View Full Version : *_To My Darling Understanding Husband:_**_

Death Engineer
10-26-2006, 03:35 PM
_**_Before you return from your business trip, I want you to know that I had a little accident while driving your precious pickup truck.
Fortunately, there is not too much damage, and I didn?t get hurt, so you don?t have to worry about that._**_

_**_I was coming home from shopping at the mall, and as I was turning into our driveway, the cell phone rang. I answered it, and it was Sylvia. She told me she was still at the mall, and do you remember that cute little shoe store that I love? Well, she said they were having a ?storewide? clearance sale! I got so excited when I heard that, that my foot slipped off the brake and I accidentally pushed down on the accelerator pedal! The garage door is slightly bent, and the pickup came to a halt when it bumped _**_your little red _**_car. Don?t worry, your motorcycle and you beer chest did not get damaged at all!_**_

_**_I am really sorry this happened, but I know that you are so worried that I could have been hurt in this silly little accident, that you will forgive me. You are so kind hearted, and you know how much I love and care for you._**_

_**_I will be staying at my mothers for a few days, until the garage door is fixed, so you can reach me there. In fact, why don?t you stay at that hotel and play golf with your buddies, until I get this little mess cleaned up-----I really don?t want you to have to worry about me, or the garage door-----the nice young man from the insurance company is helping me make it all better._**_

_**_I will call you when it is all fixed up. I just can?t wait to hold you in my arms again!_**_

_**_Your loving wife,_**_


10-26-2006, 03:58 PM
hahaha, how honest :D

He Is Legend
10-26-2006, 04:32 PM
i dont get it .

10-26-2006, 04:41 PM
i dont get it .

Neither do I..... :confused:

Death Engineer
10-26-2006, 08:20 PM
Uhm...here's the picture that was supposed to be in that post...

PuRe AnGeL
10-26-2006, 08:25 PM
Lol :d

10-26-2006, 08:26 PM
Now THAT makes more sense!!!

10-26-2006, 08:53 PM
Hehe good one. :P

He Is Legend
10-26-2006, 10:04 PM

that was awesome

10-26-2006, 11:11 PM
I don't see how the two vehicles got in there the way they are without doing more damage to the walls and roof. The vehicles bodies aren't really that damaged.

10-26-2006, 11:34 PM
Wow......slightly bent garage door....rofl...nice timing with the picture Dan.

10-26-2006, 11:54 PM

10-27-2006, 01:28 AM
I don't see how the two vehicles got in there the way they are without doing more damage to the walls and roof. The vehicles bodies aren't really that damaged.

Here's my guess, the truck was parked in the garage and the Ferarri went through the garage door and under the truck. Look at the missing tail light on the truck. The Ferarri still has it's tail light. Had it been rear ended by the truck it would have disintegrated.

10-27-2006, 03:19 AM
You can make out the one of the Ferrari is Arkansas(which strikes me as unusual for some reason), but what state's lic. plate is on that truck?

10-27-2006, 03:45 AM
nope, it was the truck that drove into the ferarri, no way the ferarri could have slid under the truck along with the garage door still on top of it (instead of under). anyway snopes confirms it...


A Fort Smith family had their home remodeled, unintentionally, after a pickup truck landed in their garage on top of a 2000 Ferrari.

The accident happened just before four Sunday evening on Jenny Lind Road in Fianna Hills. According to the police report, the teenage driver reached for a cell phone and ran off the road and became airborne. He caused about two hundred thousand dollars worth of damage to the garage, the Ferrari, a PT Cruiser as well as 2 motorcycles.

The speed limit is posted at 30 miles per hour, but the owner of the damaged home as well as neighbors say there have been plenty of problems in the past. It's been nonstop traffic for the neighborhood with a steady stream of cars driving by to get a view of a flattened Ferrari and devastated garage.

Owner Steve Marts wasn't home at the time of the accident, but got the bad news over the phone. "I was just numb, just real numb," Marts said.

10-27-2006, 04:10 AM
I was thinking tornado, man was I wrong

10-27-2006, 02:27 PM
-the nice young man from the insurance company is helping me make it all better._**_

Yeah I bet he is, lol nice find DE

10-27-2006, 05:25 PM
I hope the mother in law lives on the other side of the country; it'll take that long for me to cool off before I get my hands around my wife's neck.....