View Full Version : New Massacre PC

10-18-2006, 06:13 PM
ok guys, my bro has today returned from USA(he still has all legs and arms, im surprised) and along with him came my new pc. here are system specs:

Core 2 Duo E6300 1.86ghz
1GB RAM Kingston 667Mhz
x1900gt 256MB RAM ATI100-435800
Gigabite 945p-s3
80gb hdd and so on...

pics from 3d mark 03 and 05 are bellow, so see and think what do you think! both scores are without any clock, just factory settings. ive heard C2D can be overclocked very much, at least to 2.5ghz, but im happy its running now... if someone is thinking of new computer or something and want to run some bench, dont hesitate to ask. btw one my friend has Athlon 64 3500+ and 6800gt and scored 13000 on 3dmark 03 and about 6000 on 05, sheesh. its pretty similar.

10-18-2006, 06:16 PM
one more thing, my monitor has started to hum, i guess its becouse of my new video card or digital to analog conversion. someone here has experienced it?

Die Hard
10-18-2006, 07:15 PM
Humming monitor?! Did it come with the PC? Maybe it's a electrical conversion thingy?

10-18-2006, 07:22 PM
Humming monitor?! Did it come with the PC? Maybe it's a electrical conversion thingy?
nah i had this monitor dude before. now its ok, dont know if it was cold or something, but its not humming anymore. weird

Die Hard
10-18-2006, 07:24 PM
Well glad it's ok now :thumbs:

Great PC BTW :wootrock:

10-18-2006, 07:31 PM
WooW Man! Nice Pc! I'm Jealous Now! :P I Still Use The Most Sucky Pc In Ss World...:(

10-18-2006, 09:19 PM
No Thats me Rafal :wave:
Sounds great Massa, I'm jealous too :D

10-18-2006, 09:24 PM
No Thats me Rafal :wave:
Sounds great Massa, I'm jealous too :D
Hell dude no :-). Only I have Athlon 1.1 , 256 Mb memory DIMM and gf 3 440mx 32 mb :). Your pc is much better. Anyway I always enjoyed teh game ;).

10-18-2006, 10:41 PM
very very sweet numbers! I can't wait to see the conroe quad cores. They should be out this year. one of those will probably be in my next system. tomshardware.com and other sites have all overclocked the system and have instructions. It really rocks. Fastest o/c was 5 ghz, but I think that was someone using ice. anyway, hope he enjoys!

He Is Legend
10-19-2006, 04:28 AM
i've worked hard for my computer

i think everyone mostly knows that :P

your computer is a masterpeice, take advantage of it :thumbs:

10-19-2006, 05:12 PM
i've worked hard for my computer

i think everyone mostly knows that :P

your computer is a masterpeice, take advantage of it :thumbs:
i had to buy it for my own money too, but i got it from USA where is everything cheaper by 30 - 50%. so thats the reason why i could buy this dood.

performance is wonderful, at least in compare with my old duron and radeon 9600. i have tried titan quest, oblivion and prey, and everything runs with everything maxed out without a hitch. im very surprised it can run oblivion at 1280x1024 with all details on and it runs like a silk. well, i was only in dungeon, forest and town. here are some screens, it looks very nice imo.

tnx everyone for kind words ;)

He Is Legend
10-19-2006, 06:04 PM
looks awesome ;)

try and play half life 2 lost coast with everything maxed

it looks beautiful :D

10-19-2006, 08:13 PM
:eek: awesome

10-30-2006, 05:41 PM
Curious what the resolution was on 3dmark06 when you ran them. Can you post a screenie of the full window.

11-29-2006, 02:19 PM
Curious what the resolution was on 3dmark06 when you ran them. Can you post a screenie of the full window.

here you go :thumbs:

12-02-2006, 06:26 PM
Nice rig Bud. Good luck with it :thumbs:

The Priest
12-02-2006, 06:44 PM
its all a lot of numbers to me but hey if you say its good well that great to hear the pc a good one:thumbs:

12-02-2006, 08:40 PM
I am happy with your new system considering what you had but I am going to be honest with you as far as your scores go. I see many websites promoting hype and hype of all of these super computers. Dual core, Quad core blahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although your new core 2 duo is the bottom of the line of the chain I will say that I do not see any reason to buy these chips. It's not just the chip but the entire platform is as an investment does not make it worthy. Now this does not only go for this platform but including the new AMD AM2 platform. What a complete waste if you ask me. Time that should of been used to get their K8L platform out instead of this 4x4 or what ever. It's all a waste of money because your investment in the industry will be nothing compared to 6 months today. These companies continue to push and push and people just jump on it. I am ok with buying the latest and greatest but I would make sure that nothing is going to change in the platform for atleast ayear or two. I have been saying this for months to people that we are in a major transition stage. I can not explain how many things re chnaging. Hell just ask your closest programmers and see what they have to do differently. Things are chnaging and the industry will need to halt and start over when they get rid of their stocks. You will have new winners and new losers in the market. Today you may think you are buying the greatest but the penalty for getting it today will cost you. As I have said many times what are you doing with your pc and then thats what you build upon.

Please do not take this the wrong way but looking at the specs of your computer, you have wasted money (or your brother) on parts that do make it suitable for next years apps and games. Will they run, yes they will but not as perfectly as they were intended to.

Do not take this as critisism on your part mass. I am happy for you and no matter what your experience will be 100 times better than what you had. My problem is not with anyone who buys a system but the facts that get marketed to buyers who do not understand the differences. To me I am speaking of everything I have said in the past on this particular forum to you guys. Things that I have preached which seem to get ignored buy some. I am a fool who gets the luxury of trying new things such as hardware so I can see diffferences.

