View Full Version : Lame excuse

Mad Fox
12-04-2006, 09:31 PM

He blamed it on his wife's Bingo habit. I don't even see how this is related.

12-04-2006, 10:27 PM
I find these crimes to be the most unforgiving. These people should be put away for life. This sort of thing has to be a parents worst fear as these scumbags prey on the children. I at least hope he gets 20 years for ruining the lives of these children. As far as I am concerned he probably did this to other children that never spoke up. I wish society would put the hammer to this sort of crime as these people usually get off too lightly. As a parent myself, I would find it extremely hard not to take the law into my hands.

12-05-2006, 12:12 AM
Sick people everywhere, you can't trust anyone and if some screws up always a excuse for it. This guy should get the max, than when he gets out sent to a mental home for the rest of his life.