View Full Version : Google has done it again

10-17-2006, 01:42 AM
Any posts on this forum about YouTube yet? yes? No? Maybe?

I'm sure many people have heard this already, but YouTube is being bought out the high and mighty Google for a sum of $1.65 billion (w00t, only a staff of 67 people). As a side note, three months ago YouTube was estimated to be worth only $0.6 - $1.0 billion dollars LESS. Aparently Google wanted no competition anymore once they realised that YouTube was the 13th most popular website, and Google wasn't getting the views as much as they wanted. So why not but it out? All their problems will be solved (and Google might do something about the coptright infringement deals YouTube has got going on).

There's gotta be more to this story that I'm oblivious to. Anyone else know anything about this?

10-17-2006, 01:46 AM

Sorry Caged beat you to it. :(