View Full Version : F.e.a.r.

12-18-2006, 07:17 PM
well im playing this game now, but im dissapointed. i saw many reviews with superlative ratings about great athmospere and stuff, but i cant feel atmosphere at all. im also not scared even in the top of my any finger. i want to ask about your feeling about this game, what have you enjoyed becouse i cant find anything. maybe thats becouse im after condemned criminals and my brain is dull to scary atmhosphere.

12-18-2006, 07:28 PM
I personally thought it was a very quality game. The fights were superb, the enemy AI was beyond compare, and I disagree heartily with you - the atmosphere was right on. I jumped and scared the crap outta myself like crazy in that game.

12-18-2006, 07:52 PM
yes fights are funny and you enjoy them, maybe problem is that i dont get much from the story. i know some little girl controls some dood who is controling artificial soldiers and im after him but thats all. i really dont understand what are they mumbling in the radio, coordinator and stuff

12-18-2006, 08:02 PM
Have you played F.E.A.R. OR F.E.A.R. - Extraction Point ??

12-18-2006, 08:08 PM
yes fights are funny and you enjoy them, maybe problem is that i dont get much from the story. i know some little girl controls some dood who is controling artificial soldiers and im after him but thats all. i really dont understand what are they mumbling in the radio, coordinator and stuff

It takes the entire course of the game to understand what's going on with Elma and all of that. The mystery is part of the fun.

As for what's on the radio and such, that's your main source of the storyline moving along, so if you're losing all of that, it might become difficult to keep the story goign for you.

12-18-2006, 08:34 PM
It takes the entire course of the game to understand what's going on with Elma and all of that. The mystery is part of the fun.

As for what's on the radio and such, that's your main source of the storyline moving along, so if you're losing all of that, it might become difficult to keep the story goign for you.

im thinking about dalay playing this game, at least as long as i dont understand everything. but thats wierd, when i played Fahrenheit a half year ago i understood everything perfectly, i guess i need to listen to some podcast.

12-18-2006, 08:35 PM
Have you played F.E.A.R. OR F.E.A.R. - Extraction Point ??

normal fear

12-19-2006, 03:43 AM
I only play the Multi-player TDM....awesome stuff.

and FREEEEEEEE!!!!!!

but yea, i only played the demo and it scared me a couple times. i heard someone describe it as not in your face scary like some guy jumping out and going BOO! but scary in that you always get the general IDEA that its scary, the environment just keeps you on edge, then you see the girl standing behind a window starting menacingly at you at the end of a dimly lit hallway.

THAT is a good game!

wish i could afford the darn thing now :P

12-19-2006, 02:25 PM
and FREEEEEEEE!!!!!!

but yea, i only played the demo and it scared me a couple times. i heard someone describe it as not in your face scary like some guy jumping out and going BOO! but scary in that you always get the general IDEA that its scary, the environment just keeps you on edge, then you see the girl standing behind a window starting menacingly at you at the end of a dimly lit hallway.

THAT is a good game!

wish i could afford the darn thing now :P

I'll be in GR this weekend if you want to borrow my copy

12-19-2006, 03:24 PM
I'll be in GR this weekend if you want to borrow my copy

nah, its cool. i have photoshop to occupy my time now :P