View Full Version : Wii Thoughts, exe?

11-20-2006, 02:27 PM
What do you think of it? You've had it for like...more than 24 hours now.

I finally came across a store that has a display up, and after giving them my driver's license to get the controllers, I got a chance to play excite truck. Not a visually impressive title, by any means, but I will say this.

Three people went in - me, lover of gaming, hopeful for the wii.
My wife - hasn't like a game since the NES
A buddy - loves computer gaming, but can't stand consoles.

All three of us thoroughly enjoyed the game, found the control fairly intuitive, and all came out talking about how exciting the possibilities of the system were.

When we left, my wife promptly asked if I wanted one for Christmas - this is completely unheard of. Obviously, 1 title cannot prove that there won't be any problems or anything, but I must saying that after getting my hands on it for a while, all of my immediate fears about the system have been somewhat dispelled. I'm really really really looking forward to getting this for christmas (:D)

The only thing left is to ask you, exe, what you've thought? You've gotten your hands on Red Steel, if nothing else. How it is working? Fun? Intuitive?

He Is Legend
11-20-2006, 03:08 PM
gamespot is hating on the wii , gave redsteel like a 5.6 and zelda like a 6 or 7 lol

11-20-2006, 03:22 PM
gamespot is hating on the wii , gave redsteel like a 5.6 and zelda like a 6 or 7 lol

...Zelda got an 8.8


The said it's the same great gameplay that you've come to expect.

11-20-2006, 04:12 PM
Well first off I'd like to say that I am honestly happy with my purchase and, if nothing else, the Wii has provided me with several hours worth of entertainment. I got my Wii along with my friend yesterday morning and while he won't be opening his until Christmas, he bought an extra controller and nunchuck so we could play a few rounds of Red Steel MP and Wii Sports together. I also bought a second Wii Remote but I was unable to get my hands on another nunchuck since Nintendo only shipped one nunchuck for every three remotes.

Anyway set up was a breeze taking roughly 10 minutes. My brother and a couple of his friends were over at our house and they played for most of the time. After they were done I got WiiConnect24 set up on my Wi-Fi connection at home and downloaded the updates that made the Wii Shop channel available. None of the current Virtual Console games are of any particular interest to me so I'm gonna hold of on buying and testing anything.

The Wii-mote's cursor acts much like a mouse pointer. I found it to be a bit more sensitive since it's not grounded like a mouse but it's a bit more intuitive and will take some getting used to (especially in Red Steel). The accelerometers work very well and are also very responsive (e.g. swinging tennis racket in Wii Sports, throwing grenades, parrying blows, reloading weapons and opening doors in Red Steel). The aim cursor did jump around a bit when I was playing Red Steel and it occasionally does so in the Wii Menu as well but it doesn't happen often enough to be annoying or problematic.

The lock-on aim system works well in Red Steel and it allows you to get used to aiming with the Wiimote as opposed to just waving it around hoping to hit someone. Steady hands are a must when engaged in a gunfight but fear not the enemy AI is somewhat lacking and it won't be hard to take out a room of baddies within minutes. The sword fighting is fun but like Gamespot said it's not one-to-one. Your character will not mimic your every move and you have to time your combos. I'm still getting used to it but so far I think it's done pretty well. The graphics are XBOX-esque at best but the destructible environments make the shootouts a lot more fun.

The game probably doesn't deserve anything more than a 7 on a 1-10 scale because so far it's only redeeming quality is the control scheme, which will take some getting used to. Multiplayer is fun once you get the controls down. Unfortunately there are only four maps. The cut-scenes are done in a comic book/Max Payne fashion. I was expecting a more cinematic approach but I guess Ubisoft didn't have time to add full CG movies.

Overall I think Red Steel is a decent shooter and I look forward to playing though it and mastering the controls. I will probably purchase Call of Duty 3, because my brother seems to like the WW2 games. I'll probably borrow Zelda from my friend when he opens his Wii in about a month and try it out.

Ultimately the Wii is more for my 10-year old brother than for me. I will continue to play Serious Sam on the PC and occasionally play the Wii. I feel that I have grown out of console games and most other PC games over time. I hope that this has helped you but don't take my word, try it out for yourself. I'm sure than eventually the Wii kiosks will have a larger variety of games that you can play.

