View Full Version : GM FFL - Championship Game

12-27-2006, 07:35 PM
We are down to the "Brawl For It All" this weekend, it's Sal vs Term in the Championship game for the title and the $90 that goes along with it. :thumbs:

Sal the winner of 12 straight games going 13-1 in the regular season and 15-1 if you include the playoffs has pretty much had his way with everyone this year except for a week 4 loss to Iris.

Term seeded #7 kind of sneaked into the playoffs with a losing 6-7-1 record, but has knocked off the #2 and #3 teams on his way to making it to the Championship game.

We have had a awesome league this year and everyone has kept up with their teams even through the consolation round games. It is so nice to not have to send out reminders. Thanks you all and hope to see you again next year.


Championship Rounds:

Consolation Rounds:

12-27-2006, 08:02 PM
It has been a fantastic year, I've had a ton of fun. Very competitive - has to be when only 2 teams get above .500!

Even with my terrible performance this last weekend, I've had a great time this year. Can't wait to play again next year - should be a blast!

12-27-2006, 08:51 PM
I had a great time this year even though my team sucked as well as I did trying to fix it. Looking forward to next year, Good luck to Term and Sal in the Championship Game.

12-28-2006, 04:33 AM
Run prey.

12-28-2006, 05:20 AM
Great season, had a lot of fun.:thumbs:

12-31-2006, 09:23 PM
At the half the score is:
Sal - 23
Term - 63

12-31-2006, 10:04 PM
Wow, I don't get final scores until the next day, does Sal have a lot of players yet to start games??

12-31-2006, 10:25 PM
I paid for the StatTracker service, it's like $9 and you get live as it happens updates of each game.

IIRC Sal has four players left to play (the same as Term I believe) and one of those is Payton Manning who is playing now, Sal is making a slight comeback and closed to within 20 points (71-51 atm).

I will post all the final results for today's four games (The Championship and the three consolation games) after tonights GB/Chi game since some teams have players in those games.

12-31-2006, 10:32 PM
Lol :D

Here are the current scores of all the games

12-31-2006, 10:34 PM
Well your having a good day Sho

01-01-2007, 02:31 AM
Congrats Term!

01-01-2007, 04:57 PM
Congratulations Term on winning the GM FFL Championship. :thumbs:

Man that was an awesome run playing the underdog role and knocking off the #3, #2 and the #1 teams on the way to the championship. :thumbs:

Sal you put on a clinic on how to whip ass and take names all year, 15-2 whew! :thumbs:

We had 3 other games that are still important as they determine draft order for next year.

Thanks everyone for the outstanding season we had, you are all winners and hope to see you all back next season. ;)

The Championship Game

3rd/4th place game

5th/6th place game

7th/8th place game

01-01-2007, 05:52 PM
I've been wondering all year, btw. I know most of the members, but who do sporting wood, whitetrash one, and Hoosier Smoke correspond to in GM usernames?

I might guess that Hoosier Smoke is MPulse, as he's from indiana, but other than that I got nothin' on those 3.

01-01-2007, 05:54 PM
I paid for the StatTracker service, it's like $9 and you get live as it happens updates of each game.

Is that all it costs? If I have the internet by next year, I'm gonna have to opt for that. That would be handy to have.

01-01-2007, 07:09 PM
Sportin' Wood Hammertime
Long Island Surf Dan2
Hoosier Smoke aka Hoosier20girl (she is someone I know from some racing forums)
whitetrash one aka Southbay17 (he is someone I know from some racing forums)
The Cockroaches BobtheCkroach
Bucs to the Bowl NastyDawg
The SALvation Sal
Term's Tight Ends Term
IrisPlayers Outlaw Iris
Sho's Vikes <---- I do not know this fool

Bob the screen that it gives you during the games is pretty cool, it breaks down the points, stats, etc ....

01-01-2007, 08:14 PM
Congrats Term!! :thumbs:

01-02-2007, 02:26 PM
Sportin' Wood Hammertime
Long Island Surf Dan2
Hoosier Smoke aka Hoosier20girl (she is someone I know from some racing forums)
whitetrash one aka Southbay17 (he is someone I know from some racing forums)
The Cockroaches BobtheCkroach
Bucs to the Bowl NastyDawg
The SALvation Sal
Term's Tight Ends Term
IrisPlayers Outlaw Iris
Sho's Vikes <---- I do not know this fool

Bob the screen that it gives you during the games is pretty cool, it breaks down the points, stats, etc ....

Ah, thank you much.