View Full Version : The Pirate Bay plans to buy island

01-15-2007, 12:57 AM

Posted By: billym <Send>
Date: Saturday, 13 January 2007, 7:43 a.m.

File Sharing Site to Start its own Country
Looks for "Micronation" Outside Jurisdiction of any Country

Here's a weird story about the plans of Piratebay , a file sharing site, to buy its own country outside of the world's copyright laws! Piratebay uses the bittorrent technology to transfer files such as music and movies between users (peers).

The first I remember of file sharing en masse was Napster, which was later shut down and then bought out and changed to a legal system. The early systems had the disadvantage of files or parts of file residing on a central server. The bittorrent program gets around this I think since a particular file is collected only from the computers of other users. The result is the same of course, an illegal copy of a movie or album on "someone's" computer.

The movie and music industries have been apparently unable to face the fact that a "hard copy" (like a plastic DVD) is not as important as it once was and that digital downloading is something that the people want. After all, once I have the digital content I can make my own plastic artifact. Failure to adapt to changing technology is their own fault and thus the rise of bittorrent sites like Piratebay, Minova, BtJunkie and others. The movie companies should have long ago offered some way to download movies for a cheap price. Bittorrent downloads can in some cases take more than a day and many users would happily pay, say, 3 dollars for a straight and legal download that only took 3 or 4 hours, or so it seems to me.

Piratebay has been shut down before, but it is still running strong. Here is the story of their search for their own country where they can trade files unhindered.

The Pirate Bay plans to buy island

Published: 12th January 2007 12:37 CET
Online: http://www.thelocal.se/6076/
Swedish file-sharing website The Pirate Bay is planning to buy its own nation in an attempt to circumvent international copyright laws.

The group has set up a campaign to raise money to buy Sealand, a former British naval platform in the North Sea that has been designated a 'micronation', and claims to be outside the jurisdiction of the UK or any other country.

The Pirate Bay says it is the world's largest 'bit torrent tracker', and is a popular way of sharing music, films, software and other copyrighted material online. It has been under the scrutiny of authorities in Sweden and around the world for some time.

The site was briefly closed down after raids by the Swedish police last May. After initially moving to the Netherlands, the site returned to Sweden in June. Swedish authorities have been put under pressure to do more to stop the site. The Motion Picture Association of America, the Swedish Anti-Piracy Bureau and the US government have all lobbied for The Pirate Bay's closure.

According to a website set up to secure the purchase of Sealand, The Pirate Bay plans to give citizenship of the micronation to anyone willing to put money towards the purchase.

"It should be a great place for everybody, with high-speed Internet access, no copyright laws and VIP accounts to The Pirate Bay," the organisation claims on its website www.buysealand.com .

The "island" of Sealand, seven miles off the coast of southern England, was settled in 1967 by an English major, Paddy Roy Bates. Bates proclaimed Sealand a state, issuing passports and gold and silver Sealand dollars and declaring himself Prince Roy.

When the British Royal Navy tried to evict Prince Roy in 1968, a judge ruled that the platform was outside British territorial waters and therefore beyond government control.

The British government subsequently extended its territorial waters from three to twelve nautical miles from the coast, which would include Sealand, but Prince Roy simultaneously extended Sealand's waters, claimed that this guaranteed Sealand's sovereignty.

The island is now being put up for sale by Prince Roy's son, Prince Michael, who styles himself head of state. A firm of Spanish estate agents has valued the island at £504 million (about 7 billion kronor), although Prince Michael told The Times of London that it is hard to gauge how much it will fetch in reality.

The Pirate Bay says it is looking at alternatives to buying the former naval platform.

"If we do not get enough money required to buy the micronation of Sealand, we will try to buy another small island somwhere and claim it as our own country," the organization says on its website.


01-15-2007, 02:50 AM
The Prince of Pirates! Avast! Interesting, technically the island is a man-made military installation with an area of just about 6000 sq. ft. You'd have to pay me to live there.

Seriously Deadly
01-15-2007, 03:53 AM

01-15-2007, 03:58 AM
Unless you can launch a tactical nuclear air strike from there then what's the point.

01-15-2007, 03:59 AM
Unless you can launch a tactical nuclear air strike from there then what's the point.

lol, true

01-15-2007, 02:36 PM
Unless you can launch a tactical nuclear air strike from there then what's the point.

I actually think that instead of buying Sealand, they might try to buy some island in northern europe because it would be much less expensive. However, then they would have to go through the lengthy process of declaring an island a country and getting official recognition of that status from the rest of the world, since most probably, the island would be declared territory of some neighboring country. I am looking into doing the same thing, except with I'm going to declare a particular coral atoll or atolls my own country, since I wouldn't have to negotiate with another country for it. It would be outside of jurisdiction of any other country with my own laws and own type of government. That is what TPB wants because then, unless someone declares war with their country, they are free from any anti-piracy laws that exist. It's a really interesting idea, if you tihnk about it.

oh, here's what my future country will look like. I'll invite you all to the opening ceremony ^_^


For a decent-sized atoll, it would only cost you around 5-10 million which is a much better deal than the naval platform. Building geodesic domes with reinforced concrete and steel on elevated ground will ensure that bad weather won't hurt the island's infrastructure.

