View Full Version : Supreme Commander Beta

11-01-2006, 02:32 PM
There is a beta coming for supreme commander. You have to be a fileplant subscriber (cheapest plan is to pay 16 for 3 months, than cancel) to join the beta.

I know most won't hop on a beta that costs, but I know there is at least 1 or 2 people here that are so obsessed that they just might do it.


11-01-2006, 03:04 PM
Yeah, it really suprises me that I'm one of the few. Did noone got impressed by the video in the previous thread?? What is wrong with this world? :D

If you c what they added and improved, like controlling a army but still be able make a single unit listen to you...

Ow, and the nukes of this "serie", always have been one of the most devastating ones in gaming history :wootrock:

11-01-2006, 06:05 PM
Yeah, it really suprises me that I'm one of the few. Did noone got impressed by the video in the previous thread?? What is wrong with this world? :D

If you c what they added and improved, like controlling a army but still be able make a single unit listen to you...

Ow, and the nukes of this "serie", always have been one of the most devastating ones in gaming history :wootrock:

It's not that I wasn't impressed. The graphics looked good, and when a demo comes out, I will snatch it right up. However, that movie was long and I didn't really feel like sitting through it. I'm waiting for it to be almost on the market. When I can get my hands on it, then I'll decide if I want to get excited about it.

I'm an FPS first, RPG 2nd, RTS in a distant third. The only RTS games that I get excited about before release are ones from Blizzard.

11-02-2006, 12:25 AM
I'm an FPS first, RPG 2nd, RTS in a distant third. The only RTS games that I get excited about before release are ones from Blizzard.

Logical then :) (I guess u never played TA did u? )

What Warcraft/Starcraft did extremely well is what suxed about TA: the storyline and the atmosphere.

But I still donno how the heck WCIII (and frozen throne) became so populair. The only way to win is spitting more spells then the other does, the biggest battle is 15 vs 15 (food system really suxed... Way of thinking: Yay, 80 not that much but ok... building a knight... ok that will cost you 4 food :banghead: ), the multiplayermaps are made of almost straight paths to eachothers bases and the biggest interaction with ur surroundings will be a lumberjack gathering wood. Short: I only c things in this game u can't do, and yes it looked very nice but I really didn't had the temper to go thru this game even with cheatcodes... Guess people just wanted it straight and clean and easy...

Only reason why I think TA never became as populair as Starcraft is that people got overwhelmed. The first time I played this game (also the first strategy game ever) and immediatly skirmirsh it almost happened to me also. Since there is unlimited recourses you have to crush the enemy to win... And that is how war should be!!!:devil:

11-02-2006, 02:26 PM
Logical then :) (I guess u never played TA did u? )

What Warcraft/Starcraft did extremely well is what suxed about TA: the storyline and the atmosphere.

But I still donno how the heck WCIII (and frozen throne) became so populair. The only way to win is spitting more spells then the other does, the biggest battle is 15 vs 15 (food system really suxed... Way of thinking: Yay, 80 not that much but ok... building a knight... ok that will cost you 4 food :banghead: ), the multiplayermaps are made of almost straight paths to eachothers bases and the biggest interaction with ur surroundings will be a lumberjack gathering wood. Short: I only c things in this game u can't do, and yes it looked very nice but I really didn't had the temper to go thru this game even with cheatcodes... Guess people just wanted it straight and clean and easy...

Only reason why I think TA never became as populair as Starcraft is that people got overwhelmed. The first time I played this game (also the first strategy game ever) and immediatly skirmirsh it almost happened to me also. Since there is unlimited recourses you have to crush the enemy to win... And that is how war should be!!!:devil:

No, I've never played TA. Actually, prior to your mentioning the game here, I had never even heard of it. WC3 was an incredibly good game in my opinion. I enjoyed how it worked, though I didn't think the multiplayer was as strong as the single. I buy games for single player and if they do Ok as MP, so be it.

12-21-2006, 12:34 AM
Got a grip on the BETA version:cool:

Too bad I couldn't select a cpu opponent, but I could build some units...

First impression

- Very well programmed (again), although I couldn't create some warfare, the game loads fast and is running quite good (considering my system).
- graphics are sweet
- Plays almost the same as the old TA, which is a pretty good thing
- lots of different units and buildings (ground, water and air are supported with a lot of interaction: torpedo bombers, anti-airships etc.)
- Zooming from overview to specific point works very well
- Real time in purest form

- Gets a bit messy sometimes. Really need to zoom in completely to separate different units from each other. Also the amount of lines (patrol, moving-points, attack-points etc.) can be too much.
- People with only a scrolbutton will get RSI from zooming out and in all the time.
- Relatively small action screen -> menu screen (too) big
- Music not as good as the old TA

Like I said before, it's just a first impression. Still very curious how the final version will be and praying that my pc will run some action also :D