View Full Version : 9/11 Docudrama

Mad Fox
09-09-2006, 09:27 PM

Has anyone read much about his?

Thought? Comments questions

09-09-2006, 11:22 PM
i guess enough time has passed for the blame game to start in earnest. good thing they targeted clinton, but left out the witch hunt that distracted everyone for years on end.

i won't be watching this or any other 9/11 film. I watched too much of it when it happened, now just various groups are still trying to profit from the tragedy in one way or another.

You have a much greater chance of dying when you get in a car, then you do of being killed by a terrorist. The terrorists have pretty much won. As an ad campaign it has been tremendously effective for them. Kill a bunch of people when they can, behead a few others every once in a while. Recruitment is up. The news media keeps it in the headlines. Specials on terrorism, muslims, etc, keep their message and history up for everyone.

It's all pathetic, because that is exactly what they want. This country is wasting trillions of dollars on this crap. Now you get to have your phone tapped, upcoming full body x-rays, etc. But what the hey, you feel safer, right? Just don't ever get in a car, and you will be perfectly safe.

What to do about it?

There should be a complete media blackout. A terrorist attack? Good, give them a small paragraph on the second page of the newspaper. When it stops making news it will go away.