View Full Version : Sony drastically cuts PS3 launch allocation

09-07-2006, 12:38 AM
Tokyo (Japan) - Problems with the production of Blu-ray's blue laser diode forced Sony to cut the launch availability of its next generation video game console Playstation 3 from 2 million to 500,000 units worldwide, according to report published by AP today.


He Is Legend
09-07-2006, 03:44 PM
lol i knew ps3 was gonna be this years loser :P

rancid monkey
09-07-2006, 07:47 PM
Now I'm deffinatly glad i got my 360.

09-07-2006, 08:18 PM
Im gonna camp and sell it for 5000 or more on ebay.

09-07-2006, 10:03 PM
Sony is definatly not having it all on track and indeed they should be blame for some indifferent...

But I'm getting bit sick and tired of burning Sony down. Yes there will be a 1-1,5 year releasedate difference and indeed: they didn't choose to rush up the release like the 360.

Be honest, Microsoft rushed the launch of the 360 so fast that f*cked-up consoles were released wich crashed/crashes, and immediatly needed updates whatsoever (just like the first Xbox). Especially in the console gaming, a perfectly working machine should be delivered. Think about it: if you bought in the early days a snes etc wich had soft/hard ware problems... We wouldn't accept it, but now the 360 is made a "holy machine" cuz sony just didn't release it yet.

Sony definatly didn't lose the war yet simply cuz I think the PS3 will overclass the 360 hardwaretechnical (http://ps3.ign.com/articles/614/614783p1.html ) and the amount of "Ruling" games has always been much higher on the PS2 compared to the 360 (Halo and Ninja Gaiden (srry if I forgot one)). For some most important: you get a really cheap Blu-Ray DVD player.

Allthough I must admit that the PS3 has to prove itself yet, it's obvious that impatiences blurs the objective opinion...

09-07-2006, 10:33 PM
Well if i waited this long, I guess I can get waiting a little longer.

09-07-2006, 11:49 PM
They should just make them $2000 each. Then they would have plenty ready for the launch.

Mad Fox
09-08-2006, 12:46 AM
Time to get a 360

09-08-2006, 02:05 AM
Well if i waited this long, I guess I can get waiting a little longer.

True. Sony will have 6 million units shipped by March 07. So everybody needs to chillax.;)

Mad Fox
09-08-2006, 01:15 PM
True. Sony will have 6 million units shipped by March 07. So everybody needs to chillax.;)

March 07 thats an eternity. i could be dead then. Lets start a riot

09-08-2006, 03:57 PM
True. Sony will have 6 million units shipped by March 07. So everybody needs to chillax.;)

Yeah, but whether that's true or not, that puts it AFTER the season that they need. Christmas can make or break a system, especially the initial launch season. Reducing the christmas launch from 2 mil to 500,000 will kill game sales, and that's where the actual money comes from.

Kids are going to get Christmas presents and tell their mom to just go for the XBox instead of risking not getting a console at all for Christmas.

I think this gives MS a LOT of weight and could hav a big influence on how the next-gen battle goes.

09-08-2006, 04:04 PM
Let's not forget the Wii. Which might be coming out in November. Nintendo is sure to have plenty to ship with a good amount of release titles. But who needs release titles when you can play any Nintendo game imaginable via the Virtual Console. I think the Wii will outsell and outlast the PS3 in the long run, as long as developers are willing to be creative and make innovative titles for the system.

09-08-2006, 04:43 PM
its good news for me and all PC players, becouse convert game from xbox 360 is much easier than convert from PS3 to PC game. Fable is great example.

Dangerous Dan
09-09-2006, 01:42 AM
Let's not forget the Wii. Which might be coming out in November. Nintendo is sure to have plenty to ship with a good amount of release titles. But who needs release titles when you can play any Nintendo game imaginable via the Virtual Console. I think the Wii will outsell and outlast the PS3 in the long run, as long as developers are willing to be creative and make innovative titles for the system.

Ubisoft has 7 games coming out on the Wii in the first 2 months :eek:

09-09-2006, 03:33 AM
Doesn't the decked-out version of the PS3 cost something like $600? That's nuts.

Dangerous Dan
09-09-2006, 08:18 AM
Doesn't the decked-out version of the PS3 cost something like $600? That's nuts.

yeah, and recently there has been talk about even the high end version not coming with HDMI cables included :S