View Full Version : Plea to Slash/Outlaws

12-21-2006, 02:14 PM
Hi there Outlaws!

Was wondering why Candy A$$ has never been banned from the Outlaws server. In all my history of playing Sam, I've never seen someone trash a server as much as he does and yet he continues to get away with it. What's up with that? If you need me to collect screenies or whatever, please let me know.
Please don't ban his IP range as I'm part of that range! :eek: Just his IP.
If there is some other formal process to get him banned, please let me know so I can start it. I really like playing in the Outlaws server and am grateful it has been around so long, but if this continues I guess I will have lost a server.:(

12-21-2006, 02:33 PM
We had that topic, better ban his name than his IP cuz candy ass is changing his IP every week :thumbs:

12-21-2006, 02:45 PM
PLEASE ban his name and let's hope he doesn't come here to read this and change his name again.

12-21-2006, 03:26 PM
We had that topic, better ban his name than his IP cuz candy ass is changing his IP every week :thumbs:

Are you sure? How is he changing his IP? He is on Cox cable same as me and they don't allow IP changes, although they don't guarantee you will keep the same one. I would say it is possible mine changes every couple of months or so.

12-21-2006, 03:26 PM
That is Slash's server, he is the only one that has admin rights to it. He hardly visits these forums so your best bet is post your comments in the threads about this person (being nice) and also to PM him giving him the link to this thread explaining what is goin on.

12-21-2006, 04:07 PM
Are you sure? How is he changing his IP? He is on Cox cable same as me and they don't allow IP changes, although they don't guarantee you will keep the same one. I would say it is possible mine changes every couple of months or so.

don't know the others say so!
someone banned him from his server and a week later he joined oh the server although he was banned :confused:

OUTLAWS Behind You?
12-21-2006, 05:39 PM
Changing IP addresses is simple. Just renew your IP subscription. This can change the IP address. Turn connected device off for a few days. This can change the IP address. It is a normal function of DHCP servers to reassign IP addresses dynamically.

12-21-2006, 06:22 PM
Changing IP addresses is simple. Just renew your IP subscription. This can change the IP address. Turn connected device off for a few days. This can change the IP address. It is a normal function of DHCP servers to reassign IP addresses dynamically.
Yeah, I know. But just renewing won't do it unless your DHCP lease is up. Generally, you end up with the same IP even when the lease runs out. But I imagine cable companies such as mine probably force the change every month or so to prevent people from putting up servers on their network.:cool:

12-21-2006, 06:49 PM
Or you can send an email to abuse@cox.com (his provider) with your complaint about CA :D

At least i did :rolleyes:

12-21-2006, 06:54 PM
DiTomasso, can you post the information about Candyass that we can all send to cox?

Strength by numbers...if dozens of us team up to send Cox hate mail against Candyass, maybe then they will do something about it.

12-21-2006, 09:51 PM
I banned his specific IP. Name banning does nothing, he'll simply change a few characters and log back on. If he can change his IP at will then, nothing short of range banning will work. His ip is if an admin wants to see if it matches up with a GM account.

12-21-2006, 09:55 PM
Thank you Mr. Slasher.....you be my new hero!!

12-21-2006, 09:57 PM
Thx Slash, I had a few peeps PM me some IPs that he has used. That one was on the list.

12-21-2006, 10:08 PM
Hope he won't get again into Outlaws server.

12-21-2006, 10:13 PM
Hope he won't get again into Outlaws server.

Smack the B'tch up!

12-21-2006, 10:21 PM
Or you can send an email to abuse@cox.com (his provider) with your complaint about CA :D

At least i did :rolleyes:
Yes, that's my next step. I wasn't after ruining his internet connection, though...just stop what he's doing in Sam. But if that's what it takes....
Although I understand that Cox wants the server log info...and I can't get that for them.:(

12-21-2006, 10:23 PM
I banned his specific IP.

Excellent!!! Thanks, Slash. At least we'll have peace for a little while.:D

12-21-2006, 11:56 PM
I banned his specific IP. Name banning does nothing, he'll simply change a few characters and log back on. If he can change his IP at will then, nothing short of range banning will work. His ip is if an admin wants to see if it matches up with a GM account.

:thumbs: Thanks from all of us !!

12-22-2006, 12:07 AM
It is no one from here, I searched the three IPs given to me and they all retured "No Matches Found", but the IPs all resolves to Cox.net and not Cox.com.

I even searched with just 2 of the 4 octets and found no matches other than Dan I Am.

12-22-2006, 12:45 AM
yah thanks, if this dosnt help... Candyass lives in Atlanta right? maybe we could call up JT(strider) and tell him to kick his ass or something?

No, he lives right in my town. :eek: Lucky me, eh?:rolleyes:

12-22-2006, 01:56 AM
No, he lives right in my town. :eek: Lucky me, eh?:rolleyes:

If I lived in the same town as Candyass, he would be wishing he never met the Ultimate Blackmailer.

One of my personal favorites (ALLEGEDLY) is the "anonymous tip" scheme where you call your local 5-0 and tell them you suspect so-and-so has marijuana, possibly cocaine, in his possession. They'll rip his house apart until they find something to incriminate him.

It works like a charm.

12-22-2006, 06:13 PM
It is no one from here, I searched the three IPs given to me and they all retured "No Matches Found", but the IPs all resolves to Cox.net and not Cox.com.

I even searched with just 2 of the 4 octets and found no matches other than Dan I Am.

Sorry my mistake :P

12-22-2006, 06:14 PM
he can change his ip at will:thumbs: the name ban works for me,he aint got the brains to work out how he is banned;)

In that case i hope he doesnot visit this forum :D
btw it works on TGR server to :thumbs:

12-23-2006, 02:20 AM
In that case i hope he doesnot visit this forum :D
btw it works on TGR server to :thumbs:

Hmmm...should we have this thread deleted? :)

12-23-2006, 02:25 AM
If I lived in the same town as Candyass, he would be wishing he never met the Ultimate Blackmailer.

One of my personal favorites (ALLEGEDLY) is the "anonymous tip" scheme where you call your local 5-0 and tell them you suspect so-and-so has marijuana, possibly cocaine, in his possession. They'll rip his house apart until they find something to incriminate him.

It works like a charm.

What country do you live in Nitro? I'm pretty sure it takes something a bit more substantial to get a search warrant then an "anonymous tip". It does where I live.

12-23-2006, 02:26 AM
What country do you live in Nitro? I'm pretty sure it takes something a bit more substantial to get a search warrant then an "anonymous tip". It does where I live.

you dont need a warrent with the new antiterrorism laws

hooray for fasicsm!!!!

12-23-2006, 02:27 AM
If I lived in the same town as Candyass, he would be wishing he never met the Ultimate Blackmailer.

One of my personal favorites (ALLEGEDLY) is the "anonymous tip" scheme where you call your local 5-0 and tell them you suspect so-and-so has marijuana, possibly cocaine, in his possession. They'll rip his house apart until they find something to incriminate him.

It works like a charm.

I can neither confirm nor deny I would do any of those things. :cool: