View Full Version : EA brand "tarnished" according to analyst

12-04-2006, 09:59 PM
Electronic Arts has been riding high over the last couple of years, absorbing development studios left and right and signing exclusive deals with major league sports franchises such as the NFL. However, one analyst is predicting that there may be trouble ahead for the video game giant.

Pacific Crest Securities analyst Evan Wilson told investors this morning that "poor reviews and quality are beginning to tarnish the EA brand." Wilson pointed to a survey his company had made that utilized the aggregate game ratings available at GameRankings.com. The study indicated that EA's overall game quality is continuing to fall.

"Reviews of all of EA's annualized titles, its primary source of profit, have declined over the past two years," Wilson said. "Although market share has not declined dramatically to date, in years such as 2007, which promises to have tremendous competition, it seems likely if quality does not improve. EA's aggregate review has also declined significantly in the past two years."

Rest of the article:

12-04-2006, 11:03 PM
Heh, I've never liked EA anyway. They seem to be making some people unhappy lately...

12-05-2006, 12:01 AM
EA IMO just plain sucks the last 2 years with some of the crap they have been putting out.

12-05-2006, 01:03 AM
this is not news.. EA has sucked for years. I think the last time i played a game by them that i liked was clive barker's undying.