View Full Version : Bond has a male kiss

Mad Fox
09-02-2006, 12:31 AM

is anyone as disturbed as I am

09-02-2006, 02:21 AM
yes, Madfox I am http://bestsmileys.com/puking/2.gif

09-02-2006, 02:33 AM
Um....what? :confused:

They made James Bond gay? WTF? Isn't it enough that they made Catwoman/Batwoman or whoever the hell is was lesbian, now they have to make James Bond gay? Why do they have to keep screwing around with already established characters and make them gay? Why can't they create a new character to do that? Sheesh. That is so not James Bond. He is a ladies man through and through. He'd rather die in a vat of acid than kiss another man. WTF are they thinking?

He Is Legend
09-02-2006, 02:48 AM
crazy bond

09-02-2006, 02:57 AM
Sirc the kiss did not take place in a Bond movie. It was in a movie named "Infamous". The title of this thread is a tad misleading.

09-02-2006, 03:04 AM
Sirc the kiss did not take place in a Bond movie. It was in a movie named "Infamous". The title of this thread is a tad misleading.

Ahh. But this actor is the new James Bond, yes? I'm wagering that he will not make another Bond movie because of this.

Mad Fox
09-02-2006, 04:16 AM
Sirc the kiss did not take place in a Bond movie. It was in a movie named "Infamous". The title of this thread is a tad misleading.

Excuse me... it is alittle misleading but the man who plays bond shouldn't do that its against all that is right with the world

09-02-2006, 04:44 PM
Excuse me... it is alittle misleading but the man who plays bond shouldn't do that its against all that is right with the world
The kiss takes place in a movie totally unrelated to Bond. Your one-sided nature doesn't let you fully grasp and understand the context in which the kiss takes place. Even the director in the article stated "'For people to see Daniel as Perry Smith, a low-class, uneducated, vile misfit, and then to see him as James Bond ... it offers an immediate comparison and shows what kind of range he has,' McGrath said." The former film ultimately shows the relationship between two people trying to help each other out. If you know anything about Truman Capote he was openly gay. He was also a great writer who is critically acclaimed for his work.

I personally think Daniel Craig is a great actor and will make the perfect Bond. If you have seen the movie Layer Cake you would probably agree since he played his role of a high-class cocaine dealer very well.

09-02-2006, 04:48 PM
Holy crap this thread made me jump!

Luckily, it has nothing to do with James Bond!

09-02-2006, 05:40 PM
The kiss takes place in a movie totally unrelated to Bond. Your one-sided nature doesn't let you fully grasp and understand the context in which the kiss takes place. Even the director in the article stated "'For people to see Daniel as Perry Smith, a low-class, uneducated, vile misfit, and then to see him as James Bond ... it offers an immediate comparison and shows what kind of range he has,' McGrath said." The former film ultimately shows the relationship between two people trying to help each other out. If you know anything about Truman Capote he was openly gay. He was also a great writer who is critically acclaimed for his work.

I personally think Daniel Craig is a great actor and will make the perfect Bond. If you have seen the movie Layer Cake you would probably agree since he played his role of a high-class cocaine dealer very well.

I don't know what Truman Capote has to do with any of this. I don't think anyone here is gay-bashing. That's not the point.

The point is, actors get type cast when they play certain roles. It doesn't matter what kind of range they have and it doesn't matter how talented they are. The people who play series roles such as Batman, Jame Bond, the Terminator (yay Arnie!), etc., are perceived on a larger scale than a single movie. If Arnie played a role where he kissed another man, what do you think would be the reaction? While it may not completely destroy his credibility with me, it would no doubt have a marked effect on how I viewed him in an over-the-top uber-manly role. The Terminator doesn't kiss men. Rocky Balboa doesn't kiss men. Clint Eastwood doesn't kiss men. The actor who plays James Bond doesn't kiss men. Not in any movie. That is the way of things, like it or not.

It's not one-sided, and it's not that we aren't grasping the fact that this was an unrelated movie. It has to do with human nature, and you can't fight that. It's what seperates the men from the emos. :P

09-02-2006, 09:27 PM
Holy crap this thread made me jump!

