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12-09-2006, 09:18 PM
[XSW] Clan History

Some of you may be wondering how this awesome clan began. It's pretty straightforward really.

The XSW clan was founded by Nitrostatic, a really cool guy who left the Villains clan to start his own clan and was generally made of new players ready to dominate the Serious Sam scene. Nitrostatic's first clan was Villains. Mainly, this was due to an extremely friendly and nice person called Monster Crab who is now too an ex-Villain. Also, another reason was like the general reason why people join clans. To have a close group of friends who we can have some fun fragmatches and tournaments with. Nitrostatic realized the hard fact that Villains was not at all fullfilling after a while (or simply got bored, because hey, we're only human ya know). This was due to his best Sam buddy leaving the clan and also that they the other clan just wasn't satisfying him. He then went clanless for a little while, thinking over what to do. He figured out that starting his own clan, implementing the things that Villains didn't have, into his new clan. These things that, we feel, make XSW come out on top in the Serious Sam community are: honor and pride, not having bullshit rules that basically enslave the clan members by telling them what they can do and can't do in the servers, the clan leader (me, since I feel that I listen to every single member and to what they say, when most leaders dont "have time" for their members so someone a step down from them talks). Nitrostatic founded the clan, along with Boznuttz, his real-life best friend who he forced to play Sam (hehe). On the first day of winter, December 21, 2003.

Nitrostatic wanted a clan that was different than the others, ahead of the game. He saw many clans werent fulfilling what he dreamed of; therefore, he founded Excess Works.

Factoid: XSW originally stood for X-treme Samuri Warriors. However, since there were no samuris, let alone swords in Serious Sam, it kind of was a bad choice or words so instead of changing the clan symbols, Nitrostatic just changed what they stood for. After all, anything with an X in it is soo hardcore. We changed it to Excess Works later, getting the idea from Dream Works Factory (DWF).

Finding and recruiting awesome players was not the easiest since they are hard to find, or are already in a clan. Eventually, many players started coming out of the woodworks and helped further enlarge and help XSW grow. Athena was the clan's first girl and helped Nitrostatic greatly in building the clan into what it is today.

In March of 2005, XSW had a rebirth when Nitrostatic came back to assume the position of clan leader since the clan became inactive. Once Nitrostatic was back, the clan had revitalized and is now almost as active as it was at its most active period. New members were recruited to enlarge the active faction of the clan and it is now thriving very well and hopefully will continue for the years to come.

December of 2005 marked a great change in XSW. There became many new members that had some serious skills and we once again became one of the most active clans in Serious Sam. A few old school clan members came back also to dominate the servers. This also marked our 2nd anniversary of being a clan. Most recently, XSW had its 3rd year anniversary which of course, is very exciting that we were able to stay around this long in a rather unknown and little-played game.

The clan has on and off periods, mainly since the clan is dominated by teens who are really awesome and have busy lives since they're wicked cool. However, after school finishes like in the Summer and on Winter breaks and what-not, the clan comes back with a vengeance to Serious Sam.

To make a long story short, XSW is the most pimpin' clan Serious Sam has ever seen with the most girls out of any clan. We are here and we are never gonna die