View Full Version : Saddam Sentenced to Death

11-05-2006, 02:59 PM

Die Hard
11-05-2006, 03:05 PM
Wrong decision in my opinion, another martyr is not needed. Life in imprisonment would have been right.

Mad Fox
11-05-2006, 03:33 PM
I am afraid that sucha asentence will further throw the destabilized nation into civil war.

Siron Ex
11-05-2006, 03:38 PM
Wrong decision in my opinion, another martyr is not needed. Life in imprisonment would have been right.
Agree :thumbs:

11-05-2006, 04:09 PM
It might continue to destabilize Iraq, but I'm not shedding any tears that he's going to die.

There have already been mixed reactions around the world to the sentencing, we'll see what happens to Iraq now. But at least they won't be dealing with that tyrant anymore.

Mad Fox
11-05-2006, 04:57 PM
Saddam allegedly had about 600,000 civilian executions.
Bush's invasion of Iraq up to date, allegedly has 660,000 deaths. (2.5% of the population of Iraq)

Saddam deserves his punishment.

As much as I am not a fan of the president I don't think you can blame the death of 660,000 Iraqis on him. Many of those deaths were caused from within (suicide bombers, ides, and othe Iraqi caused means). The president may have made wrong descions but I don't think he has iolated human rights in the same manner as Saddam.

11-05-2006, 04:59 PM
I said the invasion of Iraq is what cuased the civil war, suicide bombers and fighting from within Iraq that killed so many more people. Let's face it guys, the Sunnis and Shiites NEED a dictator to tell them what to do and keep them in check because if not, they will just kill each other off till the last one of them is standing. Democracy will NOT work for them. It is pointless to even try to have a regime change because it will not work with these two groups of people who have been fighitng amonsgt themselves for 2 thousand years.

He Is Legend
11-05-2006, 05:18 PM
let him die

He Is Legend
11-05-2006, 05:19 PM
Many of those deaths were caused from within (suicide bombers, ides, and othe Iraqi caused means).

That he caused

11-05-2006, 05:24 PM
No, Mad Fox is right. I see everything clearly now.

I pull for the A-Team and Bush and his new world order principles and the movie V for Vendetta makes fun of him and the rest of the new world order people like they have even further developed in England where the people are so kind gentle and advanced that the citizens dont even like knives anymore and look down on anyone who does and that makes there society great and they have good stuff like cameras everywhere so that nobody can hurt you anymore like they used to do over there we need that here and the movie V talks bad about stuff like that but I support Bush and he is all for protecting us from the terrists that wanna hurt us and anyone who disagrees with me is a backstabbing liberal traitor commie homo and I love to see dead ay-rabs on tv and Iran is gonna nuke us any day now so we gotta invade them but did you know that we might have a terrist attack or many terrists attacks before that because the terrist hate our freedoms just watch Fox they can prove it on there its a fact they hate us and gonna get us because the terrists drive taxis during the day and practice how to kill at night in their mosks and Fox shows this while CNN and everything else is contolled by the commy Russians and they want to destroy us too because we are just better than them but that movie V is bad because its just discusting that people would ever question an good strong government like that they showed in teh movie but in my opinion that kind of government would be great and I dont think people would dislike it I think they would be very happy and thats what Bush wants to make us safer from the terrists


Hh yea, i don't even believe they're hanging the real Saddam. That guy had more look-alikes than i can count. Do you know for sure that its the real one? No you don't. Why would they hang the person they put in power? He's their boy

11-05-2006, 11:08 PM
put him back in charge.
he will clean up the mess that the US has created.
Sure, he is responsible for a lot of deaths, but
now iraq has become a terrorist training ground
and their deaths continue at an unending pace.

eh, the country will fall apart the moment the US leaves.
It's just a money hole. We are not accomplishing anything by being there.

And lest anyone bring up terrorism, there has never been any
connection of iraq/saddam to terrorism.

11-06-2006, 03:26 AM
No, Mad Fox is right. I see everything clearly now.

