a risk, but one well worth taking to protect your country and your loved ones.

At least that's what they want you to think.

The first gulf war was justified, and handled fairly well IMHO. We went in, we took care of business, and we got out. We had a fairly sane leader at that point. Now we have Jr. running the show. He hasn't got a f***ing clue. He's a power-hungry Christian extremist. Besides ramming his religious beliefs down our throats, he has started a holy war that we can't win. And he did it based on lies.

So, we sent our troops into Iraq to remove their dictator from power. And we succeeded...in getting ourselves into one of the biggest disasters we have ever been involved in as a nation. We have gone from fighting a conventional war to being in the middle of an Islamic holy civil war. I'm not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel here.

But back to our troops. They have gone from fighting a conventional war to being in the middle of a fight between religious fanatics who are still living in the middle ages. Our troops have gone from war to living in daily insanity that they have no power to stop and no way to get out of. Our troops are witnessing unbelievable atrosities commited against the very people they were supposed to have "saved", committed by the people they were supposed to have saved. They are no longer fighting a war, they are simply trying to survive in the bloody chaos. They're duties now mainly consist of gathering body parts of innocent Iraq men, woman, and children after suicide attacks. And gathering body parts of their friends who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when a suicide bomber pulled up to a check-point, looked up at the soldier checking papers, smiled, said "praise allah", and detonated his bomb.

Day after day, week after week, month after month....damn. That s**t has got to change who you are. It's got to have an effect. And it does.

People just like you and I. Absolutely no different. People just like you and I, who went to school with us, played sports or cheered for their school team at sporting events. Got the nerve up to ask the girl he liked out on a date for the first time. Sweated out his drivers license test. Went to the prom. Had plans for college and a family and a good life.

Now where are they? In hell....absolute hell. They see things and do things that most of us couldn't even begin to comprehend. They are in a place that most of us couldn't even imagine being in. Without purpose and without hope.

So f***ing what if they snap and do something that isn't "morally right"? What do you expect. There are no morals where they are. Who honestly has the right to judge these young men? Not you or I. Not anyone.

Mad Fox
09-01-2006, 01:42 AM
until you get your ass drafted :eek:

Its the responsibilty of those ppl in which there is a pro war canidate to vote the other way

09-01-2006, 02:52 AM
Its the responsibilty of those ppl in which there is a pro war canidate to vote the other way

Unfortunately it's not that simple. Democrats and Republicans hold power in this country. You can vote Green party, or whatever, as long as you live and you'll be doing the same as not voting. I'm not aware of a single state or federal elected official that isn't one of the two. And big business and special interest groups pull their strings on both sides. Anyone that doesn't have this sort of backing doesn't have a chance.

Mad Fox
09-01-2006, 11:11 AM
Unfortunately it's not that simple. Democrats and Republicans hold power in this country. You can vote Green party, or whatever, as long as you live and you'll be doing the same as not voting. I'm not aware of a single state or federal elected official that isn't one of the two. And big business and special interest groups pull their strings on both sides. Anyone that doesn't have this sort of backing doesn't have a chance.

Yes this may be the way but our government has been set up as a two party system since the begining of its conception. voting third party although it may make you feel better really has little impact on an election as a whole.

09-01-2006, 01:48 PM
Yes this may be the way but our government has been set up as a two party system since the begining of its conception. voting third party although it may make you feel better really has little impact on an election as a whole.and that's the kind of narrow minded thinking that keeps the American people weak :down:

sorry, but if enough people voted for a third party, the world would change, saying your vote doesn't count if you don't vote for the big 2 is pathetic, ask everyone who voted for Gore, who actually had more votes, but lost......

You want to be sheep, suit yourself, personally, I'd rather hump a sheep than to be the sheep. http://www.addis-welt.de/smilie/smilie/zensiert/sheep.gif

Mad Fox
09-01-2006, 03:10 PM
Right now Third part Politics is really weak. Most parties are either to extreme, single issue, ideological, and economic dissatification. In order for a third party to win they need to become broader.

09-01-2006, 07:52 PM
I don't know.

That guy with the big ears did pretty well a couple years back.


Mad Fox
09-01-2006, 08:34 PM
I don't know.

That guy with the big ears did pretty well a couple years back.


My point exactly :)