View Full Version : Bush Visits Vietnam

Mad Fox
11-17-2006, 08:33 PM

Hopefully the right lessons not the wrong one. (leave when the leaving is good)

***He saw the lake and area where John Kerry fought maybe he can realize sacrifice!****

I have one issue with this article. It claims that America lost the fight. Was there ever the intention of winning. In the end communism was defeated as an ideology. It remain to be seen what history will truely dictate. What are youropinions.

Die Hard
11-17-2006, 08:40 PM
Of cousre America lost, but don't get the hump about it. Any big gollump of an Army would have lost. Vietnam was the start of the 'new' wars.

You cannot fight an enemy when you don't know who they are?

11-17-2006, 09:14 PM
Chuck Norris can... :)

Die Hard
11-17-2006, 09:29 PM
Well obviously Chuck can ;)

11-18-2006, 04:02 AM
We may have lost the Vietnam War, but we ended up winning the much larger Cold War. I think that was way more important.

11-18-2006, 04:21 AM
We did not lose and we did not win. This was the start of the deteriation of America when liberal hippies could not understand reality. We should of leveled them completely but it seems the same when there are people in our government that will not allow us to win. We make the best weapons and spend billions as well but never use them which makes no sense. We should never need to drop boots on the ground.

Win the cold war? Don't believe the hype. We just put it on hold. Russia is not our ally and is still an enemy no matter what anyone thinks. They would love to see us fall. All we did was weaken them. We should of hit them right after Japan and maybe a few other countries. At least when all the countries say America wants to take over the world they would have a reason. I wish we finally would!!!

oh an cnn sucks and someone should start bombing their buildings where ever they are. I would love to see that. They are scumbags and the owner deserves his head cut off and hung on the Statue of Liberty torch.

JUst like Iraq we can not win when one side is crippling the other. If I was Bush I would stick my finger up at you all and allow the terrorist groups have what they want and let them do what ever they wanted so all the people could say how stupid he is.

11-18-2006, 04:48 AM
@BIGGS: Wow there were some very strong national socialist ideas mentioned right there. Having the U.S. as being an all powerful entity and spreading it's "democratic" ideologies throughout the world may not be such a good thing. We should have stayed after foreign affairs once the Monroe Doctrine was put into effect. Nothing good can come out of this constant meddling and spread of just another ideology.

Mad Fox
11-18-2006, 03:36 PM
Its all about Manifest Destiny. Spreading American Democracy around the world. John winthrop Said "lets us be a shining city on the hill."

11-18-2006, 06:56 PM
Biggs, I have never seen a more hateful post come from you. You actually believe that some people on the left deserve to be blown up and decapitated? I am sorry, but all I see in your post is you wishing death to anyone who does not agree with your nationalist viewpoint.

Die Hard
11-18-2006, 07:43 PM
Biggs, I have never seen a more hateful post come from you.That was quite PC for Biggs :D

11-19-2006, 04:10 AM
Biggs, I have never seen a more hateful post come from you. You actually believe that some people on the left deserve to be blown up and decapitated? I am sorry, but all I see in your post is you wishing death to anyone who does not agree with your nationalist viewpoint.

Hate>? That is an understatement. I will not apologize for any network that puts my country down. I look at them as the enemy as well. It is the people like this along with many Democrats that has made the war on terror harder on our troops and caused more deaths. You just do not understand me but I swear to you if the day came to seperate and war started here in this country I am right there to help rid this country of the weak and unrealistic. The funny thing is that my side will have weapons while the other would not understand what to do. I wish for that day that we actually divide and then take over by execution to those that weaken and destroy this country. I feel it should be my side that gets to killthe Liberal unrealistic filth that puts me and my family in danger because they think America are war mongerers. Kill all the scum and lets rebuild this country the way it was.

Oh and to answer your question if I think that some of the people on the left deserve to be blown up the answer is no. I say all of them!!!!

Mad Fox
11-19-2006, 04:40 AM
Biggs I have a feeling that the very people whom you threaten kill are the very one that do what you love about America. They use their freedom to voice opposition, freedom of speech, and those very freedoms guarenteed in the constitution.

Leaders of this nation that have made the powerful and free the way it is have been liberals and not conservatives. The founding fathers were liberals, Lincoln was a liberal, FDR was a liberal, Kennedy and LBJ were liberals. I fail to see the contributions of the right.

11-19-2006, 07:03 AM
I don't threaten anyone. I said I wish someone would bomb CNN.

As far as looking at the past, those people would of been ready to fight what's going on in the world. Since the 60's, this country has become weak because a certain group has evolved. I can tell you I love peace and want peace but in no way can I be called a liberal because I know how peace is achieved. Was there peace when Japan or Germany were wreaking havoc in the world? What is the difference today? Is there not a threat? And if so how do you fight it? My anger is against what this country has become and how weak it is because of these groups who are anti American who think we need to just sit back and take care of everyone. F that!!!! I am sick and tired of these groups who know nothing what it is like in the real world. This politacly correct crap that makes the working man suffer and pay for everyone else but their own family. You think I am F'ing happy that I see these F'ing wetbacks entering this country and getting a free ride while I bust my ass trying to pay my bills, the extreme unconstituional taxes, and health insurance? You think it's ok for a middle class person like myself having to blow his savings and future so my wife has health insurance to keep her alive? You think it's fair that anyone who is not white gets bonuses and advantages because they are considered a minority? You think it's fair that I am considered a rascist because I am sick of being another white male just paying for everyone that is not white. I am for equal rights and my heritage has had a lot worst than some slaves that no one in my family ever owned. F, I look at what my family comes from and it was not pretty yet nobody went around looking for handouts. All of this nonsense is because these groups have destroyed this country and its wrong in the political correct environment to say so. F that!!!! It is what it is and with that I say what I say because of it. I am sick and tired of the people here talking about nonsense when the problems are not in Iraq, they are in America. When I hear someone talking about how many deaths occurred in Iraq I want to puke. We have been there for 3 years and those numbers are small considering the task. Do you know there were more deaths this year in our city streets than in the three years in Iraq? These groups ignore those tally's because it does not fit their agenda. Do you know how many people died in Normandy? Do the French realize how many Americans died for their asses? F the rest of the world in my eyes because it was ok when we saved their asses but it's bad if we save someone elses. Where are they when we needed them? If you ask me the world needs a wake up call and I hope it happens soon.

Freedom of speech should be respected. These ignorant people who talk about it forget how they got it. Our Men dies for it and they died fighting wars that if we did not fight we would not be here let alone have freedom of speech. Typical Americans worry if you interefere with their ignorant life. I say if you fail to pay attention to what is going on, you deserve what may happen. You do not deserve to be able to complain for not fighting.

11-19-2006, 01:58 PM
One of the dirtiest wars ever fought by the USA...

Milion tons of Agent Orange (Related to dioxine: believe the most dangerous toxic wich human can make) have been trown over the forrest to get the leaves off...:rolleyes:

And the worst part of it, Agent Orange can hardly be filtered out by nature so people in Vietnam are still paying the price for that war these days...

Don't forget the phosphorbombs also

Of course the Vietnamese soldiers wern't exactly "cute" either

But it's a nice thing to see them on speaking terms :)

11-19-2006, 02:36 PM
We should of hit them right after Japan and maybe a few other countries.
i wish Rossevelt pressed Stalin a little bit more and joined czech republic after second world war to west democratic countries not to soviet union... i know soviet union was very powerful, but still.