View Full Version : Oldest Woman dies

Mad Fox
12-12-2006, 02:55 AM

Wow that must be amazing. Considering her almost perfect health up until a few years ago.

12-12-2006, 03:40 AM
and the standards get raised once again

Mad Fox
12-12-2006, 03:47 AM
I personally am planning to live to 110 as long as my mind and body are realtively fit.

12-12-2006, 04:10 AM
They never live past 120...

12-12-2006, 11:41 AM
that women prbly died from all the birthdayparties she had to go 2 :rofl:

12-12-2006, 11:42 AM
116 years :eek: awesome!
drink a half glass of white whine pro day and you will live a day longer

12-12-2006, 02:33 PM
Drink half a bottle of wine everyday and you will live a day less. :D

12-12-2006, 02:36 PM
I personally am planning to live to 110 as long as my mind and body are realtively fit.

I hope I can just make it to 50, the way I feel now not to sure I want to go much past 50.

Mad Fox
12-12-2006, 06:55 PM
I hope I can just make it to 50, the way I feel now not to sure I want to go much past 50.

Set your goals high. You will neve be sorry if you fall short.

12-12-2006, 07:33 PM
Set your goals high. You will neve be sorry if you fall short.


Not that I'm against setting your goals high, but the second half of that statement doesn't make sense to me.

If I set my goals high and I never reach them, I will so be sorry, b/c I failed to reach my goals.

I might look back on my deathbed and say "I lived a good life" but I will also say "but I fell short of that one thing"

I personally have my goal set higher than 50, but less than 110. I can't imagine living that long. I'd much rather pass away between 70 and 80 or so. I think once I start outliving all my friends and (same generation) family, I will be ready to go as well. I wouldn't want to live the last 20+ years of my life living off my children, or living in a nursing home. I'm content with the idea of passing away when I can no longer live on my own, and when companionship has gone. It's not a matter of setting my goals high enough - it's a matter of not seeing much to entice me to live that long.

Die Hard
12-12-2006, 09:26 PM
Dawg. Come here so I can slap you. You tart!!

Mad Fox
12-12-2006, 09:40 PM
I personally love life and would do any means to sustain it as long as I had the mental capacityto enjoy it in its fullest. I think that every knew day would provide a chance to learn and expierence something new. And who knows what there is after death? I would rather strive to stay here and enjoy what i know i have.

12-12-2006, 11:47 PM
I hope I can just make it to 50, the way I feel now not to sure I want to go much past 50.

I don't know how old you are Dawg, but I'm assuming you're in your late 40's, same as me. I know you are going through a tough time in your life. I'm dealing with problems in my life too, and while they are not the same problems that you have, they are challenging none the less. I sympathize with you, and I can only offer one piece of advice. Keep your eyes set on the future, a good future, where you are past the things you are going through today. Cherish the good days you may have and forget the bad ones. Life is worth living even though it may not seem so sometimes, so go right ahead and make some long-term goals. You'll feel pretty silly when you get through the problems and are standing around thinking "Hmmm, well here I am. What do I do now?" :)

12-13-2006, 12:26 AM
Sirc that was the nicest post you ever made :) Somebody archive that.

Seriously I dont know how old I want to get, not to be confused with wanting to die, But I do enjoy everyday the best I can :thumbs:

12-13-2006, 12:29 AM
Hmm.. I honestly hope i live long enough to see my children grow up and have children of their own. If i can see that,i think i could really consider myself lucky. That is, if i am lucky (YES read that LUCKY) enough to find a fulfilling marriage.

I wouldnt wanna die at 50 i dont think... but i've lived a pretty decent life so far..

12-13-2006, 01:16 AM
I don't know how old you are Dawg, but I'm assuming you're in your late 40's, same as me. I know you are going through a tough time in your life. I'm dealing with problems in my life too, and while they are not the same problems that you have, they are challenging none the less. I sympathize with you, and I can only offer one piece of advice. Keep your eyes set on the future, a good future, where you are past the things you are going through today. Cherish the good days you may have and forget the bad ones. Life is worth living even though it may not seem so sometimes, so go right ahead and make some long-term goals. You'll feel pretty silly when you get through the problems and are standing around thinking "Hmmm, well here I am. What do I do now?" :)

Thanks Sirc, Well I was joking somewhat when I stated that, but at time's (as this is my 2nd time in 10 years with cancer) I wonder if I'm meant to live a long life. I guess that's what I should have said. LOL, oh and no in my late 30's.

12-14-2006, 06:05 PM
Thanks Sirc, Well I was joking somewhat when I stated that, but at time's (as this is my 2nd time in 10 years with cancer) I wonder if I'm meant to live a long life. I guess that's what I should have said. LOL, oh and no in my late 30's.

Is that in dog years......?

I'm with Sirc (who knew??!); life is about cherishing every minute you're here on earth, and looking forward to the future..... enjoy it while you can.

12-14-2006, 07:35 PM
I personally love life and would do any means to sustain it as long as I had the mental capacityto enjoy it in its fullest. I think that every knew day would provide a chance to learn and expierence something new. And who knows what there is after death? I would rather strive to stay here and enjoy what i know i have.

word of da man :thumbs:

i want to be dead every morning i wake up and find out i have to go to school, but i guess some people here have much more serious problems with life, so no big deal..

i also think human is going to be almost immune against death from age one day, due to advance in medicine, nanotechnologies and robotics. next level of antibiotics can be nanobots in our veins, making us maybe immune against every kind of virus and germ. but i doubt it will affect us, if it ever happens :(