View Full Version : Sam & Max: Culture Shock Demo

11-03-2006, 04:16 PM
The demo for the new Sam & Max game is out.

The game is a bit childish in gameplay, but the humor is good. It's one of those games that's a nice break after a while of shooting the crap outta stuff.

The demo is short, as is the game. This is episode 1 of 6 that will be airing over the next 6 months or so. You can purchase them each for 8.95 (with a grand total then of 53.70) or the entire 6 episode "season" for 34.50. The season purchase will also net you the game on disk (as it's only download for now) as soon as the season ends.

It's a fun diversion. I liked it and will probably be getting it.


11-03-2006, 04:33 PM
The Dog looks funny and the whole game too
I hope it worth a try to test that :)