View Full Version : Bounty hunter arrested

Mad Fox
09-16-2006, 02:59 AM

09-16-2006, 03:10 AM
Yeah I saw this on TV, it will be interesting to see what happens to them.

09-16-2006, 03:44 AM
Our judicial system is just screwed up enough to extradite him to Mexico. :rolleyes: Some of his Dogisms are kind of corny at times, but I like that show and hope he can work it out.

09-16-2006, 09:21 AM
:dunno: dunno him

09-16-2006, 01:51 PM
Our judicial system is just screwed up enough to extradite him to Mexico. :rolleyes: Some of his Dogisms are kind of corny at times, but I like that show and hope he can work it out.

I agree Sho, We are so fast to extradite are own, but try to get them from Mexico, It would take years if we ever get them in most cases.

Mad Fox
09-16-2006, 05:45 PM
Our judicial system is just screwed up enough to extradite him to Mexico. :rolleyes: Some of his Dogisms are kind of corny at times, but I like that show and hope he can work it out.

If he did commit a crime then he should be extradited.

rancid monkey
09-16-2006, 06:54 PM
:( not dog! I hope they can work this out

09-16-2006, 07:17 PM
He went into Mexico and got a rapist and brought him to justice. Apparently he was guilty as he is serving over a hundred years in a US prison. If Mexico would extradite criminals he would not have had to go in and snag him. Now the opposite is happing to Dogg because of Mexico's policies.

09-16-2006, 07:49 PM
He went into Mexico and got a rapist and brought him to justice. Apparently he was guilty as he is serving over a hundred years in a US prison. If Mexico would extradite criminals he would not have had to go in and snag him. Now the opposite is happing to Dogg because of Mexico's policies.

Testify my brother! ;)

09-16-2006, 10:48 PM
He went into Mexico and got a rapist and brought him to justice. Apparently he was guilty as he is serving over a hundred years in a US prison. If Mexico would extradite criminals he would not have had to go in and snag him. Now the opposite is happing to Dogg because of Mexico's policies.


09-20-2006, 12:20 AM
After tonight's new episode that airs at 9pm/8C, they are going to have a special 1 hour show dealing with the arrest of Dog, Leland and Tim.

09-20-2006, 02:05 AM
Thanks Shogun.

09-20-2006, 02:23 AM
Watching it now, well trying to anyway.

09-20-2006, 03:38 AM
That guy they went after was a scumbag with 86 counts of rape and on the FBI's top 10 list, if the Mexicans would have worked with us to catch him, then this would not have happened.

I thought they caught and brought him back across the border and that was the reason for all the big deal, but all they did was capture him and on the way the Mexican police stopped them and arrested everyone.

She might be exaggerating but according to Beth the charges they have against them is like a misdemeanor here and hardly something that they would try and extradite someone over.

Edited for bad speel'n

09-20-2006, 09:43 AM
ohh damm, mexicans suck :down:

Mad Fox
09-20-2006, 11:26 AM
Yeah it appears that thiis whole situation was over blown.

09-20-2006, 01:54 PM
It's a bunch of BS, Mexico is pawning us for something, just wait and see.

09-20-2006, 07:53 PM
Online Petition

Mad Fox
09-20-2006, 08:02 PM
Sho did you really sign that?

09-20-2006, 08:08 PM
Yes, but I used your email address so if you start getting spam you will know why. :P

Mad Fox
09-20-2006, 08:09 PM
Thats sho I always appreciate someone who cares about my inbox

09-21-2006, 12:25 AM
I signed it and used Sho's email addy. http://www.smileypad.com/v224/Happy/Big-Smile.gif

09-21-2006, 01:13 AM
That's it, i'm having you spayed or is neutered? :P

09-21-2006, 01:18 AM
That's it, i'm having you spayed or is neutered? :P

To late, some old lady kicked me in the nads when I tried to hump her leg, that's all for good old dawg bringing any offspring into this crazy world.http://www.33smiley.com/smiley2/animals/dogs/10.gif

09-21-2006, 01:24 AM
LOL you ain't right in the head. :D

10-21-2006, 06:32 AM
Update ....

HONOLULU - The Dog remains unleashed — for now. Attorneys for TV reality star Duane "Dog" Chapman on Friday said the Mexican federal court has granted them an order that halts the criminal case against Chapman until further evidence and witness testimony are gathered.


U.S. Marshals arrested Chapman here on Sept. 14 along with his son Leland and another associate after Mexico issued a warrant because of his capture of fugitive convicted rapist Andrew Luster, the Max Factor heir, on June 18, 2003, in Puerto Vallarta. Bounty hunting is considered a crime in Mexico.

Chapman was released on $300,000 bail after spending a night in a federal detention center. He and his crew have been facing extradition to Mexico since then.

At a circus-like news conference Friday, the star of the popular A&E show "Dog the Bounty Hunter" said the "tide is changing a little bit." His side of the story, he said, is finally being told to the court through his lawyer, William Boller, who spent the past month in Mexico.

"If it comes out right, would I do it again? You damn right," Chapman said.

The possible extradition has ignited an uproar among members of Congress and Chapman's fans, who consider him a hero for capturing a rapist and doing a job the government could not. Twenty-nine congressmen have sent a letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice asking her to deny the extradition.

At the press conference, Chapman said Mexico is becoming a safe haven for American fugitives and killers.

"These guys know where to run. Where can we go so the Dog can't catch us?" said Chapman, wearing a powder-blue dress shirt with rolled-up sleeves, black jeans, cowboy boots, a big silver bulldog belt buckle, a Rolex watch and mirrored Oakley sunglasses. He was not wearing an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet that a judge agreed this week to remove.

After the press conference, Chapman, 53, spoke with The Associated Press and reflected on his legal and personal challenges since his arrest.

"I'm too old to be traumatized, but it's right next to that. It's just incredible," he said.

The man who considers himself the best bounty hunter in the world said he still has nightmares about federal marshals banging down his door as well as the night he spent locked up.

"Jails are truly man-made hells," he said.

Chapman believed he was working within Mexican laws by having a local police officer supervising the hunt for Luster. Chapman said also that he left Mexico in 2003 and didn't return for a scheduled court hearing based on the advice of an attorney there.

After he left, Chapman said Friday, he was threatened by the attorney with additional legal problems in Mexico if he didn't wire him "hundreds of thousands of dollars."

Chapman's capture of Luster, who had fled the United States during his trial on charges he raped three women, catapulted the bounty hunter to fame and led to the reality series on A&E, the network's highest-rated series ever. Luster is serving a 124-year prison term.


Mad Fox
10-21-2006, 03:54 PM
thanks for the update