View Full Version : Kidney "Bizarre"

Mad Fox
11-13-2006, 12:29 PM

Wow it really makes you wonder. And reminds you of how good you have it sometimes.

11-13-2006, 03:45 PM
"I pant. I cannot run. I cannot pick up heavy things," said Allah Yar, a 50-year-old farmer who has suffered poor health for seven years since selling a kidney. The father of six said he needed to pay off a $3,000 loan to his landlord, but got only about $1,200 for his kidney, meaning he remains deep in debt.

Sitting nearby, Mohammed Akram, a 22-year-old brick kiln worker, said he sold his kidney to pay off his father's debt.

"I cannot work like I did before. I cannot walk. I cannot run," said Akram. "I did this for my father but destroyed myself."

Your right, reading things like that does make you realize how good we have it.