01-15-2007, 03:13 PM
I actually think that instead of buying Sealand, they might try to buy some island in northern europe because it would be much less expensive. However, then they would have to go through the lengthy process of declaring an island a country and getting official recognition of that status from the rest of the world, since most probably, the island would be declared territory of some neighboring country. I am looking into doing the same thing, except with I'm going to declare a particular coral atoll or atolls my own country, since I wouldn't have to negotiate with another country for it. It would be outside of jurisdiction of any other country with my own laws and own type of government. That is what TPB wants because then, unless someone declares war with their country, they are free from any anti-piracy laws that exist. It's a really interesting idea, if you tihnk about it.

oh, here's what my future country will look like. I'll invite you all to the opening ceremony ^_^


For a decent-sized atoll, it would only cost you around 5-10 million which is a much better deal than the naval platform. Building geodesic domes with reinforced concrete and steel on elevated ground will ensure that bad weather won't hurt the island's infrastructure.
Cool. Well whenever you get around to buying that let me know, I'll buy a timeshare from you. :thumbs:

Caged Anger
01-15-2007, 06:57 PM
lol, those guys are crazy and I think they are mildly insane, btu at the same time I want to know where they will get with this...:)

01-15-2007, 07:29 PM
It's not insane, its genius.

Mad Fox
01-15-2007, 08:17 PM
it sounds like it would be alot of fun

Seriously Deadly
01-15-2007, 08:55 PM
I actually think that instead of buying Sealand, they might try to buy some island in northern europe because it would be much less expensive. However, then they would have to go through the lengthy process of declaring an island a country and getting official recognition of that status from the rest of the world, since most probably, the island would be declared territory of some neighboring country. I am looking into doing the same thing, except with I'm going to declare a particular coral atoll or atolls my own country, since I wouldn't have to negotiate with another country for it. It would be outside of jurisdiction of any other country with my own laws and own type of government. That is what TPB wants because then, unless someone declares war with their country, they are free from any anti-piracy laws that exist. It's a really interesting idea, if you tihnk about it.

oh, here's what my future country will look like. I'll invite you all to the opening ceremony ^_^


For a decent-sized atoll, it would only cost you around 5-10 million which is a much better deal than the naval platform. Building geodesic domes with reinforced concrete and steel on elevated ground will ensure that bad weather won't hurt the island's infrastructure.

IF Somebody bought an island like that, how would they get food and supplies? what if they were enemy's with another country, and also, who would you pay for the island? if its not a country why would u need to pay?

01-15-2007, 09:30 PM
IF Somebody bought an island like that, how would they get food and supplies? what if they were enemy's with another country, and also, who would you pay for the island? if its not a country why would u need to pay?

You would get food and supplies initially via boat from the mainland. After a few weeks, you would then grow crops, depending on the climate type, which would help you to becoem self sustainable and in the future, export more than you import (neomercantilism). Most supplies would be available on the island such as timber, water, electricity, etc.

It is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that you would have adversaries as soon as you have established your country because you did nothing to provoke anyone. Islands usualyl don't have oil or anything other countries like to invade you fore so you will be free from invasions. As long as you create a peaceful and upstanding society, you have nothing to worry about. Of course, to further ensure safety, you create your own banking system where the global elites can deposit and withdraw their money, no questions asked about what the money is for. This way, you will be such as many offshore banks operate and gaurentee safety.

You would pay for the island silly. If you do not have the sufficient funds to buy an island, and think you would be abel to just get a massive loan and pay it off in increments, then you should not be looking to buy an island. There is a never-ending list of to-do's and the payments will rack up after time. If an island costs $1,000,000 USD, then you should have double that in order to play it safe. After that, proper negotiation would be requried if you want to make an island your own country. Of course, this is very hard but if you get an experienced lobbyist, it should not be as difficult as it usually is.

01-15-2007, 09:50 PM
I can't imagine this working, honestly. They're gonna get black-listed by the US, almost certainly, and the majority of the world will follow suit, don't you think?

I listened to a podcast of techies today, and most of them said that the internet itself would be an issue. The mentioned that Somolia once wanted to harbor terrorism and the US had their internet shut of like nothing.

If the US is interested enough to actually force a illegal raid of their stuff, isn't the US interested enough to simply make sure that they get cut off?

Frankly the whole thing is a waste of time and resources on all involved. If it's legal over there, then the US should butt out. But obviously the US isn't so I'm sure they're just going to throw millions away chasing them to this island, too.

I'm certainly not claiming that I'm right or anything. Just some simple observations. Feel free to correct anything that's wrong there.

Caged Anger
01-16-2007, 03:26 AM
agreed bob, they won't get anywhere, but its still kind of funny :)

01-16-2007, 03:36 AM
You guys lack assertiveness. Come on, be positive! You can't do anything productive while being negative. ;)

Caged Anger
01-16-2007, 04:27 PM
well with all this global warming those islands wont be here for long;)

LOL! :rofl:

01-16-2007, 04:31 PM
Come on, be positive!

Is that not the pot calling the kettle black.