View Full Version : Welcome back Merc

12-22-2006, 10:33 PM

12-22-2006, 10:46 PM
he's BEEN back foo' :P

who are you in that pic?

12-22-2006, 10:49 PM
vruc burek:ohttp://img172.imageshack.us/img172/3093/msndollzubigiv9.gif

12-22-2006, 10:51 PM
I always enjoyed playing Night Hawk. He's a very talented and fair player. If he's playing again then wait till he gets his game back. He's not a Merc for nothing. ;)

12-22-2006, 11:24 PM
Nice to see some MERC-Gamers !

btw vruc burek trashed me =)

The Priest
12-22-2006, 11:47 PM
hi all i am named pissed in screenies devil kicked my ass gg mate:thumbs:

12-23-2006, 12:04 AM
I always enjoyed playing Night Hawk. He's a very talented and fair player. If he's playing again then wait till he gets his game back. He's not a Merc for nothing. ;)

Darktime played a little recently too and he is better than Nighthawk by a factor of at least 5 but Nighthawk is still a kickass player. Darktime if you read this, PM me and I'll hook you up with your tag.

12-23-2006, 12:05 AM
vruc burek:ohttp://img172.imageshack.us/img172/3093/msndollzubigiv9.gif

vruc=hot and burek=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Burek_trokut_3.gif

12-23-2006, 12:22 AM
hi all i am named pissed in screenies devil kicked my ass gg mate:thumbs:

Tnx all for gg,and Priest-mate, i kicked no your ass,only was your bad day.

Darktime played a little recently too and he is better than Nighthawk by a factor of at least 5 but Nighthawk is still a kickass player. Darktime if you read this, PM me and I'll hook you up with your tag.
And plz . thread is Welcome back Merc--no who was better

12-23-2006, 02:25 AM
Tnx all for gg,and Priest-mate, i kicked no your ass,only was your bad day.

And plz . thread is Welcome back Merc--no who was better

i dont care :P

12-23-2006, 02:31 AM
Darktime played a little recently too and he is better than Nighthawk by a factor of at least 5 but Nighthawk is still a kickass player. Darktime if you read this, PM me and I'll hook you up with your tag.

Nighthawk hasn't played in forever. You can't make an assertion like that without seeing him in form. Darktime wasn't that great, and if I remember correctly he whined a lot about how other people played.

12-23-2006, 02:33 AM
Nighthawk hasn't played in forever. You can't make an assertion like that without seeing him in form. Darktime wasn't that great, and if I remember correctly he whined a lot about how other people played.

Well I am just saying what I saw. We was in a game and Darktime was owning Nighthawk. Both of those players have not played in ages and frmo what I saw, Darktime was clearly racking up more kills with double shotty and minigun. I'm not saying Nighthawk is bad, because he's not, I'm just saying Darktime is better now

12-23-2006, 04:30 AM
Nighthawk and I are GOOD friends in game!

12-23-2006, 09:01 AM

12-23-2006, 09:43 AM
gg good to see mercs coming back:thumbs:

12-23-2006, 09:49 AM
Played with him too. Or is that you Nitro? -.-

GG anyway Devil. :D

12-23-2006, 11:57 AM
gg and nice to see a Merc playing again :)

The Priest
12-23-2006, 03:06 PM
someone needs to look at my screenie scores they are the wrong way round:rofl:

Siron Ex
12-23-2006, 05:16 PM
GG ! Hope therell come some other MERCs back to the game 2

12-23-2006, 05:42 PM
GG ! Hope therell come some other MERCs back to the game 2

Even if they are back after 2-3 years they use tags. That's kewl. Someone should does the same.