View Full Version : i am looking for

11-01-2006, 02:39 PM
a program in which i can play serioussam demos and change the viewing speed. from normal to frame by frame???

and FREE software :eek: :D

11-01-2006, 02:59 PM
Would be cool !

11-01-2006, 04:34 PM
a program in which i can play serioussam demos and change the viewing speed. from normal to frame by frame???

and FREE software :eek: :D
Well there is a command you can use instead. dem_frealtimefactor=x.x So a value of 0.5 would make the demo appear half the speed. I was planning on using slo-mo for my next ssam movie if I ever get around to making it.

11-01-2006, 04:38 PM
if you mean that you want ot play sam demos OUTSIDE of tyhe serious sam program and in a separate program, i believe there is a program that plays q3a demos but im not sure if one is made for sam demo filetypes

11-01-2006, 07:13 PM
Well there is a command you can use instead. dem_frealtimefactor=x.x So a value of 0.5 would make the demo appear half the speed. I was planning on using slo-mo for my next ssam movie if I ever get around to making it.
that worked, but its not possible to combine it with the fast button, after that it will reset the demo to normal speed :thumbs:
btw it really looked cool

how do you get those demo 's in the movies???

11-01-2006, 08:03 PM
found this:

dem_ianimeframe=0 >> will take one screenshot for each frame.

dem_fsyncrate=30 >> control the rate this give 30 screenshot in a sec

worked ,but it would be nice to goto the scene you want (cutting the demo into smaller parts).

long demos will kill you :D , it runs slow and get you a large amount of screenshots :D especially on hi-res :bawling:

11-02-2006, 12:17 AM
found this:

dem_ianimeframe=0 >> will take one screenshot for each frame.

dem_fsyncrate=30 >> control the rate this give 30 screenshot in a sec

worked ,but it would be nice to goto the scene you want (cutting the demo into smaller parts).

long demos will kill you :D , it runs slow and get you a large amount of screenshots :D especially on hi-res :bawling:
Cool I didn't know about those. I'll see if I can post a test clip using those two commands.

11-02-2006, 02:56 AM
Well even though I wouldn't call this a quality example it's the best I could do. The frame capturing does take forever and that's normal (unless you have a super fast HDD and CPU there's no way around it). You can pull off some cool effects with this kind of capturing such as the ultra smooth motion blur effect that I tried to incorporate.

11-02-2006, 03:16 AM
found this:

dem_ianimeframe=0 >> will take one screenshot for each frame.

dem_fsyncrate=30 >> control the rate this give 30 screenshot in a sec

worked ,but it would be nice to goto the scene you want (cutting the demo into smaller parts).

long demos will kill you :D , it runs slow and get you a large amount of screenshots :D especially on hi-res :bawling:

Waarom ga je niet gewoon frappen? Kun je daarna nog altijd met een moviemaker aan de gang voor je special effects :)

11-02-2006, 03:33 AM
He wrote in English why do you have to reply in Dutch?

11-02-2006, 03:41 AM
He wrote in English why do you have to reply in Dutch?

Rofl, don't worry I'm not calling u names...

I just have to admit that my dutch is still a little bit better then my english :o

11-02-2006, 04:49 AM
Rofl, don't worry I'm not calling u names...

I just have to admit that my dutch is still a little bit better then my english :o
Well you don't seem to know the dutch word for special effects so I doubt that the reason you gave is entirely true. However, you should post in English even if it doesn't come out looking/sounding right. After all you want to enhance your secondary language skills and everyone here will thank you for trying.

You write very well for your age (granted I am assuming your age) and you can express yourself in English just as well as you can in Dutch. Everyone makes slight grammar mistakes once in a while so it's not a big deal.

In short: American forum= English language so everyone can understand. :thumbs:

On a side note I'm preparing a second clip. This one should be ten times better. :cool:

11-02-2006, 05:13 AM
Surprisingly enough I made this one significantly smaller in file size and the quality turned out better. Just so you know I am using the latest XviD codec for the video compression. No audio in this one.

I also used some color correction and I significantly lowered the motion blur effect in the editing program even though it may not appear that way. The clip is about 2 seconds long and shows a camera moving around the Red Rick player model.

NOTE: The motion blur effect is a result of capturing the sequence of images at a very high rate (probably around 120-200 FPS) and resolution so if you plan to do anything similar for your movie you will need plenty of hard drive space. I didn't use any filters to achieve that effect, the images are resampled over a very short time slot and they blend into each other. I increased the speed of the footage about 12x so the initial clip was a very slow camera movement.


