View Full Version : President's Speech

Caged Anger
01-12-2007, 12:29 AM
surprised no one mentioned it yet....I wasn't impressed as it seemed like a re-wording of his past speeches, but w/e

what did you guys think of it?

01-12-2007, 01:06 AM
there was a speech?

Caged Anger
01-12-2007, 01:17 AM
(*sigh, no wonder the country is going to pot...lol)

01-12-2007, 04:15 AM
*tries to hold back from posting opinions*

01-12-2007, 04:59 AM
To summarize the speech Bush is pushing to put more troops in Iraq in hopes of improving the situation there.

Caged Anger
01-12-2007, 05:11 AM
*tries to hold back from posting opinions*

comon, might as well Nitro, go for it, thats why we have discussions, and to quote Patton (yes, the general)

If everyone is thinking the same thing, then someone isn't thinking...

Give your opinion

01-12-2007, 06:25 AM
What Bush is wanting to do goes against most American's wishes. Now sometimes it's a mark of a great leader to buck the general view and follow his vision. In Bush's case, it's just further proof that he's a ****ing idiot.

01-12-2007, 07:03 AM
they were talking about it on both czech national TVs. Sirc is righ, bush showed he is ****ing idiot, becouse he doesnt respect american people in democratic country. but, is that possible becouse of these 20000 more soldiers you will win war in iraq?

01-12-2007, 02:53 PM
Well who knows what would happen if we pulled out right now. I think if we stay just a little longer things may subside. If not then the Iraqi people obviously don't want peace and we can easily find a dictator that will quell the insurgence with a snap of his fingers.

01-12-2007, 03:10 PM
What Bush is wanting to do goes against most American's wishes. Now sometimes it's a mark of a great leader to buck the general view and follow his vision. In Bush's case, it's just further proof that he's a ****ing idiot.
*sigh* yet one more time..... that I agree with Sirc :rolleyes:

01-12-2007, 03:17 PM
So in other words to sum President Bush's speech up........ he wants to stay the course by putting more troops on the ground.

This is clearly not what the vast majority of Americans want, it's not what the Iraq Study Group recommended, it's not what our generals wanted either, but it looks like the Prez is stubbornly digging his heels in and saying we will commit more troops. And Republicans in the Senate are apparently in agreement, as they are threatening a filibuster if legislation is introduced opposing more troops in Iraq w/o Congressional approval. Can you say, deja vu?

Caged Anger
01-12-2007, 03:44 PM
Well who knows what would happen if we pulled out right now. I think if we stay just a little longer things may subside. If not then the Iraqi people obviously don't want peace and we can easily find a dictator that will quell the insurgence with a snap of his fingers.

its incredable how when saddam (who I'm not a fan of by any means) was in power, he may have been treating his people bad, but he was treating EVERYBODY bad, lol. Perhpas thats what kept everything in order in the area and perhaps its going to require a dictatorship to function in the area...:confused:

01-12-2007, 03:44 PM
What Bush is wanting to do goes against most American's wishes. Now sometimes it's a mark of a great leader to buck the general view and follow his vision. In Bush's case, it's just further proof that he's a ****ing idiot.

WARNING: You have been deemed an enemy combatant for exercising the repealed 1st Amendment of the Constitution. You will be receiving a visit from the Department of Homeland Security shortly, after which, you will be rushed through a military tribunal and put into a detention center at an undisclosed location for life. It's been nice knowing you :wave:

01-12-2007, 03:59 PM
you cant win a war against something that doesnt officially exist IMO

funny thing is, we of all countries should know that...since its pretty much how we became a nation...

01-12-2007, 04:42 PM
I guess it's so easy to judge someone like our president than to actually realize what really is going on in the world. It seems that people love to make judgements instead of actually paying attention. I will not go into the war in Iraq once again as I have done that already to closed minded people before. OK, for anyone who says Bush is an idiot that's fine but stop being a typical American who is lazy to pay attention and get the facts. Stop being the peace is the way to live because it is not a reality or it actually does have a huge price tag (look at our vets from previous wars.).

OK so you want to insult, offend the president which is your American right to do but please make yourself a better person and explain when doing so. What would you do? You see if anyone who actually bashed the president came back with reason it would be a respectable thing others who disagree with you can accept. For me it sickens me to listen to people bitch about something they do not understand or worst bother to take the time yet they feel under the constitution they can say what they want. Don't just make a comment, explain yourself why you think the president is an idiot. What would you do or think would have been a better thing to do. Give me something instead of stupid statements without reason. I am sorry but it just sounds ignorant to me to say something wothout reason or belief in another strategy.

I am also curious how anyone thinks we can prevail when we have another side of Goverments always competeing and doing everything against the other side. D & C has always been a great plan and with that you have America.

01-12-2007, 04:46 PM
I also forgot to mention that we lost 3000 people in this war in Iraq. Those numbers may seem high but under any other war they are actually pretty good. I suggest people look up the definition of war and get woth reality to what it's about.