11-20-2006, 04:51 PM
Thanks for the information, Exe. Good stuff in there.

I'm noticing that a lot of titles that are coming out immediately are a bit lack-luster, and are getting some less than impressive scores.

I'm not sure whether this shows that the Wii might not end up having a great title support, or whether it means that it's going to take developers a little while to get a grip on what they can really do with the system.

I'm certainly hoping the latter.

11-20-2006, 10:08 PM
Got the Wii too, along with Rayman Raving Rabbids and Twilight Princess. Graphics wise, not impressed at all, although thats expected.

Rayman is pretty fun, although some minigames you take turns playing, rather than doing it all together at once. Some of the minigames are a bit repetitive and similar to others as well.

As for Zelda, I am enjoying it so far. I actually like the fighting controls, which is pretty easy and doesn't tire you. Fishing is a bit annoying using the controller though, as it doesn't seem to register how fast I am swinging it occasionally.

The Mii creator is very easy to do and a little kid would be able to do it with ease.

I'm a bit disappointed that internet, news, and weather aren't available yet, as it seems pretty nifty.

Overall, I like the Wii. I found it very cool every time you move to another button on the screen the controller with rumble. The speaker on it is also neat, which is used for things such as swinging a racket, rolling into a wall, etc. Its very intuitive.

11-22-2006, 12:51 AM
Got the Wii too, along with Rayman Raving Rabbids and Twilight Princess. Graphics wise, not impressed at all, although thats expected.

Rayman is pretty fun, although some minigames you take turns playing, rather than doing it all together at once. Some of the minigames are a bit repetitive and similar to others as well.

As for Zelda, I am enjoying it so far. I actually like the fighting controls, which is pretty easy and doesn't tire you. Fishing is a bit annoying using the controller though, as it doesn't seem to register how fast I am swinging it occasionally.

The Mii creator is very easy to do and a little kid would be able to do it with ease.

I'm a bit disappointed that internet, news, and weather aren't available yet, as it seems pretty nifty.

Overall, I like the Wii. I found it very cool every time you move to another button on the screen the controller with rumble. The speaker on it is also neat, which is used for things such as swinging a racket, rolling into a wall, etc. Its very intuitive.
Hey Soul whats your Wii Friend Code so I can add you and we can share our Miis. I wanna see how it will work since I don't know anyone else that has a Wii yet. :D

Also graphics wise Red Steel has some of the best lighting effects I've ever seen in a game. The colors are very vibrant and really give the game an atmospheric feel especially during the sword fights.

11-24-2006, 08:17 AM
Well I finally got a chance to play a Wii today at my cousins house and I left wanting one of the those things so badly. They had Red Steel and I tried the Wii sports and I was having a ball for hours with both of them. I don't agree with the review of Red Steel on Gamespot at all. Most all the things they said were true the AI is lacking the dialogue is lacking but hey, its Ubisoft, they did do Farcry and that game had the corniest dialogue I ever heard but its fun and funny to laugh at. I especially love that "give it up moron" line. I dont know what they were talking about once I got the swing of things, which didn't take very long coming from the old keyboard and mouse, I was having a blast shooting stupid gangsters and having pointless sword fights. It was just plain fun. The visuals were not great but not horrible I mean it is a launch title they only get better from here. After playing that sucker for like 4 hours straight I'm sold on a Wii. I honest to god haven't had that much fun playing a video game in a long time. I can't wait to get my hands on Call of Duty 3, Farcry Vengance, Metroid Prime 3, Zelda, the new Splinter Cell and even Madden 07 I heard it was a blast on the Wii and I don't even like sports games. Point is, I tried the PS3, Xbox360 and Wii and the stupid little Wii impressed me the most cause it was just fun. Xbox games I can play on PC and have it look better and the PS3 wasn't that fun I'll wait till good games like MGS4 come out for that. So the PS3 looked great big deal whatever seen that already on PC like last year. IMO thats all it did look great not worth 500 or 600 bucks to me yet. All's I know is I'm gonna go hunting for a Wii next week when I get paid cause its fun and it'll only get better from here. If I want hardcore graphics, I'll stick to my PC thank you.