View Full Version : Is File Sharing (Piracy) Bad for Industry?

Caged Anger
01-04-2007, 12:52 AM
just curious what different people's takes are on the topic. There are a bunch of discussions about this on the net, but I hold Gamemeccians as being at the forefront of intellectual forum boards
(haha, j/k) :D

I myself vote that its not bad for industry and has in fact increased the fan base of many different things from music to anime (anime in particular).

Thoughts people?

01-04-2007, 12:53 AM
Hmmm this is one of those touchy subjects, I will be watching this topic closely.

Caged Anger
01-04-2007, 12:57 AM
DOH, man, I posted this and thought to myself "...i bet the admins will take this the wrong way.. :D " and then i see you post a new thread immediately after I post this....:rofl:

TY for not locking immediately bud, I know its a touchy subject, but its also an interesting topic worth debating. Should it breach GM rules and regs, no offense if it gets locked :)

01-04-2007, 03:56 AM
Well I do think so, if they are still selling the software, then it seems to me that potential customers who instead get themselves a free copy are hurting the industry.

But, what do I know, that's just my opinion on this very tricky subject.

01-04-2007, 04:39 AM
I can only answer this question with truth;)

I believe people deserve to get paid for their work. I do not believe once a product is purchased that their should be limits on the use.

I believe that consumers have been being robbed for many years and today these companies are being paid back for it.

There is a tax on blank media if you did not know and that to me is robbery considering what's the tax for? That's right it goes to the recording industry and with that I feel you have already paid for what ever you may be putting on that blamk media.

I am no angel but I will tell you this. I have spent a lot of money over the years on EA games and other stuff and I honestly feel that it is these companies ripping us off which should be looked at first before anyone dowloading material. Do I think this is hurting the industry? Yes but not here in America. Chances are you would not be buying what you are downloading for free anyway so it is not a loss to them. This has already been proven. I think if any company ripped you off anytime you have every right to get back at them you wish.

If software and games were made cheaper they would not have any problems. No way should anyone pay over 30 dollars for any computer or console game. I don't care how much it cost to make, these games make billions in profits.

Pirating will always be alive until the companies stop stealing first. People bitch at microsoft for spending 200 buck on an os but if they calculate what a simple game cost it's a ripp off. Do I care if anyone cracks anything or downloads all of the albums of AbbA? Hell no and I hope they continue because if anyone thinks prices are too high because of it that is BS. If that was the problem every company would be out of business including microsoft. They use this as a reason to charge so much and because of it they make billions and trillions of dollars while they cut back on your labor and hire people for pennies in the actual countries that are stealing most of it.

I will also say that you should always have a wireless router in your house. ;)

01-04-2007, 02:50 PM
Does pirated pron count? :o

01-04-2007, 03:11 PM
Does pirated pron count? :o

God...I hope not !! :D :rolleyes:

01-04-2007, 03:42 PM
God...I hope not !! :D :rolleyes:
I don't even know what you're talking about :P

01-04-2007, 03:52 PM
Does pirated pron count? :o


01-04-2007, 04:00 PM
i agree with Bigz. here in czech republic was Painkiller for many months top selling game(i mean #1), after price dropped to 10$. now its out, it got a bit old.

01-04-2007, 04:11 PM
It has pros and cons...

Besides the fact that it is stealing, it's still ridiculous to ask a lot of money for a program which people only use once. Also, the illegal downloading force companies to make their product so good that people think it's worthy to buy. I still buy some (many :o) movies, games, programs etc. if I know that they are really good/useful.

What I'm truly against is that people make profit out of illegal stuff and become some sort of "company", that's just a bridge to far.

Downloading a music/movie/program once in a while ain't bad for the industry. It also keeps the "oldies" etc alive cuz it's easy to find and get. And I'm not gonna worry about a nowadays pop-, moviestar if they can buy a 3rd house or not.

For the pronworld: only market which keeps growing every year even when it goes bad with the economy :D

So personal illegal downloading ain't that bad I think (no effect) and can be even usefull, only massive illegal spreading/selling shouldn't become a market itself:)

01-05-2007, 12:27 AM
Biggs I really like the arguments you make here, you have some very valid points, and I think they make complete sense. I do believe that pirating software does hurt the industry, but I can see where it doesn't have too major an effect on the profits that are being made in the video game industry.

01-05-2007, 02:39 AM
there is a new recordcompany started ( in sweden ) based to make profit buy letting people downloading EVERY song they produce on the internet,
and they are growing fast. yea.. way :P

Dangerous Dan
01-14-2007, 03:54 AM
check this out, if this new legislation in Canada passes, having ANY (including your own ripped MP3s) MP3s on your comp will serve as grounds for a lawsuit.


Caged Anger
01-14-2007, 04:47 AM
nwo thats going too far...sheesh, I buy the music, I'm gonna listen to it on whatever the heck I want to