With all of that I find it the time to start a new article for those that do take the time to listen or read my suggestions and anything else for the matter. Possibly it can help someone in their soon to purchase something.:thumbs:

12-02-2006, 09:43 PM
With all of that I find it the time to start a new article for those that do take the time to listen or read my suggestions and anything else for the matter. Possibly it can help someone in their soon to purchase something.:thumbs:

yes yes, write an article about it. im not sure i got your point. whats wrong with dual core except more work for programmers? and thnx for a long response

12-02-2006, 10:22 PM
Mass, I am done with part 1. The article is not based on your system but it will be something people can relate to. I have part 1 done and will work on part 2 after I make a pot of coffee. I also plan on Death Engineer to help me out with the way it is and put it into better perspective as I honestly do not have that ability. I may know the tech stuff but the presentation is better suited for those with that ability. I hope he can get back to me in time.:thumbs:

12-02-2006, 10:44 PM
eh, i don't see things the same way as biggs. dual core is the way to go. it may not help in games, but it will help in other areas where you are running multiple apps. as a secondary point the core2 systems pretty much blow anything away at the same clock speed. that being said, there is not a compelling argument for the intel quad processors. there may be one day, but for today the core2 is the way to go.

now for amd, they have just unleashed an embarassment in their quad systems. the systems consist of two x2 processors with dedicated memory and additional pins to share board resources. the problem is that they are slower than single amd x2 processors at almost every task except the ones that do multimedia processing with multiple threads. intel quad systems are faster and cheaper in virtually every benchmark. so for amd solution you have to get a $350 mb, $1000 for cpus, and 4 sticks of ram for a minimum configuration, and the end results = slower than intel solution. they should have just passed on this and concentrated on their next platform instead of wasting the resources that this one required.

12-03-2006, 01:15 AM
eh, i don't see things the same way as biggs. dual core is the way to go. it may not help in games, but it will help in other areas where you are running multiple apps. as a secondary point the core2 systems pretty much blow anything away at the same clock speed. that being said, there is not a compelling argument for the intel quad processors. there may be one day, but for today the core2 is the way to go.

now for amd, they have just unleashed an embarassment in their quad systems. the systems consist of two x2 processors with dedicated memory and additional pins to share board resources. the problem is that they are slower than single amd x2 processors at almost every task except the ones that do multimedia processing with multiple threads. intel quad systems are faster and cheaper in virtually every benchmark. so for amd solution you have to get a $350 mb, $1000 for cpus, and 4 sticks of ram for a minimum configuration, and the end results = slower than intel solution. they should have just passed on this and concentrated on their next platform instead of wasting the resources that this one required.

Jim, Please do not object to anything because I am currently working on the last part of article along with Death engineer proof reading and correcting errors. I will comment fast on on your statement of the FX4x4 system. I am not sure where you come up with that opinion but I will tell you that you have some things wrong. You are comparing two different platforms and relating it all to speed. Although I have planned to discuss this very thing in the article I am going to ask you to hold off on your opinions before you can read my article. Ofcourse I always like to hear your thoughts but would like to have them in that thread when created.:thumbs: . I will say that many of your comments in your last post was exactly what I just typed up in part 2. Part 3 is currently being worked on and that will relate to what all these new things are about. I agree with you but disagree and hopefully you understand what I am saying when DE puts it into print in the best way to get the message across. I promise you nobody gets shot:D .

Still need to finish this now.

12-03-2006, 01:39 AM
don't take it the wrong way biggs. what I saw in your post was that massacres brother made a bad decision. now having made plenty of bad decisions, it sucks to be called out for one. so I am just setting that straight. the only possible circumstances where I would question his choice would be if he had ddr ram he could have reused. then there might have been an argument to stick with an amd system and save $120+. for the ultimate platform thingy, there is no such thing and there will likely not be any such thing in the future. everything is changing too rapidly and today's top if the line is tomorrows dog. the 939 systems had some legs pretty much nothing else does. new system = new board/cpu/memory (and psu nowadays). I think reusability is going out the window.

12-03-2006, 02:02 AM

Pretty funny if you look at the PS3 with 7 cores and I believe a nr 8 to drive those...

Quad pnwd, Octa is the future :D

12-03-2006, 02:21 AM
nothing is pwned. the system architecture of the ps3 is completely different from what you have in a computer and the coding also has to be done completely differently. some of that will likely drift into pc systems, but like everything it is taking a while.

12-03-2006, 02:50 AM
don't take it the wrong way biggs. what I saw in your post was that massacres brother made a bad decision. now having made plenty of bad decisions, it sucks to be called out for one. so I am just setting that straight. the only possible circumstances where I would question his choice would be if he had ddr ram he could have reused. then there might have been an argument to stick with an amd system and save $120+. for the ultimate platform thingy, there is no such thing and there will likely not be any such thing in the future. everything is changing too rapidly and today's top if the line is tomorrows dog. the 939 systems had some legs pretty much nothing else does. new system = new board/cpu/memory (and psu nowadays). I think reusability is going out the window.

I know, I did not take it the wrong way and I understood where you were coming from. I also did not want Mass to get that impression and tried to clear that up. I will say though I did mention his system in part 2 and that may also seem that I am saying it was a waste of money but it really has a reason to what I am saying. You also hit the nail on the head as far as his memory goes. That was included in part 2 which DE has. I understand exactly what you were saying and from reading everything you said I know you are going to relate to what I am doing or saying. Mass =, considering his old system, it is understandable and any upgrade was much better off. Ok my break is over, will get back to work.