View Full Version : Snow Day!..

01-16-2007, 06:15 PM
Well my area, the Ludington Area School district closed school for the first time this winter season, because we got dumped with so much lake-effect, one of our schools was actually buried in all the snow. The sun is out now, and hopefully a lot of it will melt away.I left several dots in this thread title because this came only a day after something very serious occured at our secondary school complex, which has the junior high and the high school. One of the junior high students, an 8th grader, 14 years old, brought a loaded revolver with him. The assistant principal, a good friend of mine, found the gun in the kids backpack, and he says the student was cooperative the whole time, and broke down after the discovery. I have no idea why he brought the gun in.The junior high and the high school are connected together, literally. I graduated only last year, but even so it rattled my nerves when I heard the news. Fortunately a potential tragedy was averted. The student is suspended indefinitely, and faces explusion, quite possibly prosecution too. We hear in the news very recently all the school shootings that occur in our country, and incidents of weapons being discovered on students, a lot of us think that it can't happen to us, or that it probably never will. Some of us here were probably thinking the same thing until yesterday. Incidents like this I believe are a wake-up call to all of us, that it could happen anywhere. But the other students at the school did the right thing. When they heard the rumor that one of their classmates brought a loaded gun in, the went right to the staff about it, and my hat's off to them.I am just grateful that the ordeal is over, and no one was harmed or threatened, we don't need any more school shootings in this country.

01-16-2007, 06:42 PM
I heard about the gun incident and was very rattled myself! I was glad to hear that no one was hurt.

I can't believe that Ludington got a snow day! We haven't gotten very much at all over here in Scottville.

What a difference it makes to live just a few miles further from the Lake, I guess.

Death Engineer
01-16-2007, 07:36 PM
The student is suspended indefinitely, and faces explusion...

Exploding the student seems a bit excessive. Will it be a public explosion or private? I guess a public explosion would have more of an effect on others that might be thinking of doing things like this...

01-16-2007, 08:08 PM
CF, Very scary indeed, so glad everything is ok. This kind of thing just makes me sick, I just don't understand kids of today.

01-16-2007, 09:24 PM
Exploding the student seems a bit excessive. Will it be a public explosion or private? I guess a public explosion would have more of an effect on others that might be thinking of doing things like this...
Explosion eh! I'm all ears. :D

Mad Fox
01-16-2007, 09:44 PM
CF, Very scary indeed, so glad everything is ok. This kind of thing just makes me sick, I just don't understand kids of today.

I dare say that children are living in the world that adults created. Children are the product of the world in which they live.

01-16-2007, 10:27 PM
I dare say that children are living in the world that adults created. Children are the product of the world in which they live.
That's really not saying much. You might as well have said we are a product of ourselves since our self is based on our past. We are all a product of the world in a sense, our ancestors merely interpreted the world and what we receive is merely an interpretation of their interpretation.

Simply put, one cannot gather enough concrete evidence to show or tell another person how the world actually works. A little bit of modern philosophy for those who are interested. :)

01-16-2007, 11:51 PM
LOL DE you know what I meant. :D

Expulsion, he faces being expelled. Okay, there, that fixes my grammar. heheheheh

I still cannot help but wonder what triggered the boy to bring the gun in, a magnum by the way, not a standard pistol. I just found out today it was a magnum, but whatever the reason, I am very thankful he was disarmed before he could harm himself or anyone else.

01-17-2007, 03:10 AM
I'm sure the half-retarded soccer moms in the PTA are going to blame music and video games for his psychotic actions and push for a ban on guns...

01-17-2007, 02:22 PM
I'm sure the half-retarded soccer moms in the PTA are going to blame music and video games for his psychotic actions and push for a ban on guns...

Hmmm, you'd probably be surprised. Michigan tends to be fairly pro-gun. We have way too many hunters up here. Even if a group pushed for it, it'd never pass. The population of MI wants guns for their hunting ,and the MI government wants hunting b/c of the massive amount of revenue that it brings in.

However, I definitely hear that you're trying to say and yeah, isn't that stupid?

01-17-2007, 03:30 PM
That's really not saying much. You might as well have said we are a product of ourselves since our self is based on our past. We are all a product of the world in a sense, our ancestors merely interpreted the world and what we receive is merely an interpretation of their interpretation.

Simply put, one cannot gather enough concrete evidence to show or tell another person how the world actually works. A little bit of modern philosophy for those who are interested. :)


Caged Anger
01-17-2007, 03:54 PM
Hmmm, you'd probably be surprised. Michigan tends to be fairly pro-gun. We have way too many hunters up here. Even if a group pushed for it, it'd never pass. The population of MI wants guns for their hunting ,and the MI government wants hunting b/c of the massive amount of revenue that it brings in.

However, I definitely hear that you're trying to say and yeah, isn't that stupid?

Michigan is the last place gun laws would fly. What is it they still have up there Bob? Some kind of malitia....something like that

01-17-2007, 04:31 PM
Michigan is the last place gun laws would fly. What is it they still have up there Bob? Some kind of malitia....something like that

Yeah, the "Michigan Militia" still exists. I really don't know that much about it, as far as what they do and whatnot.

If you're interested, though: http://www.michiganmilitia.com/

01-17-2007, 05:13 PM
Hmm. I did see something about this on 60 mins a few years back, thanks for the like Bob.

How about that Militia Babes 2007 Calendar they have for sale on that site. rofl