View Full Version : Hellgate: London - Release Window

01-08-2007, 05:58 PM
Well, they still haven't given us a final date, but they announced today that Hellgate: London will release Summer 07, so it looks like we've got 5-7 months left!


01-08-2007, 06:45 PM
cant wait!

01-10-2007, 05:31 AM
As soon as I saw EA mentioned I did not bother to read it and put it on the who cares list. I am sorry BOB but Any game or app by these kinds of companies should not be promoted. A real gamer will not install this cancer on their machine. We being gamers need to stick together on this before all the company's follow EA's tracks if they are accepted.

I hope you understand my gripe bro:thumbs: . There are so many other better companies out there with better games I look forward to that you mention.

01-10-2007, 02:33 PM
I understand your concerns, yes, and in general I stay away from their crap, too. However, I'd like to see further how EA is involved - flagship studios is the company that's coding the game. I'm not sure what EA's role in it was.

Actually, I can't find a single reference to EA anywhere on Hellgate's site, nor on Flagship Studio's site.

Are they just acting as the role of publisher?

Either way, when a game this good comes along, I'd have to find some really compelling evidence to pursuade me not to get it. I stay away from titles that EA actually makes, but if EA has a lesser role, I'll give that a try. The people coding this are almost all peopel that used to work for Blizzard, which makes quality products, and at this point I'm nothing but excited about this title.

01-10-2007, 03:45 PM

Apparently, the online MP will be subscription based, like an MMO.

I've always wished that MMOs would optionally allow you to install the game as a SP, offline, experience, even though I realize that this is probably impossible, due to the amount of content you're talking.

Nice to see that someone is finally doing this.