Please do not forget and look up how many people we lost not in war by the same type of people we are actually fighting. Please do not just count thw 3000+ from 9/11 because there has been other attacks people seem to ignore when numbers are not that high. It's like thinking a buck is just a buck until you actually start counting them.

01-12-2007, 04:49 PM
For me it sickens me to listen to people bitch about something they do not understand

amen to that brother! a-FREAKING-men

01-13-2007, 12:19 AM
nice post Bigg !!

I think W is thinking ahead and sees that there is a possibility that at least half of Iraq (other half Syria) may fall under Iranian control if they left... I still think he should not of invaded in the first place...

with the president of Iran beign as he is, and Iran ain't as easy to beat as Iraq...it could easily escalate into very bad news...

01-13-2007, 08:13 AM
Forget this post, it is too negative.

01-13-2007, 02:02 PM
Here's an interesting summation of events and views from this one news reporter ;)

Keith Olbermann (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16583889/)

01-13-2007, 02:46 PM
Although I don't agree with everything Kieth said, I do think our President is writing checks that the next administration, and the one following it has to cash.
Sending in more troops is fine, if there's a short and quick way to finish the job, well guess what, there isn't. We're supposed to have Iraq police trained to take over. It's been years, troops should be decreasing, not expanding.

Bush wants to win a unwinnable war, his legacy will be the death and mutilation of Thousands of Americans.
What would be interesting, when his 8 year term is up, see how many soldiers died in Bush's war, and how many were wounded, how many Iraq civilians were killed and wounded by American hands, then compare it to Saddaam's total....

01-13-2007, 04:33 PM
I won't disagree about how our money is beung spent but that has always been the case. We spend more money on other countries than our own. Everyone said this was for oil first but that should be plain to see that is not true.

When people say an unwinnable war we really need to look at that further and think to ourself what does that mean? If this war is unwinnable what do we do about this outburst of extremism considering their advancements. What happends a few years from now when these people are even stronger and posess weapons that can blow up any city or multiple cities in America? Do people think that these people will stop? Do Americans understand their goal? Lets think back post 9/11 and what was their goal then?

Do we ignore this? Do we honestly say to ourself that we do not need to bother to do anything because it costs too much money or because we risk deaths of military men and women? Can one man make all the proper descisions and if so will they work when another side or group does nothing but question or degrade everything instead of working together? Is the reality because we have Democrats and Republicans running the country be the true problem with the addition to Americans picking either side and going with what ever they say? WHen do Americans get off their arse and say and do something. Do Americans have the right to choose their arguments and ignore ones that are just as important such as health care or our childrens education?

To say this war is unwinnable means we are destined to die and that is a reality. This much different than Hitler days and in reality far worst. Because People want to live in a fantasy land where they think being politically correct is the way to be is foolish. This has been the biggest downfall in America because it prevents reality to truelly show its color and instead of offending the enemies we feed them and pat them on their back as if they are the vicitims. Only in America will we have people be outraged by what our troops are doing to the enemy rather than see outrage about what they do to us such as cutting a head off and broadcasting. That brings me to the reality of what these people are. Geneva convention should no longer apply to this war and that needs to be made public.

This war is winnable in my eyes but it will be bloody something that people in America or the world cannot understand. This is World War III but because the enemie is deeply hidden it goes unrecognized. The reality it there see it or don't. Ignore it or deal with it. The truth is inmy eyes that the President has been trying to deal with it but is being held back and when he says black the Democrats went against him and said white just to make this war look worst on the other party. The reality is the Democrats are evil (not all) and have caused mnay more deaths because they fed the opposition who want us to fail. Yes, the Democrats wanted us to fail because their only way to make themself look good is oppisite to what republicans want. If Republicans were winning this war who would think of the Democrats could do the better? See the pattern? This is a reality as they preech to ignorant Americans that this war is unwinnable, that our men and women are rapists and murderes. How do you think those comments look around the world? Do you honest believe our men and women go around Iraq just killing and raping? Do you honestly feel the Democrats have our best interest at heart or would they sell their own mothers to get into office. No matter what America ignores the reality and accepts and believes everything they say. Anyone who thinks having Kerry or Hillary running this country will be a good thing will only be responsible for the outcome which no matter what looks grimmer than they can imagine.

To win America needs to wake the F up. We need to stop caring what other countries think about us. The truth is they are not but a few dealing with the war on terror which is a reality they will also pay for one day. We need tolook at this as a war and see it for what it is like other world wars. Americans need to get off their asses and do the right thing for this country and stop being lazy and ignorant. We need to overhaul ever aspect of this Government from the assholes that are running our borders to the people running our schools. Everything in America needs tobe redone and be made sure the people doing their job are actually doing it. The kids may seem smarter today but they are not as smart as many third world countries students. Parents need to get off their asses and make sure their kid is doing their school work instead of getting a peircing or tattoo. Immigration workers need to repay all taxpayers for stealing the money and not doing their job (just count all the illegals you see in one day).