11-02-2006, 05:40 AM
In short: American forum= English language so everyone can understand. :thumbs:

Exactly, I could not have said it better! ;)

11-02-2006, 08:05 AM
Waarom ga je niet gewoon frappen? Kun je daarna nog altijd met een moviemaker aan de gang voor je special effects :)

this what he said:

why don't you frap it, afterwards you can use moviemaker for the special effects

11-02-2006, 08:10 AM
Well even though I wouldn't call this a quality example it's the best I could do. The frame capturing does take forever and that's normal (unless you have a super fast HDD and CPU there's no way around it). You can pull off some cool effects with this kind of capturing such as the ultra smooth motion blur effect that I tried to incorporate.
could not play this one (not supported error), i could play spin2. looked cool

Figona Hatice
11-02-2006, 09:21 AM
The motion blur effect is a result of capturing the sequence of images at a very high rate (probably around 120-200 FPS) . I didn't use any filters to achieve that effect, the images are resampled over a very short time slot and they blend into each other.

Great One :D :D :D

11-02-2006, 10:00 AM
Well you don't seem to know the dutch word for special effects so I doubt that the reason you gave is entirely true. However, you should post in English even if it doesn't come out looking/sounding right. After all you want to enhance your secondary language skills and everyone here will thank you for trying.

You write very well for your age (granted I am assuming your age) and you can express yourself in English just as well as you can in Dutch. Everyone makes slight grammar mistakes once in a while so it's not a big deal.

In short: American forum= English language so everyone can understand. :thumbs:

Omg, who got the problem u or Di? Ur behaving like I'm thrashing the whole GM forum in dutch.

But now I'm very curious what age u give me?

11-02-2006, 12:12 PM
You write very well for your age (granted I am assuming your age)
dude he's older than you by a couple years

11-02-2006, 01:05 PM
Omg, who got the problem u or Di? Ur behaving like I'm thrashing the whole GM forum in dutch.

But now I'm very curious what age u give me?
i had the problem, but i know that there are a lot of others around who are interested. He is interested in what you wrote and take it from me (experience) the answer/remark from exe was very mild :D

read it over a few times, maybe between the lines but it has a positive tone:thumbs:

Well you don't seem to know the dutch word for special effects
You are wrong there, our language is evolving. we use a lot of words from different languages, especially when the translation is almost similar or looks strange. So special effects in dutch= speciale effecten , but if you say that people will ask them selves if theres something wrong in your head :D

please keep to the topic all :thumbs:

11-02-2006, 01:34 PM
kk, shirt back on...

U can try this program. I donno what the restrictions are, but I didn't c them. http://www.planetgamecam.com/?locid=download (normal version). Results are better then fraps (more smooth) and 1.5 minuut recording is just 25 mb :cool:

11-02-2006, 01:38 PM
Surprisingly enough I made this one significantly smaller in file size and the quality turned out better. Just so you know I am using the latest XviD codec for the video compression. No audio in this one.

I also used some color correction and I significantly lowered the motion blur effect in the editing program even though it may not appear that way. The clip is about 2 seconds long and shows a camera moving around the Red Rick player model.

NOTE: The motion blur effect is a result of capturing the sequence of images at a very high rate (probably around 120-200 FPS) and resolution so if you plan to do anything similar for your movie you will need plenty of hard drive space. I didn't use any filters to achieve that effect, the images are resampled over a very short time slot and they blend into each other. I increased the speed of the footage about 12x so the initial clip was a very slow camera movement.

Looks nice ! This Console Command could help to make a .gif picture for a signature !

11-02-2006, 01:38 PM
+ Wiper is from The Netherlands. :P

11-02-2006, 08:15 PM
dude he's older than you by a couple years
:D LOL! Well it doesn't matter he still should write in English. Before he used to come off as being very immature but that seems to have changed.

Anyway, programs like Fraps and GameCam often times do not yield the highest quality footage from the game. If you capture frame by frame and then use VirtualDubMod VirtualDubMod (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=65889&package_id=63653&release_id=352709) (a free tool) to create a resized .avi from an image sequence then you will have a nearly perfect replica of the on screen action. Not to mention you can do frame by frame editing and achieve that cool motion blur effect.

11-02-2006, 09:03 PM
Hehe, yeah I not always act like a grown up still some people are blind for sarcasm etc. and phrase it as immature... Besides from the fact that you allways thought that I were (much) younger made you to never look further... bit conservative I guess... wich you proved often.

Nice tool btw :D

11-03-2006, 12:46 PM
thx will check it out