I pull for the A-Team and Bush and his new world order principles and the movie V for Vendetta makes fun of him and the rest of the new world order people like they have even further developed in England where the people are so kind gentle and advanced that the citizens dont even like knives anymore and look down on anyone who does and that makes there society great and they have good stuff like cameras everywhere so that nobody can hurt you anymore like they used to do over there we need that here and the movie V talks bad about stuff like that but I support Bush and he is all for protecting us from the terrists that wanna hurt us and anyone who disagrees with me is a backstabbing liberal traitor commie homo and I love to see dead ay-rabs on tv and Iran is gonna nuke us any day now so we gotta invade them but did you know that we might have a terrist attack or many terrists attacks before that because the terrist hate our freedoms just watch Fox they can prove it on there its a fact they hate us and gonna get us because the terrists drive taxis during the day and practice how to kill at night in their mosks and Fox shows this while CNN and everything else is contolled by the commy Russians and they want to destroy us too because we are just better than them but that movie V is bad because its just discusting that people would ever question an good strong government like that they showed in teh movie but in my opinion that kind of government would be great and I dont think people would dislike it I think they would be very happy and thats what Bush wants to make us safer from the terrists


Hh yea, i don't even believe they're hanging the real Saddam. That guy had more look-alikes than i can count. Do you know for sure that its the real one? No you don't. Why would they hang the person they put in power? He's their boy
Actually the true message of V for Vendetta (the film written by the Wachowski bros.) was distorted according to many fans of the graphic novel. The author, Alan Moore, is actually an anarchist and he was promoting his anarchist ideas through the book. Terrorism was simply a means to an end and that end was not the American conception of freedom, it was anarchism.

According to the true V, governments are useless since they exist only to oppress the people. Any form of government can be oppressive, even socialism (in it's non ideal state which would vastly resemble anarchism). Totalitarianism is seen as the ultimate evil today and probably ever since the War of Independence.

I have my own theory of how a government should work (and it has close ties with socialism) but I can and always will see the need for a strong leader. Communities are just not able to make decisions through a wholesomely democratic procedure, someone strong must lead them.

A militant dictator is certainly a possibility and a measure than can be used to quell the current situation in Iraq.

11-06-2006, 10:03 PM
put him back in charge.
he will clean up the mess that the US has created.
Sure, he is responsible for a lot of deaths, but
now iraq has become a terrorist training ground
and their deaths continue at an unending pace.

eh, the country will fall apart the moment the US leaves.
It's just a money hole. We are not accomplishing anything by being there.

And lest anyone bring up terrorism, there has never been any
connection of iraq/saddam to terrorism.

Gotta agree...as much as they claim otherwise, these Middle Eastern countries only understand a dictatorship. They don't know how to handle freedom because they can't imagine a separation of religion and state.

11-06-2006, 10:45 PM
just kill him and leave Iraq. If they kill each other after we leave, who gives a crap?? Better for them to kill each other instead of Americans

Mad Fox
11-06-2006, 11:23 PM
just kill him and leave Iraq. If they kill each other after we leave, who gives a crap?? Better for them to kill each other instead of Americans

who knows what would happen. the place could descend into a failed state and breed possibly a biggger problem. And that would be a terrible of legacy to leave as the most powerful nation in the world.

11-07-2006, 12:58 AM
There was a good article in Time magazine about dividing the country into Kurd, Sunni, and Shiite regions. I'm beginning to think that's the best way to deal with Iraq. Churchill completly screwed things up when he created Iraq. It was like putting pit-bulls in a cage to fight to the death.

11-07-2006, 01:16 AM
Churchill must have been smoking that wacky weed :P

11-07-2006, 02:25 AM
There was a good article in Time magazine about dividing the country into Kurd, Sunni, and Shiite regions. I'm beginning to think that's the best way to deal with Iraq. Churchill completly screwed things up when he created Iraq. It was like putting pit-bulls in a cage to fight to the death.
The problem would be the proximity of the regions the followers of the religious denominations would occupy. Unless they build 40 foot walls and clearly mark their territories then the conflict would continue and perhaps escalate.

11-07-2006, 03:28 AM
I like the idea about the wall, but build it around the damn country where they can not get out and no one can go in, pull our guys out and let them bastards have at it to settle it on their own. One of two things will happen, either they will kill each other off or in time they will wake the hell up and realize they need to work things out in an intelligent manner and that trying to eliminate each other is stupid.

11-07-2006, 03:48 AM
who knows what would happen. the place could descend into a failed state and breed possibly a biggger problem. And that would be a terrible of legacy to leave as the most powerful nation in the world.
bigger than having the entire muslim world hate and resent america for meddling in their affairs? because that is what they are seeing right now.

Mad Fox
11-07-2006, 03:58 AM
bigger than having the entire muslim world hate and resent america for meddling in their affairs? because that is what they are seeing right now.

