View Full Version : Good Bye Mr. Rumsfeld

Mad Fox
11-08-2006, 06:46 PM

It is truely the revolution of 2006. Change has come.

11-08-2006, 07:34 PM
I think yesterday's Democratic victories in the election are playing a role in Rumsfeld's decision to resign now. Yesterday showed just how fed up the American people really are, and I think, for once, the administration is listening.

11-08-2006, 07:48 PM
:wootrock::wootrock::wootrock::wootrock::wootrock: :wootrock::wootrock:good ridance!

11-09-2006, 02:59 AM
Just another reshuffling of the deck before the next hand is played ...

Gates: Heavily involved in Iran Contra/ exaggerated Soviet threat while in CIA for the benefit of military industrial complex/supplied Saddam with weapons in the 80's/etc. etc.

Looks like the pros are stepping up for the next phase of the agneda.

Die Hard
11-09-2006, 08:23 AM

Death Engineer
11-09-2006, 06:29 PM
Just another reshuffling of the deck before the next hand is played ...

Gates: Heavily involved in Iran Contra/ exaggerated Soviet threat while in CIA for the benefit of military industrial complex/supplied Saddam with weapons in the 80's/etc. etc.

Looks like the pros are stepping up for the next phase of the agneda.

How about you post a few reputable references to back up these claims.

11-10-2006, 02:00 AM
Just another reshuffling of the deck before the next hand is played ...

Gates: Heavily involved in Iran Contra/ exaggerated Soviet threat while in CIA for the benefit of military industrial complex/supplied Saddam with weapons in the 80's/etc. etc.

Looks like the pros are stepping up for the next phase of the agneda.

What's a agneda if I may ask ?

11-10-2006, 02:09 AM
Yeah it's a shame to see the guy go. He's done a damn good job in a position there aint enough money in the world to get me to take. lol

I would have to think that about the only job MORE thankless than that would be to be the actual prez. Ugh. I take enough pointless crap now just from the people that work for me. Multiply that by several million? No thank you! :)


11-10-2006, 02:16 AM
Yeah it's a shame to see the guy go. He's done a damn good job in a position there aint enough money in the world to get me to take. lol

I would have to think that about the only job MORE thankless than that would be to be the actual prez. Ugh. I take enough pointless crap now just from the people that work for me. Multiply that by several million? No thank you! :)


It's not a shame. He obviously doesn't have the respect of the military leaders. When so many former and current generals and high-ranking officers publically speak out against him then something has gone terribly wrong. He should have been removed long before this. This is just another one of Bush's screw-ups.

11-10-2006, 03:35 PM
Hey Sirc, I think Bingo was being sarcastic, judging by the rest of his post. ;)

Oh by the way, I heard this yesterday, that they screwed up so much, that the Democrats have won the Senate as well as the House of Representatives, with Sen. George Allen (R) conceding the Virginia race.

I'm very grateful that the Democrats won personally, but I congratulate the Republicans for running such hard-fought campaigns, and for prevailing in some areas of the country. Like Gov. Schawrzenegger in California, I didn't think he'd do it, but he did it. So my congrats to him and the rest of the GOP.

Caged Anger
11-11-2006, 04:05 PM
hooooooray for the terminator!