View Full Version : Happy Birthday Pathos

Die Hard
10-04-2006, 07:54 AM
Hope you have a great day down under :wootrock:

So, how does it feel to be in your 32nd year? :D

Black Rose
10-04-2006, 09:56 AM
:party015: Happy Birthday Pathos :party015:

Have a good one :drink:
Enjoy the sexy chicken party :D

10-04-2006, 10:33 AM
:wootrock: :party015: :party015: :wootrock:

Have a great day !! :wave: :woohoo:

10-04-2006, 11:01 AM
Happy birthday !! :party015:

10-04-2006, 12:28 PM
:jammin: :party015: :wootrock:

10-04-2006, 12:38 PM
http://bestsmileys.com/birthday2/9.gif Have a great one.

10-04-2006, 12:42 PM
Happy birthday pathos :D :thumbs:

Mad Fox
10-04-2006, 02:02 PM
Happy Bday

10-04-2006, 02:50 PM
:party015: Pathos! Thanks for keeping my myspace profile alive. :P

10-04-2006, 02:58 PM
Happy Bday GM storyteller. :D

Digital Fighter
10-04-2006, 03:29 PM
HB mate! :thumbs:

10-04-2006, 04:24 PM
Happy B'day Pathos

10-04-2006, 11:39 PM
So.....Mr. Pathos, what's it going to be this year. Drinking into the wee hours of the morning with a pack (herd?) of Kangaroos gone wild? Or perhaps this year you will unleash a Koala bear into your undershorts.
The very thought of you getting older just brings tears to my eyes.....or is that the old guy smell that you reek of now, or perhaps it's the Ben Gay you have to rub on your tired old muscles.
Happy Birthday ya old Phart you !!!!

10-05-2006, 12:40 AM
Happy BDay to our one and only ( ah thats assuming you havent been cheating on us =) Pathos ! May you live long an alwayz have a never ending supply of handsome orrr ahh beautiful (n durable) rubber chickens at your disposal (disposable rubber chickens, cries) :P

Me prescribes 31 titilating (gots to luv that word) spankings for your inner child and anything else you can think of..... (Omgggg O_-) to round it out with :p

Enjoyz n party hearties man :thumbs: :party015: :drink: :party015:

10-05-2006, 04:15 AM
:party015:Happy Birthday Pathos!!:party015:

10-05-2006, 10:48 AM
Happy Birthday Pathos. [Air guitar]

I don't say an old fridge joke this year. Because, my house fridge really breaks and doesn't become a joke. [A perplexed face]

Well, I am very interested in the progress conditions of your next work.
[Birthday song singing with Rion]

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-05-2006, 12:11 PM
Happy Birthday my handsome friend. :wave:

10-05-2006, 01:20 PM
Happy Birthday Pathos (from the land of the waffles) :party015:

10-13-2006, 04:05 PM
Aww, fanks gang! We had a 3 day weekend down in Oz so i sorta turned it into a 3 day birthday! Huzzah! Had an absolutely awesome time which included a harbour walk, a spanish festival with the family, cycling with my sibling and dinner with my close chums! Awwwwww. Here's the page of the day if you're keen, though it's sorta in spanish (incidentally the big guy in the black coat is Static/Saint of Killers):

Goobles / Die Hard - I think you fellas are right, and i have finally reached a point where i can end all my sentences with "because of my great age". I've been saving that one for decades!

Rose - Chortle!! Thanks for the rubber chickens! <-- Also for allowing me to actually say those words - i've kinda always wanted to!!

TIKLES - Haha! The spankings arrived a-ok! I would say more, but this is a family site... [fights to keep a straight face] And good call on the disposable rubber chickens front... after i'm done with them i assure you those little soggy beasties need to be cremated!

Uh, yeah, strike that family site comment...

Execution - Hey, don't encourage me! [laugh] I swear buddy it's a not-so-small wonder you're still talking to me after all the crap i've posted on your page - feel more than free to delete some/all of it!

