View Full Version : I'm getting really, really tired of all the calls...

09-28-2006, 06:22 AM
....from the damn politician election bullsh*t. Every day I come home now there are AT LEAST 3 recorded messages clogging my answering machine telling me to watch for my absentee ballot in the mail. Mostly from the damn GOP. As if I don't look at my mail and know what's in it.

There should be a very strict law that prohibits ANYONE from calling someone's home phone number without my expressed written permission (excluding friends and family of course).

Was the law prohibiting phone solicitation repealed? Because I remember signing up and entering my phone number into the "don't call" database. It's bad enough that they let them put up 400,000 signs in our town. Now they have to use up almost all of the space on my answering machine with thier long-assed recorded messages.

This totally sucks, and I have no idea who to call to tell them to stop, and I know they won't stop even if I tell them to. I think it's time to do away with "the home phone". Everyone in my family has a cell phone. I honestly don't know why I still spend the $30 a month when the only thing it's used for anymore is stupid crap that I don't care about. :mad::down:

Die Hard
09-28-2006, 07:20 AM
I don't get political canvas calls on my home phone but I do get a load of 'selling' calls. Some of them were even from America?!?!

It came to the point about a year ago when I simply stopped answering the home phone. If anyone needs to reach me they call me on my mobile and I haven't made an outgoing call on my land line for about 6 months.

I have 4 land lines coming into my home so that my wife and I can use them for business/faxes etc and the home line comes as part of the deal. That's the only reason I keep it.

09-28-2006, 02:00 PM
I don't get those calls. I live by cell - no land line at all. I highly recommend it.

09-28-2006, 04:49 PM
I don't get political canvas calls on my home phone but I do get a load of 'selling' calls. Some of them were even from America?!?
thats becouse you are rich. if you wouldnt be rich, they didnt bother you. so i suggest, give me all your money and you`ll be happy :thumbs: :D

09-28-2006, 05:59 PM
I like sunrocket, I block em :D

09-28-2006, 06:33 PM
A few years ago, I went down to Town Hall and changed my political standing to " unaffiliated"

Not sure if that made a difference, but I sure don't get as many calls and junk mail like I used to..

Sirc, change your affiliation to Communist or Libertarian party..see if it makes a difference !! :thumbs: :D

09-28-2006, 07:33 PM
4 words: do not call list

09-28-2006, 07:59 PM
4 words: do not call list

I already did that, and it has worked pretty well up until now. Apparently it doesn't apply to political campaign calls.

Mad Fox
09-29-2006, 02:42 AM
I already did that, and it has worked pretty well up until now. Apparently it doesn't apply to political campaign calls.

Non profits are exempt and a campaign is a non profit organization

09-29-2006, 03:52 AM
It's my wife's fault. :P

I've never voted for anyone for anything in my entire life. There has never been a person who I honestly believed would be a good president. Or congressman, or senator, or anything else. Politicians are so corrupt in the US that rather than pick the lesser of evils, I've always decided not to particpate. It's all about money. And before you get on my shit for it, remember that it is my right NOT to vote, so don't waste your breath.

09-29-2006, 09:04 AM
Drop your home phone and just use a cellphone ftw :)

09-29-2006, 01:25 PM
It's my wife's fault. :P


Mad Fox
09-29-2006, 01:52 PM
It's my wife's fault. :P

I've never voted for anyone for anything in my entire life. There has never been a person who I honestly believed would be a good president. Or congressman, or senator, or anything else. Politicians are so corrupt in the US that rather than pick the lesser of evils, I've always decided not to particpate. It's all about money. And before you get on my shit for it, remember that it is my right NOT to vote, so don't waste your breath.

Sirc I honestly undestand your position. But consider this: I have been studying Modern Latin America (my minor, I am a History Political Science major with a concetration in American Politics and a minor in Modern Latin American politics and my historical major is 20th century American Foreign Policy) and in Latin American what is often considered a democracy can be classified as a authoritarian regime. Many elected officials use vary forms of cooptation to reamain in power. And those who oppose such measures are exluded from participating in many areas of public life. Terror and surveillance are common. So my point is lets be thankful for how corrupt our politicians are. LOL. I am not advocating acceptance of this but a realization that sometimes we need to put into prospective the aount of corruption.

The beauty of American Politics is the checks placed on politicians. The constitution, public opinion, lobbying, oppostion parties, and political organizations.

09-29-2006, 06:28 PM
When ever I get frustated with politics and politicians and say "the hell with it all I'm not voting this time around" I think of this quote I read, can't remember where or when, but it stuck in my mind.

"Bad politicians are elected by good people that don't vote"

So I go out and vote, I don't want to think that by me staying home helped put one of those in office.

09-29-2006, 08:05 PM
I assure you your vote does not count. 2 examples. Florida 2000/Ohio 2004.
Electric voting machings. What a joke. The can be hacked just like everything else.

09-29-2006, 10:03 PM
Since, historically, the topic of voting/not voting has lead to trouble, I'll just say I appreciate the comments. My point though was that the calls are my wife's fault. :)

09-29-2006, 10:04 PM
Drop your home phone and just use a cellphone ftw :)

I think that's what I'll probably do.