View Full Version : Laundries?

01-12-2007, 05:58 PM
alright, ive got one question. in many games and movies and serials(like GTA 3 or Fahrenheit or Friends) i saw there is a place where are a lots of washing machines and people are paying for washing their clothes. in front of building is big sign "laundry". and the problem is, i havent seen one in my entire life on my own. becouse here in czech republic everyone has his own washing machine and therefore none laundries are here, and im just wondering if in USA or GB are really laundries in cities or is it just fake?

01-12-2007, 06:04 PM
alright, ive got one question. in many games and movies and serials(like GTA 3 or Fahrenheit or Friends) i saw there is a place where are a lots of washing machines and people are paying for washing their clothes. in front of building is big sign "laundry". and the problem is, i havent seen one in my entire life on my own. becouse here in czech republic everyone has his own washing machine and therefore none laundries are here, and im just wondering if in USA or GB are really laundries in cities or is it just fake?

LOL, yes, there are absolutely places like that here.

Most people that own (or rent) a full home do indeed own washing machines. However, for those that rent an apartment, there isn't always the space. Laundrymats (the place you're referring to) are quite common.

"Laundry" actually refers to the clothes themselves, not the place. Specifically, "laundry" refers to either clothes that you're about to wash/dry, or clothes that you've just washed/dried. For instance, if you had a bunch of clothes that you were going to wash, and someone asked what that was, you'd say "it's my laundry." However, if you had a bunch of clothes that were you weren't above to wash, and someone asked what it was, you wouldn't say "it's my laundry." You'd just call it your "clothes". Somewhat confusing.

There is usually 1 laundrymat in small towns, and many in large towns. Places like New York City probably have hundreds, as you can imagine the hundreds of thousands of people that live in apartments.

Caged Anger
01-12-2007, 06:13 PM
yea, laundromats are an american fixture ;)

between the price of water, electricity, and space, its just more affordable

01-12-2007, 06:24 PM
when i think about it i see laundrymats are only in USA. have you heard about a laundrymat in India or Japan? but it looks like nice thing to me, fortunately i dont have to care about it yet becouse my mom takes care :D

btw how many buck costs some cheap apartment in dangerous neighbourhood? here its about 250$ per month(expensive). im asking becouse i want to see what things are different in USA, and how its costy there

01-12-2007, 06:52 PM
I use a laundrymat every couple of weeks. I don't have one in my one-bedroom condo. I really don't mind not having one. If you have enough clothes you don't have to do them every week. Also at the laundrymat you can do many loads of wash at the same time. Five loads of wash and dry take the same amount of time as one, as you can load them all up at the same time. I usually look like Santa Claus heading in though with my big white douffle bag stuffed to the rim.

Caged Anger
01-12-2007, 09:31 PM
btw how many buck costs some cheap apartment in dangerous neighbourhood? here its about 250$ per month(expensive). im asking becouse i want to see what things are different in USA, and how its costy there

hmm...that is entirely dependent on the city and area of the USA, rather hard to say, but per month I would say thats a bit cheap. However I have no experience with apartment pricing