Luckily, it has nothing to do with James Bond!

Phew! I feel a little better now.

09-03-2006, 08:00 PM
I don't know what Truman Capote has to do with any of this. I don't think anyone here is gay-bashing. That's not the point.

The point is, actors get type cast when they play certain roles. It doesn't matter what kind of range they have and it doesn't matter how talented they are. The people who play series roles such as Batman, Jame Bond, the Terminator (yay Arnie!), etc., are perceived on a larger scale than a single movie. If Arnie played a role where he kissed another man, what do you think would be the reaction? While it may not completely destroy his credibility with me, it would no doubt have a marked effect on how I viewed him in an over-the-top uber-manly role. The Terminator doesn't kiss men. Rocky Balboa doesn't kiss men. Clint Eastwood doesn't kiss men. The actor who plays James Bond doesn't kiss men. Not in any movie. That is the way of things, like it or not.

It's not one-sided, and it's not that we aren't grasping the fact that this was an unrelated movie. It has to do with human nature, and you can't fight that. It's what seperates the men from the emos. :P

Well said :thumbs:

Die Hard
09-03-2006, 10:02 PM
I don't think anyone here is gay-bashing. That's not the point.I'm afraid that's exactly the point.

09-04-2006, 12:04 AM
I'm afraid that's exactly the point.

No it's not. Who is gay bashing, and why?

Mad Fox
09-04-2006, 12:16 AM
No it's not. Who is gay bashing, and why?

Agreed, All were saying is that the man who plays Bond (the greates ladies man ever) should be careful how he is percieved in other movies.

09-05-2006, 06:10 PM
Agreed, All were saying is that the man who plays Bond (the greates ladies man ever) should be careful how he is percieved in other movies.
Why? He's not gay in real life. You are not making any sense whatsoever. Christian Bale played Batman and in another film he played a psychopath who killed women then in another, lesser known, movie he played a schizophrenic. So everyone in America instantly though that Bale was going to play psycho Batman? No.

It's got nothing to do with the American, movie-going public, it's an actors problem if he or she gets typecast, then they are less likely to be able to find work and fill other roles. Actors escape being typecast by playing various roles such as Craig being Bond and Perry Smith within a short period of time.

This has to do with certain American views regarding homosexuality. To be honest I don't think that it's wrong. I even think that it is possible that some people are born gay. I think the problem lies within the people who are so insecure and constantly worry about their morals and values to be rattled by a what I perceive to be minor issue.

There is no way that you can convince me that a man can only love a woman and vise versa. Granted I am not a religious person and I like to perceive things in a more scientific or pragmatic way. I don't think that there is one absolute truth or any absolute truth for that matter. And I dont think that all things are based solely on speculations and opinions.

09-05-2006, 06:49 PM

Mmmkay. I still say he probably won't get the part for the next Bond movie because he kissed another dude. :P

Mad Fox
09-05-2006, 07:25 PM

Mmmkay. I still say he probably won't get the part for the next Bond movie because he kissed another dude. :P


Die Hard
09-05-2006, 08:00 PM
I agree totally with Exe, I just didn't have the time to write what he said. :D

09-05-2006, 08:18 PM
who cares who is gay and who not, and who kisses who, woohoo, only important question is if he can be excellent actor as Bond :P

09-05-2006, 09:16 PM
Ok since this discussion is turning into a joke (just like the news article) there is no room for intelligent discussion. Keep on thinking what you will about homosexuality because you clearly have no frame of reference and to you things are drawn out in black or white.

09-05-2006, 09:30 PM
Ok since this discussion is turning into a joke (just like the news article) there is no room for intelligent discussion. Keep on thinking what you will about homosexuality because you clearly have no frame of reference and to you things are drawn out in black or white.

I believe the thread was meant to be light-hearted in the first place. I'm sure homosexuals everywhere thank you for stepping up and being their champion. Now step back down off your soapbox and relax.

I think a guy kissing another guy is icky. You can spout about society and attitudes and gay rights and intelligence and frames of reference all you want to. I'm still gonna think a guy kissing another guy is icky. :P

Mad Fox
09-05-2006, 11:28 PM
Ok this article was suppose to funny and laughable