View Full Version : Anime Fans...

Caged Anger
12-25-2006, 10:39 PM
where do you buy yours? Best buy is far from being the lowest priced or greatest selection. I found a few places online that have the ones I want as does ebay, but both places are so cheap that they can only be bootlegs.


12-26-2006, 04:14 PM
I don't buy any right now b/c my buddy has like a lifetime of collections that I can watch.

However, he purchases his from a couple of sources.

www.animetoxic.com - they often have good prices. There was a short show in Japan that was 6 episodes long. In America they sold it as 3 DVDs, each w 2/ episodes, and 20 bucks per disc. He found the series on this site for 25 for all 6 on 2 discs

cine-east.com - He mainly uses this for purchasing foreign films that come out here before they come out on DVD in america. IE: We watched "Fearless" in the theaters in Sep. He had the disc first week of october. It released in america on Dec 19.

Frankly, he gets most of them from Ebay. I've gotten a few that way as well, and I've never gotten anything but the real, legit discs.

Caged Anger
12-26-2006, 06:37 PM
hmmm, interesting, but doesn't have what I'm looking for, but I think what I'm looking for isn't out yet