As for the enemies, we need not look at just one country but all countries that support terrorism. These countries need to be taught and put down. Countries like Iraq that supported terrorism and paid people to blow themself up. All Muslim nations need to be kept an eye on. Countries like Iran who is the biggest culprit in the middle east supplying weapons and teaching how to kill Americans and ally forces should be automatically looked upon as war with Iran. I said it a few years ago and I still stand by it today. Nuke Iran off the map. People don't want to accept this but if you don't eliminate an enemy the enemy becomes more powerful and more of a threat. The world only cares about the oil because Iran supplies most of it. This should not be the reason we hold back and if we do we will regret it. I hoestly believe this is really the reason we are in Iraq and it actually makes more sense as a strategy. To win this war on Terror America needs to make an example or a few to wake up the world that their will not be any nation that threatens us or the World. Iran should be the first example for violating agreements and continuing its nuclear program. They need to be held accountable for their support to our enemies. Nuke them and make all the Muslim nations see what they caused. This will end the war on terror completly in one year. It will cause the world to pay attention and it will cause a lot of problems but it will prevent bigger problems in the long run. Yes their will be an oild problem but the world would have to deal with it. Muslim nations will be angered but who cares they want us dead anyway. They are now given the choice to follow rules or die as they deserve if they support terrorism. Other nations may ahte us for it also but who cares they are not helping with this war and take no part other than supplying weapons to the enemy. Any nation that goes against us should be looked at as an enemy. We should no longer support them in world events as we have in the past. Another words if Germany decided to take over Europe again we do not interfere.

This ofcourse will spark lots of outrage but it will wake the world up. America has the technology to win this war and we should use it. Innocent people will die and if they are religous they may go to heaven as I would if I die in an attack. No matter what war is ugly so we should be the ugliest and do what ever is needed to win. As for the innocent in Iran that would be the first target, I look at it as they are dying for a good cause. What's the difference of an innocent person going to the market dying from a sucide bomber? It needs to be done and as soon as possible. The UN is useless and if we do not realize this soon enough Iran will have a nuclear bomb they can strike us with. Takem out now is the only logical answer and what ever resolves in it makes no difference because not doing it will only cause bigger problems in the future. Why wait when the enemy does not have the advantage. America needs to stop flexing and start hitting. The world is against us more and more each day and without action will be a disaster.

This war is is winnable but it takes extreme action against an extreme enemy. Anything less and we will lose more than face. It is this serious of a threat whether anyone wants to face the reality or not. People can hate war all they want but war is a reality and has been for centuries. I am sure the Romans thought they could never fail either. What if they took action before it was to late?

01-13-2007, 04:45 PM
Here's an interesting summation of events and views from this one news reporter ;)

Keith Olbermann (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16583889/)

What's so interesting about that? Another American media source that bases news on opinion rather then mention facts. Do yourself a favor and look at other news sources instead of commericalized news. You may see a more realistic picture. It is these kinds of sources that go against or strategy and make it close to impossible to win. The one thing that moron fails to mention is if Iran or Syria is actually a threat. ANd if so what do you do about it?

Regardless for these people who feel taking no action is better than no action, I refuse to look at these nations as no problem or threat. If any person thinks these nations are not a threat to America or the world for that matter should honestly think twice before considering someone else stupid.

01-13-2007, 05:51 PM
WARNING: You have been deemed an enemy combatant for exercising the repealed 1st Amendment of the Constitution. You will be receiving a visit from the Department of Homeland Security shortly, after which, you will be rushed through a military tribunal and put into a detention center at an undisclosed location for life. It's been nice knowing you :wave:

Don't forget the full body cavity search and siezure of his "medicinal" pot - :D

Die Hard
01-13-2007, 06:00 PM
Sirc for President!

01-13-2007, 07:26 PM
the reason it's unwinnable is because if we ever leave, they will revert back to their barbaric way. If we, leave, they claim they won. They'le go right back to killing each other.

btw, want to defeat terrorism? Start with the Saudis... but Bush administration wont do it, this whole war was crap and lies, it's still crap and lies.

Sadaam and his family is dead, no weapons of mass destruction, job done, ok?

01-13-2007, 07:37 PM
No "facts" and only opinions.......oh really :rolleyes:

01-13-2007, 07:47 PM
Countries like Iraq that supported terrorism and paid people to blow themself up.

Quote of the day. :D

I am sure the Romans thought they could never fail either. What if they took action before it was to late?

The Romans learned that it is not feasible to occupy foreign countries. As did the British Empire. As did Nazi Germany. As did the USSR. They all fell. But hey, we can do it, no problem. :rolleyes:

Learn from history.

01-13-2007, 10:24 PM
Found this quote on the I-net:

"Save the environment...plant a Bush back in Texas":D

Caged Anger
01-13-2007, 11:26 PM
Found this quote on the I-net:

"Save the environment...plant a Bush back in Texas":D