Leon - It's my fault your fridge light no longer works. Sure turning a little light on and off for 30 plus years was a real hoot, but... well i just got bored, ya know? I've grown, I've moved on, man! You see, now i'm the guy who turns your little microwave light on and off!!! So far i admit the work is difficult but i like to be challenged so it's all good... [click, click]

Damnit, only ONE click for "on"... ONE! Messed up again! [sigh]

Anyway, thanks again one and all! [handshakes all round]

10-14-2006, 01:16 AM
HAppy birthday!!

10-14-2006, 02:42 AM
wow, nice sexy photos!



you getting groped... :(

After looking at them I realised I better not ask for you to post any nude photos of your gf, as she might decline and then you post something not quite what I asked for....


10-14-2006, 05:03 AM

Anyone else think he kinda looks like Ben Stiller in the bench picture? :P Awesome pics. :wub:

10-14-2006, 12:40 PM
Hb P! ;)

10-14-2006, 01:01 PM
Great pics Pathos, jaa v :cool: sure glad to hear ur spankings arrived a-okies :D n ntw (not to worries) after all man.....it is a family "cluck" sorta thing :p

10-16-2006, 11:18 AM
Aww, come on Jim i did a little groping of my own! [licks lips] As for nekkid pics (and vids), well, they sorta exist... is that knowledge enough to fantasize with? (I'm just gonna go ahead and answer in the affirmative for us both. Now let us never speak of this paragraph again.)

And Sepra, please, for the love of God no more Ben Stiller references! Aiiieeeee!! (Actually i really don't mind, and i get a lot less now that he is old... well, oldER anyway.)

Seriously though, thanks gang! The well wishes are much appreciated. as ever.

10-16-2006, 01:14 PM
Gab mah man awesome pictures! Could you PLEASE tell me what camera you used to take those pics?

Die Hard
10-16-2006, 02:02 PM
A digital one...

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-16-2006, 06:26 PM
Damn you! You are waaaaaaaay too handsome! :D

Thanks for sharing your photos, looks like fun was had by all. :)

10-16-2006, 08:00 PM
happy b-day :wave: sorry im a bit late

10-16-2006, 08:03 PM
btw nice photos, just noticed them!

rancid monkey
10-16-2006, 08:22 PM
Okay, I'm waaayy late for this threa-

*starts over*

As you can see I'm fashionably late for this thread.. *looks shifty*


10-16-2006, 08:23 PM
Happy very belated to you as well, my friend! Sorry I missed this thread the first time around!

Hope everything "down under" was spectacular...

...take that however you will! :eek:

Death Engineer
10-16-2006, 09:57 PM
Happy Birthday a bit early... for 2007.... yeah. That's it.

10-17-2006, 02:01 PM
Happy Birthday a bit early... for 2007.... yeah. That's it.


Well done.

10-18-2006, 09:36 AM
DE & Rancid = Haha!

Everyone else = Thanks mucho y mucho! (Bob i loved those wedding shots, man! I envy you.)

Gab mah man awesome pictures! Could you PLEASE tell me what camera you used to take those pics?
Cheers, Nitro! I used my old Pentax S5i for the harbour shots, and my bro's 3-megapixel phone (of all things) for the rest. Pretty decent shots for a cell i must say! The Pentax is now old, and decidedly average for shots, but i like to fool with the filters a lot so that improves things a little.

Still, after much debating and browsing and George Clooney-like head wobbles, I have just upgraded to this beastie:


It's only 6-mexapixels, but frankly the quality of the shots surpasses anything else i've held in that price range and SIZE (key word for me - i wanted something i could shove in my pocket that would also make me look especially well endowed). Even those supposedly mighty 7-9-megapixel goliaths offered poorer shots... (Well, imho) With this one, Canon went for quality, not quantity.

[sales pitch over, climbs off high horse]

Failing all that just grab yourself a hottie girlfriend or two and everything will look good! Especially in 3-mirrored, department store changing rooms... [wink, wink, spank, grunt, silencio...]

10-25-2006, 05:25 PM
Wicked. Happy birthday pathos. LATE! (I just wanted to be a part of this thread.... )

10-26-2006, 10:59 AM
http://www.freewebby.com/sign-smilies/bday.gifHappy Birthday, Pathos !! Hope your day rocks! http://www.smileypad.com/v224/Holidays/Guitar.gif