View Full Version : please help with travel

09-02-2006, 01:23 PM
Hi mates! :wave:

I've never been in any sunny holidays in winter time, so we 2 couples over here decided to fly to Gran Canaria or Tenerife. Probablty Canaria islands would be the best place to go, i don't know. What we are looking for here is NOT a quiet place, but something sunny, pools, ocean in a day time and disco/night clubs in night time for 7 days.

The problem is, i can't find a normal agent and don't really trust any at a moment over the internet. As i am pretty new to Ireland, i don't know any good agents around me, its just home-work-home here.

I was looking over few websites and lots of them offers SELF-CATERING. I don't know what it means, but i don't like that word,, i think it means, i have to find some room or hotel all by myself,, wich is NOT what i want.
All i need is i find holiday, i pay and i enjoy everything ready for me. Do you know what i mean? :)

so, would somebody advise me some good agent, website or maybe some TIP? i would really appreciate any tiniest help

and please explain me that self-catering thing,, what is that (i am non eng person)

09-02-2006, 01:42 PM
Self catering is where you make your own meals... Wheras if you went all inclusive, i think thats it, You would have your meals in the hotel. I think thats right, but not a very good explanation..

Mad Fox
09-02-2006, 01:49 PM
not familiar with foreighn sights. You could see if travelocity, hotel.com ,and sights of that nature have international versions

09-02-2006, 02:17 PM
thx for quick replies
i think i got it now

see, some agencies even gives excursions with some guide or something and free meals and drinks on boats. But self catering would then include only flight and apartment?

09-02-2006, 03:55 PM
thx for quick replies
i think i got it now

see, some agencies even gives excursions with some guide or something and free meals and drinks on boats. But self catering would then include only flight and apartment?
They should specify on their website but catering itself refers to providing food for a certain occasion. It's better to get an all-inclusive package so you won't have to worry about paying huge amounts of money to eat when you go out. Get in touch with a local travel agency and they can attend to your needs and make sure that you don't go over your budget.:D

09-02-2006, 04:15 PM
thx for quick replies
i think i got it now

see, some agencies even gives excursions with some guide or something and free meals and drinks on boats. But self catering would then include only flight and apartment?

I'm not an expert on the travel business, but I'll try to help...

Self-catering usually means that you have to look for/bring your own food...

but it may also mean that the apartment you rent is equipped with it's own kitchen so you can make your own food (making you independent from the hotel's kitchen)

The usual distinction between the meal services is 'breakfast included', 'half pension' (some meals but not all are included), 'full pension' (all meals included)

Buffet usually means the hotel provides a series of dishes displayed on tables which you can choose from (in some hotels this gets boring because they offer the same things every mealtime)

What you are probably looking for Hybrid is "all inclusive" (hotel+meals+flight) or a so called "package deal"

Worldwide famous travel agencies are

TUI (German)
Thomas Cook

A good hotel booking service (I don't know if you can book a package deal with this) is www.ratestogo.com

They offer last minute reservations for hotel rooms. You get a price advantage because the hotel owners benefit more from filling a room at a discount rather than having empty rooms....but the service is the same as you would get if you paid the full price.

09-02-2006, 04:47 PM
that explains alot,, thank you

i've found agent near town i work at, i will try to manage some time to get over there and see what they offers

thanks for help so far, appreciate very much