I think that Muslim hatrd is overated. It is extremists. And its too late to think of that. Lets det a definitve goal and get their as soon as possible.

11-07-2006, 04:01 AM
I think that Muslim hatrd is overated. It is extremists. And its too late to think of that. Lets det a definitve goal and get their as soon as possible.
It's not overrated. I've talked with alot of Muslims in London and Europeans in General. Dislike for America is widespread and for good reason.

11-07-2006, 04:14 AM
who knows what would happen. the place could descend into a failed state and breed possibly a biggger problem. And that would be a terrible of legacy to leave as the most powerful nation in the world.
Us invading Iraq for money is a good legacy to leave behind????

11-07-2006, 05:06 AM
Man Money ,come on.Shogun has a point we move out and close borders. WATCH WHO HATES WHO.When they are done with each other who will they try to invade. Those people over there know nothing but hate. So what if a person is of a differant religion. Here in the US Muslims are not massacred by the thousands because of their religion.
I and many americans don't want our troops over there. But if we were to have not gone over there where would we be today. Maybe a taliban member would come to your area and blow up a mall with so many troops in it.Troops aren't usually gathering in malls. Hey wait were there troops in the towers ? No I think not ,instead families that probably were peace loving people and have never wished harm to another person.We leave what do you think will happen? we never went what do you think would have happened ?

11-07-2006, 08:55 AM
Man Money ,come on.Shogun has a point we move out and close borders. WATCH WHO HATES WHO.When they are done with each other who will they try to invade. Those people over there know nothing but hate. So what if a person is of a differant religion. Here in the US Muslims are not massacred by the thousands because of their religion.
I and many americans don't want our troops over there. But if we were to have not gone over there where would we be today. Maybe a taliban member would come to your area and blow up a mall with so many troops in it.Troops aren't usually gathering in malls. Hey wait were there troops in the towers ? No I think not ,instead families that probably were peace loving people and have never wished harm to another person.We leave what do you think will happen? we never went what do you think would have happened ?

If we wouldn't have gone into Iraq, what would have happened?

1. We wouldn't have lost as many troops in Iraq as we did civilians in the world trade center attacks.

2. We wouldn't have looked like dumbasses when we realized that they had no significant weapons of mass destruction.

3. We'd still be paying $1.50 for gas right now.

4. We wouldn't have spent billions and billions of dollars destroying and then trying to rebuild a country that was was no threat to us in the first place.

5. We wouldn't have destabalized the middle east

6. We would have the resources to deal with real threats like Iran and North korea.

7. We wouldn't be hated quite so much by so many middle eastern countries.

8. The money spent on the Iraq war could have been spent on improving poverty and health care in our own country.

Well, I could go on, but I think you get the point.

Die Hard
11-07-2006, 09:15 AM
Plus there were no Taliban in Iraq that is Afghanistan.

9/11 was nothing to do with Iraq either, rather a fundamentalist group whose leader was betrayed by an ex American President.

Iraq was however, ruled by a tyrant who poisoned his own citizens with gas willingly supplied by the American and English governments.

Just because you hear one point of view it doesn't mean that is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Like it or not our governments have done some pretty bad stuff in the past and present.

11-07-2006, 10:18 AM
chico, get educated dude. there were no taliban in iraq, saddam didn't allow that shit. now that he is gone the taliban have come in. the terrorists come from other places, afganistan which we invaded, but also our buddies saudi arabia, which are hands off.

we haven't accomplished anything by being in iraq, aside from destabilizing the whole country/region which has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths. so saddam killed a whole bunch of people. so what. people do this all around the world and nobody cares. if their skins were black or if there was no oil there then i can guarantee we would not be there.

sure, 9/11 sucked. but in iraq it is sucking on a daily basis. saddam used to be the cause. now it is all blamed on the US. I can guarantee you that the people there will not forgive and they will not forget.

11-07-2006, 01:57 PM
The man Coalition authorities claim is Saddam Hussein is not who he is made out to be.
After his wife visited him in jail in 2004 she declared: "This is not my husband but his double.”

Die Hard
11-07-2006, 02:22 PM
I'm Spartacus :D

11-07-2006, 02:36 PM
The man Coalition authorities claim is Saddam Hussein is not who he is made out to be.
After his wife visited him in jail in 2004 she declared: "This is not my husband but his double.”
documented reports confirm that it is elvis in the jail cell... :thumbs:

11-07-2006, 06:56 PM
Elvis?! I knew it!